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About pgrahmm

  • Birthday October 11

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    Chiang Mai

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    Chiang Mai

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  1. I'm definitely more country oriented....I was raised in a small community about 15 miles away from a large city & have kept the same pattern ever since.... Usually within a half hour/hour drive to a city.... Close enough for convenience & far enough away to be away from it. ..I generally don't like cities....
  2. I don't see enough clearance to make useful.... I'm not a big proponent of plastic for heavy duty or hazardous applications....
  3. My wife put one out under her car....Only problem came when it was not far enough away from our daytime tethered cat.... The trap caught the rat & the cat....What a huge sound explosion as our cat got half of himself glued to the trap in a confined space under the car & then bolted into his kitty condo.... What a frickin mess trying to free, clean, & calm down a very frightened & not too happy good sized cat....
  4. My wife makes sure I turn the engine off if parked up with a shop or vendor nearby..... It's common courtesy..... You could be choking many people inside shop areas.....Chances are they are running fans trying to move the hot air around which is now being injected with diesel fumes..... You blow out their clientele, possibly taint their product offerings - all in the name of YOUR comfort.... Completely thoughtless & rude - by any standards.... And we wonder where their "smiles" went where Farangs are concerned.....
  5. What makes getting in & out of your car difficult? I've blown up both ankles in 2 different sports requiring over 4 hours of emergency surgery....I was told no more sports & I would always have limp....The first thing I did once I got the thigh high cast off was attempting to THEN running up the hill trails by my neighborhood....Result - played sports another 40 years & no limp....I was told at 22 I had an arthritic spine & curtail all activities....I looked at my Mom in her 50's that did what the Dr's said & she was hobbled by a basically frozen spine = I kept on with my sports.... I've probably outlived all those Dr's & at 6'4" can still touch the floor with the flat of my palms....I walk my dog 4x a day + ride my bicycle most days....76 years old... Man, if you don't have any serious condition get out there, foster, increase & expand your activities.... Get out there and slay your dragons, small ones first & gain the confidence to overcome your doubts...
  6. Just wear your loose fitting pj's with the little rubber duckies all over it.....
  7. It can be done but you have to go to (find) an independent broker..... I tried to restart my AAA coverage = they couldn't but sent me to a local broker....It ended up about $800 to cover my 4Runner....We logged over 5k miles as we RV'd about... I did get an IDP = nobody paid any attention to it, however, it's my understanding that certain states absolutely require it while others do not.... I got it just for backup & will for the next trip too.... I did take a paper copy of my TH auto insurance, so they couldn't claim I was driving uninsured. It wasn't used - but I'll continue to do this as an ounce of prevention....
  8. "Smart Phones" = dumber, programed people.... Starting at preschool levels.... Loss of interpersonal skills, social skills, ingenuity, problem solving, attention spans, actual research abilities, compassion, reality, job skills, responsibilities...... Not good....
  9. Thaiwatsadu has a large selection of ladders....We bought a ladder there due to better quality available for what we needed.....
  10. 1958 Chrys 300D convert (hemi) 1953 Studebaker pick up I hemi'd - weighed in @ 2256 pounds of which 750 was engine - Fast 1964 Chev Malibu SS convert 300hp/327ci 1974 Monte Carlo SS - honorable mention.... After that I switched over to a different trap, 4x4's - horses (and all the crap that comes along with that) - snowmobiles - an Airstream - boat.... Life was simpler without all that stuff....
  11. If you've spent time there it's an easy pass....
  12. Amorn used to have some.... The shop inside Home Pro Mae Hia has some.... Decathlon has some....
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