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Video: Soldier points gun at famous singer because he wouldn't shake hands


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11 hours ago, Mad mick said:

after 30 years  i certainly understand mate ! no face issue its called (  being embarrassed is loss of face ) he lost it over a handshake what a big man , no one can justify his actions as loss of face or trying to gain face  , no exception embarrassed is loss of face 99% of us don't wave a gun around to gain face , any of us in the military would not wave a gun around " over a handshake in public let alone take one to a concert  " loss of face is a perthitic excuse was an act of terrorism " waving a gun around in any other country u would be shot Dead As Terrorist " that's what he did terrorised a singer over a supposably no handshake , definitely not well trained military personnel thai or other , drop kick him out !! put him in the military prison loss of entitlements that would be loss of face and well deserved ""  if an officer family must of paid money to get him in the military definitely not smart enough to do by merit or by intelligence does not understand right from wrong " cricky thai stars can't advertise having a drink at a bar or where ever , country singer belittled by PM over to many pelvic thrusts at a concert loss of face or being embarrassed "  Really Dumb PM unelected government great promotional advertisement for military coup leaders in power " are here to stay its obvious nothing has changed since ww2 they were always in power ! just propped up the royal family prior well written in history who runs the country , this time after 49 coups " Recently arrested 3 girls for alcohol promotion and put them on tv news loss of face , " this military lunatic walks fn hell, kwailand pm army jaunta , 

I am sorry you took me seriously.  I was being ironic or sarcastic or some other form of humour.  Of course I was not serious,

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