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Mae Sot Border Crossing

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About Maesot....

Leaving here for quite a few years, I can say it's possible to cross over the bridge every month. In fact the immigration allow me to do it for some very special and difficult reasons as it may be called "showing evidence....". Just be honest with them and keep low profile, dress correctly and be polite.

"Usually", the officers are always kind and they're not reponsible for these terrible changings.

But, as far as I know, they usually do not accept more than 3 times, it can be 6 depending on the officer until a maximum of a year.

It can be only once!

One of my friend have been told to go out through another checkpoint after the very first time he crossed. Even he is legally married here and even has adopted officialy his Thai wife's child. He works abroad and whatever never stay in Thailand more than a month.

It depends.....it depends....

We all have various and also serious reasons to stay here but we have to face the truth. The laws are changing and we have become the most unwanted people in Thailand.

....and about Myawadie !

Take care on the other side! They are worse.

You don't need any visa.

You can pay 10$ but your note must be very clean: not a very very small ink spot should appear nor a very little pin hole or they'll refuse it.

If you do not have a 10$ note, they charge you 50 bahts for 1$ (500 bahts)

If you have only a 20$ note or more, they pretext that they don't have the change in dollars and give you baths charging 30 or 35 bahts for 1$.

If they refuse you 10$ and if you can't pay or don't want to pay 500 bahts, they'll refuse to stamp your passeport and you'll have to go back to Thailand and cancel your exit stamp and come back with a new dollar note or bahts.

Be aware ! If the burmese officers see some bahts in your wallet, they'll refuse your $ because they are going to Maesot every day to change their bahts to dollars and keep the difference. :o

Some case reported that they take your dollar note and give it back to you but after changing it with a fake one. Of course they refuse to take it back because they say it's a fake one. No complaint is possible. :D

Details....details....comparing with our real visa fear but better to know it.

If you visit Myawadie, just know that's not Thachilek; you'll be escorted by someone looking like a young seller or a sam lo but in fact someone working with the burmese intelligence. If you're an activist....watch out!

That's it….and to do your shopping…the Thai side is much better.

Just remember that if you come to Maesot, nothing is sure. They might let you cross as they may not let you. If your last stamp is not issued here, then I think they'll allow you....for this time....and the next if you've got the 1 million baht PM's privilège card.

Hope it will be helpfull

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