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  1. Went to the Hilton in Phattya yesterday for my 77 th birthday for lunch for 4 my shout. The place was 20% full which made it a pleasant lunch hour for us not good for the hotel. Bill came to 3200 Bhat = 3 bottles of water and a dry martin for me. They gave me a nice small birthday cake free which we all eat while seated. Maybe the price puts most off and as I looked out of the window to the distance only see 4 sea parachutes while in the old days they would have been even in low season 25 flying
  2. Does that mean my HP Sauce? will go up in price 😞
  3. Glad to get the conversation going I am a New Zealander, so it does not bother me what they do with the U.K. government pensions.
  4. This from today the Fabulous Phattaya Media Group Edited just now by whiteman
  5. I hear that they are now x referencing your so-called U.K. living addressers with passport control so that they can see when you leave the country and how long you are out to see if you are claiming the cpi increasers on your government super. Big brother is now watching you and if you are fiddling the system be warned. Penalties spoken about are stopping pensions until cpi arrears are fully paid back over all the years claimed.\ This from today the Fabulous Phattaya Media Group
  6. To build a canal without British consent is the way to go after you got their consent and not allow the Chinese's anywhere near it.
  7. brought a big lump sum in when I got 21.9 bhat to the nz $ too late to do anything now just hang on in their guy's new year's present for some.
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