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About Neeranam

  • Birthday 11/06/1966

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    Hua Hin

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  1. Why would they want it? This is Syrian territory. The international community, with the exception of Israel and the United States, considers the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held by Israel under military occupation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_occupation_of_the_Golan_Heights#:~:text=The Golan Heights are a,by Israel under military occupation.
  2. Well done the UK. More and more countries are starting to see this vile creatures true colours. Labour has announced its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East, dropping its opposition to an international arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu despite pressure from Washington not to do so. https://www.theguardian.com/law/article/2024/jul/26/britain-drops-challenge-icc-arrest-warrants-israeli-leaders-netanyahu-gallant
  3. It is incredible that the rest of the world allow Israel to be there and assume they can CONTROL Gaza. This whole mess is BECAUSE Israel control Gaza. Freedom for Gaza and Palestine! Freedom means self-determination. What other nation would be allowed to do this? Imagine Russia meeting with other countries, planning how to control Ukraine after the war! The US government treat Palestinians as lesser beings.
  4. Jews who suffered discrimination and brutality in certain Arab countries have legitimate claims; all forms of violence are equally unacceptable and must be acknowledged and condemned. At the same time, it must be noted that, contrary to Palestinian refugees, many of whom were expelled or fled in fear, a large percentage of Jews left out of a desire to join their “Eretz Yisrael” (Land of Israel). https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/6/24/the-palestinian-refugees-and-the-monologue-of-the-century
  5. The vast majority of Muslims interpret their faith in a way that emphasizes peace and coexistence. The idea that Muslims preach violence against non-believers is a misconception held by a small minority of extremists. At least we know where you stand. 😞 Violence is sometimes committed in the name of religion, BUT these actions are the result of specific historical and political contexts rather than a reflection of the core teachings of those religions. Only about 15 percent of the estimated 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide are Arab. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/muslims/etc/faqs.html I could quote your holy book saying it tells you to kill unbelievers, there are many ! here's just one. 2 Chronicles 15:13 — King James Version (KJV 1900) 13 That whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. In fact, many Islamic teachings advocate for respect, compassion, and peaceful coexistence. You go back to the 1800s, why not go back to the 1100 when Richard the Lionheart beheaded more than two thousand Muslim prisoners of war from the captured city beheaded in front of the Ayyubid armies of sultan Saladin on 20 August 1191. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_at_Ayyadieh#:~:text=The Massacre of Ayyadieh occurred,Saladin on 20 August 1191. Why do you think Arab countries expelled Jews ?
  6. Antisemites show prejudice against jews or discriminate against them. What makes you think they want to kill Jews? Antisemitism is used by Jews, who are Islamophobic, as a weapon. the blanket assertion by pro-Israel advocates is intended as a political cudgel: weaponizing antisemitism to shield Israel from criticism of its attack on Gaza https://time.com/6977457/weaponizing-antisemitism/ Islamophobia and antisemitism are equal scourges – and the EU is finally recognising that https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/07/islamophobia-antisemitism-eu-anti-muslim-hate-europe
  7. Did you watch the video? The first few seconds tell you that it is NOT pro-Hamas to criticize what the evil government are doing. You are posting lies about the demonstrators being pro-Hamas.
  8. There is nothing idiotic, nor pro Hamas about standing up for what is right. Let a US senator who is not being bought by the Israel lobby, explain. Add on a few more thousand deaths since then.
  9. Do you think this policy is purely based on the Israel lobby in US politics?
  10. Paying 15k a year for an agent to get your visa seems as good as an elite visa.
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