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  1. my wife was also not interested in the beginning, so I started small, one small inverter and 2 panels. After she saw what the benefits where (monetary wise) she came around and our system is slowly growing. Someone said to me “slowly slowly catch a monkey” 😉
  2. They don't need to be on the roof, for example we have our panels on top of the wall which divides our property
  3. Lifetime of the Panels is +/- 20 years and with the price of the panels going down (and their production capacity GOING UP because of new innovations) the total price will be a lot less then what he has saved on his Electricity Bill Lifetime of the Batteries depends on which kind he has but if he has LFP4 (Lithium iron phosphate battery) then lifetime is around 10 years. And with everything Batteries are evolving very rapidly with the energy transition. So in 10 years time there maybe a new innovation that is a lot cheaper then today (remember PC's or phones and how they evolved price wise? Faster, smaller and less expensive) And as Said electricity Price is only GOING up!
  4. Good question and it hits hard as today was the Funeral of a Friend who died of Cancer. He beat prostate cancer, but he finally lost the fight against Skin Cancer. To answer your question, I will be staying here, as my whole family is also here.
  5. https://www.starlinkhardware.com/more-starlink-mini-details-leaked-12v-and-usb-c-confirmed/ Starlink Mini!
  6. Same here, many friends of ours who are on Holiday in Europe with their Campers have Starlink Roaming, and are very happy with it as well. Initial cost was 349,- EUROS (approx 13.500 THB) and monthly costs of 59 EURO (approx 2300 THB) and if you don't use then you can pause the service (this on a monthly basis)
  7. It stands for Bangkok Bank Limited It's used for their listing at the SET (Stock Exchange Thailand) https://www.set.or.th/en/market/product/stock/quote/BBL/price
  8. Another great one by Gladys Knight and the Pips
  9. @KannikaP That song, got a real boost by being included in a Quentin Tarantino movie Death Proof I should have posted a YT video of the scene where it is used, but it's way to graphic but I think the censors at AN will not appreciate it 55555
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