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  1. For those people who want the shots that is. The study below addresses "vaccine hesitancy" among health care workers in Poland. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Level and COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters among Healthcare Workers with the Highest SARS-CoV-2 Infection Risk—Follow Up Study Lorent et.al, Vaccines Journal, April 29, 2024 https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/12/5/475/pdf?version=1714393067 "Our study found that 42% of the HCWs (Health Care Workers) were hesitant about the second booster dose, while 7% reported no intent to get vaccinated with any additional doses. As reasons for not vaccinating, participants most frequently highlighted lack of time, negative experiences with previous vaccinations, and immunity conferred by past infections."
  2. I think Britain should mobilize along with France and immediately send the majority of their military forces to the front lines in Ukraine in order to accomplish what neither Napoleon Bonaparte or Germany could accomplish in the past. Their generals could drop off the 3 billion quid with Zelensky as they pass through Kiev where the money will no doubt be funneled directly into paying the salaries of brave Ukrainian volunteer soldiers fighting on the front for liberty and democracy. Britain and France are the greatest fighting forces in the West. So go show those ill-equipped, low-morale Ruskie conscripts fighting with 50 year old, rusting Soviet equipment which barely function by using IC chips from washing machines a thing or two! Brave French and British patriots with the most modern and expensive Western military hardware in the world advancing shoulder-to-shoulder across the Novorossiya steppes will scare Ivan right back to the Urals and will bring Western "freedom, democracy, and a rules-based international order" to those backward Cossack once and for all. Grrrr - go get them boys! In the meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu who has consistently referred to Russian military tactics in Ukraine as "active defense" is now referring to military operations as "offensive." Not that words matter to backward, borsch-eating Russians. Highly trained French and British troops would cut through Ruskie lines like a hot-knife through butter. It would be even better if their forces were led by Macron and Sunak backed by defense ministers Sébastien Lecornu and David Cameron, all mounted on horse-back, swords in hands and waving the French Tri-color and British Union-Jack from the highest hill, urging their brave, shining troops forward to put an end to "Russian aggression" once and for all. What a magnificent sight that would be!!! Ivan would drop his rusty, malfunctioning Kalashnikov and high-tail it back to Lake Baikal at that sight for sure! So "come on" France and Britain. Mobilize Now! Get to the Ukie Eastern Front ASAP and stop Ivan in his tracks! You can do it!
  3. In England Conservative / Labor Flip the coin and put the party who shows up on top into power. However? It's the same coin. Ditto in the US Democrat / Republican Flip the coin and put the party who shows up on top into power. However? It's the same coin. Flip the coin regularly and your country is called "A Democracy."
  4. That's nothing that a little bit of stimulant like Ritalin wouldn't clear right up. Just need a diagnosis and a prescription (wink wink)
  5. This is why pharmaceutical companies require a tight-knit "public-private partnership" with governments where the government promises to purchase billions of dollars worth of "vaccines" and then forcefully mandate that their citizen take the "vaccines" after which the pharmaceuticals funnel some of the profits to individual government members in the form of "campaign contributions" (wink wink) and guarantees of board memberships and life-time jobs as rewards for their exemplary government service in support of their collective efforts to save the planet from novel viruses which their "vaccine" wasn't effective at stopping the transmission. So, what Moderna needs now is for the government to declare another pandemic so Moderna can get the ball rolling on "saving humanity" once again - $$$ Cha-Ching $$$ I can't wait until they actually find a cure for cancer or Alzheimer's or other dreaded diseases. Then the profits will be funneled to individual government members in the form of "campaign contributions" (wink wink) and guarantees of board memberships and life-time jobs as rewards for their exemplary government service in support of their collective efforts to not interfere with the pharmaceutical companies price-gouging and over-charging by a few million dollars per treatment (if not per shot) and therefore separating society into "the wealthy who are clean and worthy to be saved" and "the poor commoners who are dirty and worthless and should be left to die." And then? Another Pandemic!!! Free Shots For All At The Government's Expense - and on, and on, and on.....
