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  1. It is not exactly a "what if" question it is a simple question if the existing 50.000 Baht LTR visa will shelter unremitted income no matter what (royal degree). Further more it is maybe the most important point of the LTR visa for most people. BOI could also answer "we do not know" which would imply there is a real risk. BTW they already answered the question for remitted incomeso it is not that they are not answering what you called a "what if" question. That they are not answering the question about unremitted income (so far) shows already that the risk is very real. Frankly I do not fully understand your post as I read into your kind answer that you do not really care if you are taxed to the hilt with 35%! on capital gains or not at all come 2025. This tax change amounts to a MINIMUM tax of about 25.000K USD p.a. in case you only have the minimum 80K USD for passive income for LTR and stay 179 days plus in TH. But maybe I am misinterpreting your post or I am overlooking something.
  2. BOI is not answering my email about tax exemption of unremitted income in 2025. So I guess there will be no gurantee that unremitted income will be tax free if ww taxation comes into existence. I would highly appreciate it if others were to ask BOI about tax exemption of unremitted income for LTR visa holders.
  3. Do you really need a specific reasons to not trust an autocratic regime with an instable banking system? Ok here you go: https://countryeconomy.com/ratings/cambodia Nothing against cambodia and putting 5K in a bank there but that would be the maximum for any prudent person. If a developed country like malaysia imposed capital controls you can imagine what could happen in Cambodia.
  4. We are talking about Guatemala, North Macedonia, Cambodia, Armenia etc those are the kind of countries that have not signed up to CRS/FATCA yet. I would rather pay taxes in Thailand then bank in Cambodia. I am talking banking and brokerage of course. Brokerage is usually non existing in those countries. BTW: Germany is a great country to bank, but a hellhole if you are a tax resident in Germany.
  5. Then name a respectable country where I would like to bank that will not report a 2025 account. For Thais there was no tax to be paid on offshore accounts cap gains and interest in the past anyway. So come again what is ML talking about?
  6. There is a long discussion in the LTR Visa thread if the LTR visa will really be tax exempt, if they introduce ww taxation as only remitted income is tax exempt by the royal degree. I have written several emails to BOI and so far I have not received a clear statement if non remitted income will also be tax exempt. If you want to remit every penny the LTR may be fine. If you keep the main part your money offshore (as every responsible investor would do, flag theories etc) it is unclear if TH will tax. Obviously the LTR visa would be the preferred solution if it really were tax exempt for anyone with 80K passive income per year.
  7. Thx for your post! I think for the remittance part the accounting method is not yet decided or even though about by TRD. I highly doubt there will be any clarification let alone a crystal clear one. The only crystal clear solution would be to postpone or scrap the new directive.
  8. This would more or less end the discussion I agree. TBH I have no idea how this ww taxation will play out. I do however think the yellow shirts will come to the rescue. Long live the king!
  9. I would like to compare the scenario to the explosion of a nuclear power plant, while the likelihood is very very low if it explodes the consequences are catastrophic for some. If you have high cap gains the difference in tax payment is so huge that you have to be prepared. I agree with you however that the likelyhood of a worst case scenario taxwise in TH is low IMHO 10-20%.
  10. It was pointed out that in the US one can self assess (Amazing to me as it is well defined in Germany what method has to be used ;-)) . It was also mentioned some hundred pages ago that in a different context (I think gifts) one could self determine the accounting method in Thailand. So again this topic is wide open if and which method could be used.
  11. No one selected you (or me) to be the arbiter of anything or declare something argumentative. There are 2 different views in existence on remittance and you claim that the later one is correct (no connection to TRD as I am aware of) and the former from Sherrings wrong. Sherrings has actually spoken with TRD. Apparently there are quite a number of participants here who believe either view is possible or have different view which version is correct. However ML is the only one in this forum who is 100% sure about what is right and what is wrong.
  12. There is a genuine misunderstanding here. You are talking about FIFO for the calculation of the gain in the shares. I am talking about what part of my proceeds are remitted to Thailand. If FIFO for the remittance is used the first monies that are remitted is my principal as it was first existent.
  13. There was no one from TRD in that video you linked. Your tone is simply not acceptable for a member of this forum.
  14. I was referring to Mike Lister that he is ignoring the statement from TRD not you, my apologies if I was unclear.
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