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About seajae

  • Birthday 06/21/1953

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    Surat Thani

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    Surat Thani

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  1. dont know about pulling a rabbit out of a hat but the dems may pull a hare out of their ar^e
  2. all depends on the masseuse, some are good but many are not, once you find one that actually knows how to do a proper massage its good, I did have a great one but she stopped doing it and the only one I tried after didnt know what she was doing. A good 2 hour massage by a masseuse that knows what they are doing is great, one by someone that doesnt leaves you feeling very uncomfortable.
  3. pheu thai politician, nothing else needs to be said, anything thaksin owns is corrupt, now they need to do mthe same with the boss
  4. the food variances from north to south make a lot of difference, like most countries each region does it their way of cooking. My wife prefers food from the south(where she was born) to the north, she says the north has too much chilli plus uses different ingrediants, central Thailand varies again as well, tourist areas will also cater to the tourist preferences so in Thailand you will always get a lot of variation in your food depending on where you are at the time when you eat.
  5. what seems to be missing in all this is how long have you owned this 500k laptop(plus when released to the market) and what was wrong with it that needed fixing in the first place, the answer to these two questions will go a long way to anyone supporting you. You can have a really expensive laptop/computer but their value drops considerably as they age and they are superceded with technology, their value can halve inside a year and if it was broken the value drops even more(may even make them virtually worthless), so far you have evaded the age and problem it had and they are very important to all this. As someone that has been building computers for over 20 years I know exactly how fast high priced computers/laptops/components drop in value and how something breaking/becoming a problem can render them to the scrap heap if it cannot be replaced especially if they are no longer made.
  6. the US electoral college is the only thing stopping the US becoming like Thailand, it makes everyones vote count not just one party but only idiots/fanatics refuse to accept this fact
  7. I am not a real beer drinker but these days if I do drink beer I prefer an ice cold leo and drink it straight from the bottle so it stays cold & retains the taste, thin glasses full of ice screw up any beer, I will drink all the other beers if no leo but they just dont taste as good to me. Mind you I grew up drinking fosters lager but enjoyed several other aussie beers over the years before giving beer away, its all purely each persons individual preference that dictates what they drink but bottles will always be superior to cans in taste.
  8. "I want Thaksin to remember the protests in the past, where many people sacrificed their freedom and lives for him. Now that he’s back, he’s exploiting everyone who’s been fighting for him for a long time.” Yes now thaksin is back his terrorist group is starting up again, people will remember the burning buildings, the bombings of innocent women & children, the terrorizing of the thai people all for a criminal that used his position to rip off the thai people and make himself rich. and pay these terrorists to support him and to kill people, , all this does is give the army an excuse to once again take to the streets to defend those that do not support the red shirt terrorists, phue thai has a lot to answer for
  9. Once again we see that Thailand is promoting illegal fisheries practices, really have to wonder how much it took to get the minister to approve this, we are going back to the trough for thaksins party, anything is possible with the right amount of money. Thailand fisheries are totally shot, they have stripped the oceans using illegal methods and it is all approved by the same party that did exactly the same last time they were in, they cant keep their snouts out of the trough and screw the people of Thailand. As a keen fisherman I brought all my gear to Thailand with me and have attempted fishing in various places where the water and and conditions looked perfect for fish yet never caught a thing because the fishermen have used small mesh nets to ensure they take everything in the ocean, places that should be teaming with fish are barren due to their practices and we see the govt allowing them to go back to using the tiny mesh to continue doing it after it was stopped by the last govt in the hope of rebuilding fish stocks, the last govt made regulations that outlawed many of the illegal methods, they got rid of many boats and made it harder for them to strip the oceans using their suspect methods, this govt is showing graft is ripe and prime in Thailand especially for those running the country once again.
  10. when I was travelling to Australia over a few years I got a sim card from Amaysim, just had them delivered to an Australian address after putting money into my account, used it for a few years till covid hit, havent been back since but just look around on the internet for deals, their rates were pretty good as I was calling Thailand every night.
  11. shows how corrupt these people are, they should be the ones under investigation for what they have done and are doing plus how much it took for them to actualluy do this. We can only hope that the BS they have used to get this to the constitutional court is finally shown up to be totally wrong and that move forward did not threaten anyone, Thailand will become the laughing stock of the world if they ley this corrupt charge become a reality
  12. we get it as well, we also get them in our coffee machine, go to take a mouthfull of coffee and see heaps of dead ants floating sround the surface, part of living in Thailand, bloody ants everywhere
  13. in other words they do not want to return their big brown envelopes they were given to reach their decision, this is a total farce and the rest of the world knows it, shows how pathetic Thailand really is when they make decisions based purely on how much graft has been used to get the required result, last thing they want is a party that helps the people and dosnt line their own pockets
  14. yes our daughter had to buy the correct hospital clothes for a dictor and have her name sewn on them as well, when she was first accepted into university the local hospital(Surat Thani govt hospital) offered to pay most of the fees as long as she signed a deal to work there for 3 years on completion, all we had to pay were incidentals and accomodation, her aunty(a doctor in Bangkok) did the same deal when she became a doctor several years ago, apparently it is how hospitals get guaranteed doctors for a period of time, her aunty ended up paying the hospital what they put towards her uni fees and she now works in a private hospital. We have since talked to our daughters friend that has been at the same hospital for just over 2 months and she told us she has just been paid for the first time and that the same happened with a couple of other doctors that started around the same time. This shows that what we were told appears to be correct and the govt delays their pay for a period of time for what ever reason, thanks for your replies, some were spot on
  15. Our daughter finally started working at the local hospital last month after becoming a doctor, she was due to be paid at the start of June for her first month of work but has been told she may not be paid for 3 months by the govt. She has also been doing a lot of overtime which the hospital is supposed to pay for seperately but again they have not paid, I know in Australia if people are not paid legal action is taken against the employer but here it appears they can do as they please. My wife has told me the govt can refuse to pay new workers if they want to so was wondering if any other members in here have come across the same thing with their kids as I find it hard to believe govt workers can be ripped off by the employer but being Thailand it doesnt really surprise me, big question is how does the govt expect people to live for 3 months without being paid, I am sure all the govt minister do not go 3 months without pay when they start
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