  6. First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Probe all they wish, but when they begin passing laws to directly or indirectly "abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press" and "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" (protest) they'll be shot down in short order in federal courts. Right now the Uni-Party, i.e., Congress, with the exception of a handful of legislators not bought and paid for by billionaires mega-donors and lobbies who are anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim and pro-war, are in the process of doing just that. Attempting to make excuses to eviscerate the Constitution. And they are saying it: "We can't allow this speech or that speech, or speech against this group whom we support or that group whom we support. Of course - they are paid to protect those whom their donors expect to be protected and shut down the speech by those their donors do not like. That's not how the Constitution was framed. They are going after "protected speech" and it will get shot down in Federal courts (as it should), and barring that the SCOTUS. I know there are people, including US legislators and US citizens who wish to live under totalitarian control - and call it "democracy" - but as long as the SCOTUS functions that isn't going to happen. Keep an eye on this thread as you'll see those people who wish to destroy the Constitution say so right here. They'll start out with: "Freedom of speech is not absolute!!!" Yes - it is. Except in a very, extremely limited set of circumstances, and most of those have already been established in Constitutional Law via precedent. And the recent arrests on US university campuses are going to create a plethora of new cases, as well as laws moving through Congress to "abridge the freedom of speech" which are supported by both Democrats and Republicans. I never thought I'd see the day - but here it is. You say you don't like US Constitutional "protected speech?" Then move to the UK or the EU and ask for asylum based on being terminally offended by "hate speech" or "political speech" which IS "protected speech" under the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The watchers of MSM cable news whether on the Left or Right will be holding hands as they board the first planes back to the England to swear fidelity to King Charles if he promises to protect them from the scourge of the First Amendment and unrestrained "Free Speech."
  7. Does Urai have a black belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu?
  8. Are the Gore's, Obama's, and Biden's ocean-front properties flooded yet by the "melting glaciers?" No. Didn't think so. "But but but - Asia!!! Asia is under water!!!" What? Now we're suppose to believe that the world is tilted and the melting glaciers are flooding Asia but not the East Coast of America? Ok - whatever. To paraphrase PT Barnum, "There is a sucker in every crowd."
  9. Ditto. I love this. The "vaccine" that doesn't stop transmission is affecting global public health. "But it will keep you from getting hospitalized." Bunk - I never got the shots and Covid was a 4 day mild flu. If the "vaccine" was actually a "sterilizing vaccine" that stopped transmission there wouldn't be vaccine hesitancy. Instead, people take the shots and get Covid once, then maybe get it again, and then are told - "See, it kept you out of the hospital." What utterly flawed logic. They started off in 2020 and 2021 by having world leaders tell the population that "If you get the shots you won't get Covid." So people took the shot and -- got Covid. So now there are a lot of people who feel they have been lied to. And rightly so. To the Op. When they develop a sterilizing Covid vaccination (or sterilizing flu vaccination) that has long-term safety testing and is proven to stop transmission - I'll be first in line to take it.
  10. But you already do. You pay 7% VAT on all sales and if you have a saving account the Thai government automatically extracts 15% of your earned interest. So - you already are paying taxes in Thailand. You may not pay "income taxes" but you do pay taxes.
  11. Unfortunately if you read the US-Thai Dual-Tax Treaty it's based on how residency is interpreted. Well, except for Social Security which is only taxable by the US <period>. I wrote about it and included the DTA earlier in this thread. There are cases when Thailand gets first shot at taxing your US earned pension, as suckola as that may be. The easier method to bypass this madness is, imho, not to transfer any more than you can claim exemptions for. Bottom line - don't be a target.
  12. Eat bugs, stay home and never drive again, and give GammaGlobulin half your income in carbon offsets (so he can buy and fly a private jet and buy some beachfront property next to Al Gore) and the Earth will be saved.
  13. My favorite - stringing utility cable across roads at "neck high" for the average motorcyclist. I've seen it. It boggles the mind. Kills people every year too.
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