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About richard_smith237

  • Birthday 11/10/1974

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  1. True, neither is it Iran or Palestine, they won’t chop off his hands !!! 🥸
  2. Or they would have hit the pedestrian. If the pedestrian ran across the road he'd have beat the bike !!!... loads of whatifery.. But... the fact remains the bike was gunning it down the road without any consideration for the safety of others. For some reason some people think Thailand is different and it shouldn't have pedestrian crossings as its lures pedestrians into a false sense of security... How about the Police and legal systems doing a proper job and luring drivers / riders into a genuine sense of road safety and consideration ??? (rhetorical)... All of that said - the guy crossing the road had very little regard for his own safety - as others have pointed out, even when crossing, have yer hid in a swivel... It astonishes me that people will cross a road on a crossing or otherwise without taking far greater caution.
  3. No drink driving laws were introduced for the co<kwombles who think they are they exception...
  4. I’ve often wondered how many motorcyclists are ‘saved’ each day by the avoiding actions of motorists. Its seems a daily occurrence when driving that I have a avoid a motorcyclist either by emergency braking or swerving. - they pull out from a side soi without looking, I have to brake to avoid hitting them. - on the narrow spud they pass oncoming traffic heading straight towards me, I have to brake to allow them space to ‘nip in front of the car they are overtaking’ , or I have to swerve to give them space & avoid clipping them.
  5. Nope... they mean Thai women... Because outside of your world there are perfectly normal mixed relationships between Western Men and Thai Women.... and those women have normal jobs, living normal lives, in normal relationships etc... You'll find this when you venture to 'normal places'...
  6. Did this amulet come fixed the car and clunk-clicked into fitting next to the seat ? 100% avoidable crash - driver was either looking at his phone or fell asleep. RIP to the deceased, but thats surely a 100% avoidable death, the deceased clearly not wearing a seatbelt. This is clearly the 'status' of the Thai mentality towards safety - a completely avoidable death occurs and there is not one mention of 'seatbelts'...
  7. …. it’s called an empty scull…. 💀 … or did you mean the other end of his nose ???? 💩
  8. A lot more ‘new’ members posting daft subjects which appear deliberately placed to trigger a response… Which is exactly what a forum is for, though I’m left cynical of the source poster, as are many others when I read the response, it seems… i.e. Posted by JIM288 (2 posts to his name) “I just moved here & met a girl in a bar in her first night, she note wants to move in with me…… “
  9. Unless they get tricked into going into one of those ‘girl bars’… & are forced to buy the girl a drink at an extortionate rate & don’t want to pay it !!! & on the hot n humid subject - Japan in the summer is no fun !!!
  10. I know you specifically mentioned MP3 player, but is there any reason you don’t want to use Spotify or Tidal on your smartphone ??? Latest recommendations here: https://www.techradar.com/news/best-mp3-players-techradars-guide-to-the-best-portable-music-players
  11. That sounds about right. The insurance can then ‘go after him’ and file charges to recover the costs of paying out for other vehicles as he was driving illegally.
  12. I'm one of those idiots... I came out here for work... made lots of friends, ended up staying... Worked in the the UK for a couple of years, but the all year round humidity and heat here is better than half a year horrible miserable wet and dingy cold and damp in the UK. The issue I have here is with the humidity... In the Summer months in the UK its great to be outside... BBQ's, working in the garden, working on a car or motorcycle etc... ... Here in Thailand I change the battery on my Motorcycle and I'm drenched wet through in sweat and exhausted after 20 mins !!!... ... Here in Thailand, I stand outside for a BBQ and want to be in AC, so consequenctly I hardly BBQ... ... Here in Thailand the workmen are so rubbish I renovated the shelves in the Bathroom myself, paintstripping them, sanding them down, keying them, base layer, over coats... It was exhausting work which in the UK I wouldn't have battered an eye at. The humidity here is just draining, yes, I chose to live here, but that does not mean all aspects of Thailand are wonderful - there are plenty of pro's and a number of cons... the humidity is something I get fed up of.
  13. Ok - someone’s confused - maybe you were smoking the 2% stuff !!! The articles quote two different THC strengths…. Or maybe I’m missing something there…. ?
  14. What a stupid place to put a house…. Within 500m of a road…. …. I mean, what were they thinking ? Haven’t the house owners ever seen the driving here ???? 🤔
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