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Airports Agency Boss Narrowly Survives Job Evaluation

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Airports agency boss narrowly survives job evaluation

Airports of Thailand (AOT) president Chotisak Asapaviriya has narrowly survived his job evaluation.

The AOT board yesterday acknowledged the evaluation of Mr Chotisak's performance by its sub-committee. For the past six months of Mr Chotisak's performance, the sub-panel gave him 62 points, just above the minimum requirement of 60 points to keep the job. A source said the sub-committee sounded out the opinions of AOT executives and staff, customers and airlines. Most senior AOT staff responded negatively to the opinion survey. They reasoned that Mr Chotisak had appointed outsiders and his favourites to be AOT executives. He also allegedly hired many personal advisers at high salaries.The three sub-committee members initially gave Mr Chotisak 60, 70 and 40 points. But the one who gave the lowest score was asked to change it to make the final average point reach 62. *shades of the Thai grading system used in schools?* :o The narrow passing score was meant to warn Mr Chotisak to improve his performance in the remaining six months of his term, the source said. Mr Chotisak noted that some AOT staff might be dissatisfied with him because he had pushed hard for the airport opening. That resulted in a rumour that he might not survive the job evaluation, as well as the allegation that he was rude, he said.

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Chotisak Asapaviriya


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The three sub-committee members initially gave Mr Chotisak 60, 70 and 40 points. But the one who gave the lowest score was asked to change it to make the final average point reach 62.

I suppose that one might ask what's the point of doing the evaluation if the evaluators are not allowed to evaluate, but in the end this situation probably qualifies for any comment would be superfluous status. :o

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Airports agency boss narrowly survives job evaluation

Airports of Thailand (AOT) president Chotisak Asapaviriya has narrowly survived his job evaluation.

The AOT board yesterday acknowledged the evaluation of Mr Chotisak's performance by its sub-committee. For the past six months of Mr Chotisak's performance, the sub-panel gave him 62 points, just above the minimum requirement of 60 points to keep the job. A source said the sub-committee sounded out the opinions of AOT executives and staff, customers and airlines. Most senior AOT staff responded negatively to the opinion survey. They reasoned that Mr Chotisak had appointed outsiders and his favourites to be AOT executives. He also allegedly hired many personal advisers at high salaries.The three sub-committee members initially gave Mr Chotisak 60, 70 and 40 points. But the one who gave the lowest score was asked to change it to make the final average point reach 62. *shades of the Thai grading system used in schools?* :o The narrow passing score was meant to warn Mr Chotisak to improve his performance in the remaining six months of his term, the source said. Mr Chotisak noted that some AOT staff might be dissatisfied with him because he had pushed hard for the airport opening. That resulted in a rumour that he might not survive the job evaluation, as well as the allegation that he was rude, he said.

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Chotisak Asapaviriya


It makes you want to weep.. :D

Lets hope Thailand never get the Olympic Games :D

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Dangerous situation didn't help the Airport boss's scorecard

Today it was revealed that part of the reason AOT President Chotisak received such a low performance evaluation was a situation, captured in a widely circulated Thainews photo, of 3 huge aircraft just narrowly missing one another as they were taking off and landing at the airport. When asked about the 3 near-misses that occured practically simultaneously, Mr Chotisak responded by saying, "It may be rude of me to say this, but what's the big deal?"

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

*Disclaimer: This article is a near-miss in the area of truthful reporting.*

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Dangerous situation didn't help the Airport boss's scorecard

Today it was revealed that part of the reason AOT President Chotisak received such a low performance evaluation was a situation, captured in a widely circulated Thainews photo, of 3 huge aircraft just narrowly missing one another as they were taking off and landing at the airport. When asked about the 3 near-misses that occured practically simultaneously, Mr Chotisak responded by saying, "It may be rude of me to say this, but what's the big deal?"

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

*Disclaimer: This article is a near-miss in the area of truthful reporting.*

Has anyone seen a news report of this incident(s) in any English-language press? I haven't. Strange that they report it as "3 huge aircraft just narrowly missing one another", indicating a single incident involving what I'd guess would be classified as 2 near misses, but then refer to "3 near misses".

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Has anyone seen a news report of this incident(s) in any English-language press?

