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  1. "good" idea ... would "save" me some 6.000 $ per annum, but prices of health insurance is another discussion.
  2. let my try to understand your statement, that seems a free wording of the common Russian Narrative that formerly occupied USSR states are Russian because Russia decided to give them their independence back. So, if I understand you correctly, in your opinion: similarly Europe was at fault for starting the Third Reich's aggression, and Taiwan, as-if-and-when-may-He-above-forbid, will be at fault for being an independent Nation.
  3. Agree, IMHO Unlikely to be a spontaneous decision. Surely there have been earlier misunderstandings. Reminds me of an occasion where I was waiting for food to be cooked. There were four orders ahead of me, and one order after mine. After a few minutes number 6 in line started screaming <Where is my Food> <I come here all the time> <Why is my food not ready>.
  4. many years ago I was flown to Europe, as I was bedridden, for treatment, c.q. operation. flew on commercial flight, was carried on and off by airport staff, including at a stopover and change of planes. (only time I entered the plane on the lift of a catering truck 555) One accompanying person sat somewhere nearby. Stretcher occupied 6 or 8 seats, do not remember. That was at the time charged as 7 (or 9) seats plus ground transport-ambulance , not hundreds of thousands. Having said that, I did not need a drip or other medical care during the flight. Just a double vodka and a sleeping pill .
  5. Some companies use wording meaning : alcohol level above the level allowed for driving. car, moreover, self inflicted injuries and negligence would be excluded.
  6. Financials of WRLife LLP, that holds the Insurance Licences, are Public Information. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/OC401682/filing-history that is better than some much larger Companies that register with Non-public registrars off-shore. in 2021 there was reported revenue of 990.000 GBP. also, some interesting movements 300.000 in/out (looks like balance sheet extension to me.) The Company seems to have gotten some traction in revenue in 2021. The business model is good, but to create credibility is a challenge when fighting for your place in a market dominated by companies with very large customer bases, known brands, deep pockets, and large reserves) ( WRLIFE PARTICIPATIVE LTD seems to be holder of agent/broker licenses only)
  7. Moreover, the Xiaomi does not have the annoying and distracting live-screen. We fixed them behind the mirror to the windscreen, and almost invisible. Read from mobile phone.
  8. I would think that allowing access to the account with a Power of Attorney were the easier way. Anyone asked their bank whether this is possible?
  9. When I bailed out a friend, I had to hurry because the office processing the cash payment and related documents closes at 5.00 p.m., but then again, that was not in the Capital.
  10. posted here on April 2, early morning, so it happened on April First, didn't it ? it is an April-Fool's post, isn't it ?
  11. ... Run ... bit cynical but this could happen: a) no title deed: no rights. b) 5 % shareholding in a company that likely will make a loss in year 2 : no value as the real estate is squatter occupied apartment units. (liquidation value say 60 % of construction cost of say 10.000 / sqm.) c) if company incurs debt, the 5% will be holding a share in the debt, but it is a limited company so no regress on the shareholder, hence you would not have to repay the company's debts, but will be expelled once the company bankrupts. However, you can then bid at auction on the development, as there are no separate title deeds and, thus, the property will be offered as one lot. ... faster ....
  12. probably in jail or dead. re: your claim that pictures are fake : I see the same building from different angles. Kindly provide credible references supporting your claim that the pictures are fake.
  13. Not funny, during a previous Rouble collapse, I have seen cleaners washing such bank notes so they could afford to buy food.
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