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  1. Unless there is a teleprompter there to remind him to say "hello" he will be lost
  2. So what happens when he fails his mental health evaluation?
  3. A couple seemed to have missed their turn having already paid their 1/5 portion.
  4. I do not agree at all. Centrist voters would flock to a Dem nominee like Ms Whitmer. She has championed Choice and has no baggage to turn off lefties. Personally I think she would crush Trump.
  5. UK & Aus have forever been the Yanks most reliable poodles [see: Iraq War - imaginary WMD].
  6. Might be enough time to take the BTS down to Nana for a lap dance or two then back to DM. As for the timing, makes one wonder whether the Biden administration was concerned that the inevitable Labour win July 4 in the UK could end this travesty.
  7. Can't have that. Same as in USA. Nothing but bickering and pointing fingers when all they would have to do to stop it is lay criminal charges against employers. Thing is many of them are political donors so can not have that. Both places are extremely corrupt
  8. More American ignorance. The German economy has been hammered since Biden ordered the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline. Conversely and not coincidentally American Big Oil has been making a killing sending oil and gas to Europe to make up for the cut of supplies from Russia. The environmental president, Biden, has been in office for the highest production of oil in the USA ever. You won't hear him say drill baby drill because he only does that behind closed doors with Big Oil CEOs. The social democrat lead governing coalition in Germany is getting hammered in the polls. SDP is currently running third and will be demolished next election just as they were in the recently held EU elections. I suggest you turn off CNN, MSNBC, FOX News then cancel your subscriptions to propaganda publications like the New York Times and Washington Post. Then go to YouTube and type in Jeffrey Sachs and\or John Meirsheimer and learn what's really going on in the world. Little wonder W Bush got away with the WMD in Iraq charade.
  9. As long as the neocons in the Biden administration are calling the shots peace in Ukraine his impossible.
  10. There are some powerful people in this country that do not want a full democracy in Thailand.
  11. My response was to a post about people with no passports or records. Seems you have yourself confused.
  12. To an extent they are with the result of eight gun murders in the city of nearly 10m. That's a low weekend in Chicago we're banned guns are brought in from neighbouring yahoo states.
  13. Well I live in a country, Canada, that curtailed the money overnight with signing of a single law so not sure how I'm being naïve. Unless you are saying that the whole political system in the USA is so corrupt it would be naïve to expect better. on that you might be correct
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