You might want to re-read that "article" a little more carefully. Pay attention to the fine print. :o

Yeah, I read that disclaimer, but it's not very helpful in determining what exactly happened here. If there was absolutely no such incident but there was something reported in the Thai press. If there wasn't any incident, nor anything reported in the Thai press. Or if some incident happened and it got blown out of proportion. Or just what exactly was the situation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE.... WHOOPS, not so fast, Chotisak :D

AoT board to re-evaluate Chotisak

Airport contracts will be checked at meeting

The new board of Airports of Thailand Plc will hold a closed-door meeting today to re-evaluate the performance of the firm's president, Chotisak Asapiviriya, due to questions over his recent assessment. :D Also on the agenda for the talks is an examination of all previously signed contracts regarding Suvarnabhumi airport, to look for possible irregularities made under the sacked government of then prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. :D But the focus will be on an exclusive meeting of 14 members led by outspoken chairman Saprang Kalayanamitr, to decide if the previous evaluation of Mr Chotisak's performance should be accepted, according to a source on the board. :o Mr Chotisak was evaluated for the first six months of his performance as the AoT president on Nov 11. A sub-committee of the previous AoT board gave him 62 points, just above the minimum requirement of 60 points needed to keep his position. Sources have said that the sub-committee had originally given him below 60 points but the score was later edged up to let him pass. :D The sub-committee comprised Budget Bureau director Vudhibhandhu Vichairatna, former justice permanent secretary Somchai Wongsawat and deputy secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Board Arkhom Termpittayapaisith. It was formed by the AoT board led by then chairman Srisook Chandrangsu. Mr Srisook resigned before the sub-panel assessed Mr Chotisak. :D The same source said the new board had to consider if the past evaluation was acceptable, given the resignation of Mr Srisook. A doubtful president could affect the reputation of the AoT, an agency under the Transport Ministry, the source said. The decision by the board was agreed by Deputy Transport Minister Sansern Wongcha-um. He said yesterday that the previous evaluation was inappropriate because it was done during the caretaker period of the past AoT board. The current board would have to look into the issue, he added. Mr Chotisak has reportedly been out of favour with the government and the Council for National Security (CNS) because of problems since the opening of the airport in September. The source added that the AoT board would examine over 100 contracts of the airport to look for irregularities. :D The probe will start with the contract of King Power International Group and another contract for the security service at Suvarnabhumi. The AoT board will postpone the collection of parking fees at the airport from today because its parking building has not been equipped with security gear.

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So long, it's been good to know you

So long, it's been good to know you

So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won

And we'll get back together again. - NOT!

- Woody Guthrie (except for the NOT! part)

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things are heating up... LOOK OUT KHUN CHOKEMYSACK!!... the job and your freedom are in jeopardy.

Problems within AoT Board

Two Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT) executives walked out of a board meeting yesterday, preventing a scheduled review of alleged cheating in a recent evaluation of the firm's president that helped him retain his position. The board was scheduled to discuss the past evaluation which AoT President Chotisak Asapaviriya narrowly passed with 62 points, just above the 60-point minimum needed to keep his job. :o The final score of the evaluation was allegedly edged up in favour of the president. :D Originally three members of the past board who formed the evaluation sub-committee had not approved Mr Chotisak's performance. When the AoT board was changed following the Sept 19 coup, only two members of the sub-committee were retained on the board. Both walked out of yesterday's meeting. They are

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someone's knocking on his door...


