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Trump calls North Korea 'growing direct threat' to most of world


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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

shortened for brevity.....


The solution is for North Korea to come to the negotiation table with America and the South and end the war.  The Korean peninsula becomes denuclearized. America withdraws its troops and pledges not to invade the North and encourages the North to move towards a market economy with financial assistance from both countries. The United Nations sends its inspectors to verify the North is giving up its nuclear program and everyone lives happily ever after.  

                                      I agree, negotiations are what's needed.  For negotiations to work, both sides have to concede certain things.  The US should show it's open to the possibility of making one or more concessions.  For example, quit having military training exercises within spitting distance of the N.Korean border.  Cool heads should prevail.  Trump is a hot head.  He is the opposite of a good deal-maker.   Kim, for his part, knows he has to keep his countrymen continually thinking that invasion is imminent.  It worked for his father and grandfather, so he's keeping the fires of paranoia stoked.  Uncle Sam and Japan, S.Korea, China should acknowledge that, and let the buttplug be a buttplug. But we should not play his game, and be sucked into a shooting war.  


                              If so, best case scenario would be a relatively brief war (N.Koreans don't have enough material to sustain a war for more than about 3 weeks), and US/S.Korea would win.   The re-building would be the largest post-war program since WWII, and guess who would pay for most of it - Yup, American taxpayers.  And it would be much more than infrastructure construction.  Dealing with N.Koreans' psyche damage would be a bigger issue than dealing with E.Germans after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Much bigger.


                           When US marines invaded Okinawa on their way to Japan mainland in WWII, the Okinawan people believed the brainwashing; that US soldiers would eat them alive.  More than a few Okinawans committed suicide rather than be on an island where Americans were bosses.  Some, hiding in caves, even killed their own babies, for fear the babies' crying noise would alert US soldiers of people hiding inside.  Similar spooked group-think pervades N.Korea.   


food for thought: the average N.Korean boy is 9 cm shorter than the average S.Korean boy.  



Edited by boomerangutang
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So we all wait until North Korea sends its second Nuke tipped missile  to some other country, then say what exactly.  Oh  why did the fat crazy guy do that!  At that point folks it will be too late. It does not matter that NK has not yet attacked another country, their war with SK has never officially ended. They are still in war status, with a mentality that the USA is the bad people. I think leader of NK still thinks that China has his back no matter what he does. Crazy times!


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