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Ditched True's Dns...big Improvement


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I use True ADSL and I've been having loads of trouble getting through to sites the last couple of weeks. My connection is running ok (if not great), but I keep getting time outs on sites that should be up.

So tonight I pointed my router at a Samart DNS and wallah....problem seems to be solved. Just wondering if this is a common experience ?

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Haven't had any problems with TRUE yet as far as DNS goes. At a client site, they use JI Net which is problematic but I always switch it to TRUE and wallah, problem solved. Can you post the samart DNS, I'd still like to have an extra one handy. Do you have any problems with the sending of messages over 50 chars or so either in Outlook or Thunderbird? Do you have the correct settings for their classic SMTP server (ports included)


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Same thing for me. I've always had sporadic DNS timeouts with True's default PPP-assigned DNS, even with major sites like Yahoo. This was via opera, IE, and a manual DNS query. I changed to Samart's DNS servers a long time ago, and since then I've had no problems.

Depeding on your setup, you have to change the DNS settings at the right configuration page. Otherwise, you'll still end up using True's servers.

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Sorry, I've just realised its a Loxinfo DNS I'm using (I didn't read very far :o

I got it out of this PDF file (in Thai), which lists DNS for a whole bunch of companies (KSC, Samart etc).

Just tried Samart, could be my imagination but seems faster lookup (this is totally subjective by the way)

Anyway, there's a whole bunch in there to choose from.

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Do you have any problems with the sending of messages over 50 chars or so either in Outlook or Thunderbird? Do you have the correct settings for their classic SMTP server (ports included)

No I don't have that problem (that's worse than SMS !)

I'm not sure if this is what you're after, I've just got the outgoing mail server set as classic.asianet.co.th, using port 25. I don't use True's email as I have my own POP account, but I presume incoming mail server would be:

classic.asianet.co.th on port 110.

Firefoxx: Thanks for your feedback.

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