Chotisak Evaluation Committee Chairman

Chotisak's fate to be sealed Friday

Job evaluation said to have been fixed

The new board of the Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT) will decide the fate of AoT president Chotisak Asapaviriya at a meeting on Friday after an evaluation of his performance raised the ire of its staff. Yodyiam Theptharanont, an AoT board member, said that in reviewing the evaluation, the board would give justice to every concerned party and listen to the sub-committee responsible for the performance evaluation. The source said Saprang Kalayanamitr, chairman of the AoT board of executives, told Mr Chotisak to provide explanations on issues including problems at Suvarnabhumi airport and the evaluation of his performance. According to the source, if Mr Chotisak is seen as unable to carry out his duties efficiently enough, he might be asked to give up his job. A member of the AoT board would be appointed to act as his temporary replacement. Gen Saprang also advised Mr Chotisak to make public official information on contracts and agreements concerning construction of Suvarnabhumi airport, to comply with the Official Information Act. Gen Saprang instructed him to arrange a ''good governance'' room where information on the Suvarnabhumi contracts, except details deemed security sensitive, will be laid out for the public to see on request. Among the contracts which could be made accessible to the public are those concerning the lease of space to King Power duty-free shop, the hiring of airport security guards and outsourcing agreements. A close aide to Gen Saprang said the new AoT board will give fresh assignments to Mr Chotisak and will start to appraise his performance. From now on, AoT staff at operational levels will also be called in to clarify the problems at the airport, the source said. ''The result will be known in a week. If he [Mr Chotisak] is not up to the task, he will be shown the door,'' the source said. A sub-committee of the previous AoT board gave him 62 points, just above the minimum requirement of 60 points needed to keep his position. Sources have said that the sub-committee had originally given him below 60 points but the score was later altered to save him from the axe. Reports said the results of the evaluation, which was allegedly fixed to let Mr Chotisak pass, had upset AoT staff in general and executive members of the AoT in particular. Most of them were said to have given Mr Chotisak's performance ''the thumbs down''. He was accused of appointing outsiders to take executive positions at the AoT. There were also allegations he may have misused the AoT budget to hire personal aides, according to the sources.

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The three sub-committee members initially gave Mr Chotisak 60, 70 and 40 points. But the one who gave the lowest score was asked to change it to make the final average point reach 62.

I hadn't even heard of Chotisak before reading this posting, but I had often thought; 'who the heck is in charge of the giant mess at the new airport?' Even if he's shoved out, as he should have been weeks ago, who's next in line to take his place? One wonders if Thailand has capable people in the ranks who can step up to do what needs doing; taking charge, getting things fixed, not tolerating sexual predators (as reported, and then subsequently rescinded by female workers), dynamically cleaning up the taxi and limousine over-charging problems. Is there someone who can take charge to start fixing things? The problems at the new airport have far-reaching ramifications. We don't need an boot licking wimp at the helm.


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if a 60 point approval rating were needed for U.S. presidents to stay in office, our old friend W would have been out of the White House months ago (but still in the dog house) - but then we'd have Cheney at the helm. Yikes, the man who was put in charge of a committee in 2000 to find the best VP candidate and, after weeks of diligent research, came up with .......HIMSELF!

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  • 1 month later...


the heat is getting turned up in Chotisak's office:

Top airport managers face the chop

The president of Airports of Thailand (AoT), Chotisak Asapaviriya, and the director of Suvarnabhumi airport, Somchai Sawasdeepol, could lose their jobs because of their failure to cooperate with higher authorities on solving the problems at the new airport. Transport Minister Adm Theera Haocharoen, his deputy Sansern Wongcha-um, AoT chairman Gen Saprang Kalayanamitr and some AoT board members met yesterday afternoon on the mushrooming problems at the airport. They concluded the root cause of the failure to solve the problems was the AoT management. Sources at the meeting said the ineptitude of the AoT management placed a heavy burden on the AoT board, and a change of management was in order.

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Too bad Thais are so zenophobic. Compare the differences in Kuala Lumpur. They made a plan to build an airport, 12 months late it was a done deal....and everything worked....

While there are some things I do not like about Malaysia, looking out how they manage government projects is certainly not on my list of thing to complain about.

The Thai government would do well to look at the plans of thier neighbors.

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Airports agency boss narrowly survives job evaluation

Airports of Thailand (AOT) president Chotisak Asapaviriya has narrowly survived his job evaluation.

The AOT board yesterday acknowledged the evaluation of Mr Chotisak's performance by its sub-committee. For the past six months of Mr Chotisak's performance, the sub-panel gave him 62 points, just above the minimum requirement of 60 points to keep the job. A source said the sub-committee sounded out the opinions of AOT executives and staff, customers and airlines. Most senior AOT staff responded negatively to the opinion survey. They reasoned that Mr Chotisak had appointed outsiders and his favourites to be AOT executives. He also allegedly hired many personal advisers at high salaries.The three sub-committee members initially gave Mr Chotisak 60, 70 and 40 points. But the one who gave the lowest score was asked to change it to make the final average point reach 62. *shades of the Thai grading system used in schools?* :o The narrow passing score was meant to warn Mr Chotisak to improve his performance in the remaining six months of his term, the source said. Mr Chotisak noted that some AOT staff might be dissatisfied with him because he had pushed hard for the airport opening. That resulted in a rumour that he might not survive the job evaluation, as well as the allegation that he was rude, he said.

