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  1. Irrevalant in which country you reside, I'd be willing to bet the system is not wired as per regs let alone have ever had an impedance test done to determine correct circuit breakers. Or for that matter the elcb tested for correct trip time or whether it trips at all at a 30mA level on the zero and the 180 degree mark. Ground mass resistance is no match for low impedance of a copper earth return cable. Last time i looked, majority of Thailand is MEN. In fact have never come across any others in over 10 years. For the benefit of all who think by jamming a steel rod in the ground is a good move, take a GOOD look at the video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN7s4ge1FoQ
  2. Taped up joint in submersible cable is a no-no. Willing to bet converted from 3 conductors to 2 while they were at it. "safety flip flops" and electric...no match.
  3. When it comes to anything mains related, it's not YOU the authorities are concerned about so much as OTHER PEOPLE.
  4. Probably work ok BUT...... in many countries the AC type safety switches have been banned from new installs since 2023. This has been shown before on a couple of occasions. https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/news-and-events/newsletters/esafe-newsletters/esafe-editions/esafe-electrical/2023-newsletters/february-2023/type-ac-rcds-banned-from-30-april-2023 https://www.reddit.com/r/AusRenovation/comments/12iahow/check_with_your_electrician_in_3_weeks_type_ac/?rdt=61202
  5. Definitely NOT. The ONLY alternative AND it must be the associated circuit neutral. Again...definitely NOT. There is basically nothing "wrong" with your install as you seem to imply, simply "loop at the light" wiring arrangement which is normal. There is also loop at the switch system but many cables must pass down the wall and be terminated in the switch box which is why the former is sometimes preferred especially when solid block wall and conduit is in use. Many "smart" switches do NOT require a neutral and it might be your best shot to look for those instead. Instructions to provide a neutral at certain switches have gone unheeded, obviously you were not there at the time to make sure it was done, so bad move on your part. First rule of any work being done in LOS, be there, make sure yourself.
  6. Yobbo full of piss and bad manners...arrest, fine and then on the next flight out of the country with a ban on returning. Thailand does not need these people.
  7. If the safety cut is wired correctly and it is in working order, you should NEVER feel any leakage current. Show details of your installation, as much as possible. Any "local grounding rod" is essentially a waste of time in any MEN system.
  8. A safety cut used as a mains isolator in a weatherproof enclosure on a pole, right where the mains enter the property would also be a good move. Cables on the ground never a good idea.
  9. Nice....after all that rant and rave , a lot like the pot calling the kettle black don't you think? You really need to get a life.
  10. It's not the tube that is live and neutral ended, it is the fitting into which it is being installed. Same outcome though but I fail to see how throwing the so-called isolator bung away during installation would help if one were to remove and replace the same tube for any reason. Same procedure should apply as with ALL mains work, test for live. (Crossy picked up on that above.)
  11. There was talk in the media a few months back where airlines were considering removing the "recliner " seats or at least disabling that feature. Sooner the better I say.
  12. digital one from China by any chance?? PEA meter would be checked and stamped for accuracy. Your would have been lucky to be subjected to quality control of the outer case at best. Use an old WF or Email disc meter for checking.....we used to buy them new for around AUD$150.00.
  13. Possibly....however the meter I referred to was the old WF inductive disc meter so visible reading a necessity.
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