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About Tingnongnoi

  • Birthday 03/05/1967

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  1. Wasn't an issue at all, at Chaeng Wattana said so long as the money was under, but inside a one day period it was ok
  2. I did single entry in Savannakhet in May and still no need to prove financials then
  3. What are the requirements for applying for 60 day extension of 90 day Non-O visa based on marriage, are they the same paperwork as for a one year extention, with photos and also does wife need to attend as well same as for one year extension?
  4. can I ask what immigration office this was?
  5. Thanks for your help and all the replies, I should be OK I think
  6. was the other account another Thai account?
  7. no im just currently coming up to two months on original 90 days, so would be first time doing 60 days. Do you need the same paperwork to extend for 60 days as you would for yearly?
  8. yes both accounts are mine, I usually transfer 30k from one to other to use for everyday expenses as soon as my wages go in, stupidly didn't check after received wage slip that had gone into account. So I can extend for 60 days at Chaeng Wattana, and then extend that for the rest of a year?
  9. yes based on marriage and will apply at Chaeng Wattana
  10. I am soon about to put in application to extend Non-O , ive had over 400,000 in bank for over two months, but earlier today transfered out to another avcount I have here some and went down to 384,000, transferred back straight away as soon as realized mistake but it was under 400k for about 5 minutes, will there be any lenience on that or am I doomed to have to do another visa run due to my own stupidity?
  11. anyone have any recent experience of applying for a single entry 90 day NON-O there, do they ask for the 400,000 for that aswell or still not needed?
  12. thanks for the replies
  13. yes 90 days I meant 😀
  14. Has anyone any recent experience of gettin g a 30 day NON O by way of marriage in Vietnam, Ho Chi MInh or Hanoi and any issues likely to face?
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