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  1. DOJ and intelligence agencies are not the same. If you don't understand this, then you shouldn't be posting about politics until you brush up on civics. Or was this just another red herring?
  2. NOW you're just plain trolling. It's been pointed out again and again Biden and DOJ are completely separate. Biden does not direct their actions.
  3. Let’s have your evidence that Biden had any part in the prosecution of Convicted Felon Trump. No evidence available cuz it didn't happen. Those are facts.
  4. More blah blah blah. I can whip up as many polls that counter yours If I want, but it's a waste of time. November is the only important poll.
  5. You are confusing facts to fit your warped narrative, classic red herring. Yes, Biden reportedly showered with his daughter which I personally find wildly inappropriate. Yes, the convicted felon has said dozens of times he plans to use the government to target political enemies. The two have NOTHING to do with each other. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/
  6. No, those are just lies to deflect from the convicted felon whole INTENTIONALLY stole dozens and dozens of boxes of highly classified documents then tried to cover up. We don't know why the convicted felon did this yet, but it is clear that he does everything with transactional motives. To say he was planning to sell them would not be a stretch of the imagination.
  7. Yeah, and Hillary was odds on favorite to beat the guy before he was a convicted felon. Polls don't mean a thing until November.
  8. I wish to GAWD you people would stop referring to "Biden's DOJ." It is not his, it is an autonomous body. You are confusing this with the convicted criminal's intent to weaponize the DOJ to attack his personal enemies. He has stated this again and again. Please try to keep the facts straight.
  9. Just like all your other posts, utter nonsense. There is not one word of a sentence being stayed. Nice try. https://ypdcrime.com/penal.law/article460.php
  10. There are too may eyes watching from around the world. He MUST be treated fairly or the judicial system is a joke.
  11. This is in New York. Completely different ball game, NOT your personal experience.
  12. From your link: "The pre-sentence interview is a chance for the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment." I think the convicted felon/former president is starting off on the wrong foot here. In the public rant shortly after his verdict, he berated the judge, Michael Cohen (news flash - he's still under the gag order and this was ANOTHER violation), the entire "corrupt" judicial system, and so on ad nauseum. Regret and contrition are not part of his makeup, only cheap orange spray tan. And people WANT this disgraceful excuse for human flesh to represent the US?!? What the hell is WRONG with them?
  13. It was NOT just "a white collar paperwork crime." It was a coverup of election fraud. It was a criminal conspiracy. Nixon new he was going to go to prison for the same thing without a pardon. Please try and keep up.
  14. Yes, that is part of the probation process. The probation officer will ALSO have to take into account ALL his pending trials as well as his prior civil lawsuits. If it were ANYONE ELSE, they would have been locked away a long time ago. And the convicted felon whines and cries about the "two tier justice system." PLEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!
  15. As well, he can no longer have a real estate license in New York. How can anyone actually want this reprobate representing the US?!?
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