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Old Croc

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  1. Come on, you're Marge aren't you? Why are there so many unhealthy people in the red states where death tolls were highest?
  2. I thought you were on the Orange one's side!
  3. Who's spouting the garbage, The Lancet, possibly the world's leading science and health journal, or Forbes a proven right-wing bias publication, myself who did the quotation, or little MAGA Susi?
  4. The vice president debates are probably more important. They will inherit the position when the elected guy dies or is declared unable to continue for health or cognitive reasons.
  5. Trump’s Policies Resulted In The Unnecessary Deaths Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans: Lancet Report (forbes.com) You think because he is now old, he won't kill again and can again be President? He's stated he's all about revenge on his perceived enemies in politics, law enforcement and justice. He's after immunity to kill again.
  6. I was prepared to wait and see if I developed any symptoms as I thought I may have been concerned for no reason. It was a little embarrassing when the wounds were cleaned, and the punctures appeared a little jagged rather than how a bite would be. They were possibly caused by a stick or similar, rather than fangs. I had decided better safe than sorry. I was monitored by several doctors and had no complaints about the treatment.
  7. Last year I thought I may have been snake bitten. I was riding an electric bike around the dam at night and felt a sharp pain on my calf. Found two bloody puncture marks and decided better to check at the local hospital. Sat in ER for some time, no blood tests were taken. It was just a wait and see. After some time, I realized there wasn't a problem and sheepishly apologized for wasting their time.
  8. I don't know any more than that, I've never met the guy myself. Many of the older locals tend to try ancient remedies before going to doctors.
  9. Have since found out a relative of the wife had his lower leg amputated following a bite.
  10. I'd rather find that Python than this much smaller snake a couple of feet from the door. The wife nearly stepped on it in the dark. Malayan Pit Viper
  11. Near Phuket's "Fight and Fitness" street! The thief is shirtless, shorn and wearing sneakers. Possibly out for a run, got tired and needed a ride back to his gym. I would start by checking all the Muay Thai and similar premises down that street.
  12. "In recent years the role of churches as sanctuaries and asylums for people fleeing law enforcement has entered the spotlight. People facing deportation for immigration law violations have sometimes turned to churches in hopes that a church’s sanctuary status will protect them from immigration enforcement. Churches that provide sanctuary to fugitives should take a moment to understand the limits upon a church’s ability to prevent law enforcement from arresting someone on church grounds, as well as the potential legal liability to the church, its employees, and its volunteers. A church is not a valid sanctuary against arrest" www.churchlawcenter.com I was once seeking a particularly odious character who was hiding in a house of worship. I was refused entry by the Imam. I was prepared to proceed, but people way above my pay grade demurred.
  13. I think you'll find overstayers avoiding authority wouldn't complete such reports. Which proves the point that they are useless for the function Immigration purports them to have.
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