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Jingthing last won the day on February 19

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    None of your beeswax

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  1. The guy now running SS has announced that the DOGE boys don't know anything about how SS actually works so that inevitably big mistakes will be made as normal processes for changes are out the window. So anything can happen. Be prepared. This reminds me yet again of the Maoist cultural revolution where young ideologues replaced people that actually had expertise. Smash it all! Oh boy. It's maga-rific.
  2. Bull. The point is mass deportations would drive up housing costs. Yes or no? Obviously yes.
  3. Even the right wing New York Post gets it, dude. How Trump’s plan for mass deportations could affect home prices
  4. I'm sure they're afraid now to be there Duh!
  5. Ever been to a Home Depot parking lot?
  6. In any case, if Trump has scared off new illegal migration, I'm fine with that. but as said he's been a nothingburger on deportation numbers. The vast majority of Americans do want undocumented serious criminals deported. Get on with it but go lighter on people who are contributing. Many of those will also be deported but no rational reason to go overboard.
  7. I have heard both Sachs and Mearsheimer many many times. Heard and rejected their narratives.
  8. Kick too many out and housing costs will go even higher. Who do you think does most of the building trade jobs!?!
  9. That's true. Trump has been incompetent on that. Nothing to do with the stupid massively more expensive military plan option.
  10. Seems doubtful. Doge does nothing to stop Musk's business corruption or stunts like Trump driving around the Daytona track wasting millions of dollars on nothing. I'm actually surprised that they're stopping the massively overpriced military plane fascism theater. It's not about stopping deportations. It's only about stopping that stupid transport method.
  11. Decent Americans want comprehensive immigration reform where productive undocumented migrants have a path towards being legal, etc. Republicans only want an endless political issue to run on.
  12. He behaves exactly as an actual Kremlin asset would behave. Americans -- we're f-ed!
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