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Chotisak Asapaviriya



Going... Going .... GONE!


Axe falls on AoT, Suvarnabhumi Airport bosses

Chotisak Asapaviriya has resigned as president of Airports of Thailand (AoT) over troubles at the four-month old Suvarnabhumi Airport, citing heatlh reasons.

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...please fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride for this group:

Airport Agency Boss Resigns

Two other senior executives sacked

Chotisak Asapaviriya yesterday resigned as president of Airports of Thailand (AoT), while two executives of Suvarnabhumi airport were sacked from their positions over problems there. Mr Chotisak cited poor health as the reason for his resignation. Somchai Sawasdeepol and Sombat Khunprasert were dismissed from their posts as director of Suvarnabhumi airport and director of commercial operations respectively. Mr Chotisak tendered his resignation to the AoT board, chaired by Council for National Security deputy secretary-general Gen Saprang Kalayanamitr, during its meeting yesterday. The resignation takes effect today.

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Thai airports chief quits

Thailand has replaced its airports chief four months after the opening of Bangkok's $US4 billion Suvarnabhumi airport, which has been plagued by graft scandals, cracked runways, leaking toilets and baggage-handling problems.

Airports of Thailand (AOT) president Chotisak Asapaviriya had quit with immediate effect because of "health problems", board member Jermsak Pintong told reporters after a board meeting late on Thursday.

"He wanted to take some rest after working hard," Jermsak said of Chotisak, a chain-smoking, no-nonsense former banker who once told Reuters he had only applied for the job in the first place to win a bet with a friend.

Chotisak had been under enormous pressure from the government of then-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to open Suvarnabhumi on September 28 despite airline industry fears that it was not 100 per cent complete or tested.

The opening, which went ahead on schedule despite a military coup that removed Thaksin nine days earlier, was reasonably smooth with only a few teething problems in the airport's hi-tech baggage-handling system.

Since then, however, the list of faults has grown, and Thaksin's enemies in the army-appointed government appear determined he - and his close ally Chotisak - should take the blame for them all.

The most serious problems to emerge are cracks in the runways and taxiways that caused at least two flights to be diverted last week to a nearby Vietnam War-era military base as a runway was partially closed for emergency repairs.

Airline and airport officials say there are as yet no safety fears, although delays have occurred as sections of the runways have been shut for maintenance and planes have had to take long detours around closed taxi lanes.

AOT, now chaired by one of the generals who launched the coup against Thaksin, told Chotisak in December he had two months to resolve the airport's problems.

As well as forcing out Chotisak, AOT also sacked two of Suvarnabhumi's top operations managers, including airport director Somchai Sawasdeepol, Jermsak said.

Suvarnabhumi, which means Golden Land in Thai, is the largest airport in southeast Asia, with an annual capacity of 45 million passengers.

Thailand had hoped it would quickly emerge as a serious regional rival to Hong Kong and Singapore.

- Reuters

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Chotisak: I resign because I'm sick

Chotisak Asapaviriya confirmed Friday his resignation as president of Airports of Thailand (AoT) resulted from his health, not his attempt to avoid an evaluation of his job performance. "I've been under stress even before the Suvarnabhumi airport opened. I did not sleep for three days (before it opened)." Mr Chotisak said in a morning interview with a radio station. "It has been very stressful since it opened. I weigh 14 kilos less in the past three to four months after it opened." Mr Chotisak, who resigned from the post late Thursday, added that he had been having nosebleeds during board meetings, and that his arms and legs began to be numb. "Doctor say I have cerebrovascular accident," he said.

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If his photos above are any indication, he could stand to lose 14 kilos to IMPROVE his health.

A cerebrovascular accident is more commonly known as a "stroke." Interesting that he doesn't seem to have most of the commonly-occuring symptoms consistent with a stroke. Anyway, it's simple to prove with CT Scan. I wonder if he'd be willing to share exactly which doctors have told him that and exactly what they told him.

Oh nevermind....

enjoy your time off, Chotisak. Go relax and play some golf with Thaksin...

but perhaps you should fly out of KL when you do go.

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Airport president's job was worsening his health

Embattled Chotisak Asapaviriya has insisted it was high time he threw in the towel and quit as president of Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT), three years before his contract ends. In an interview with Nattaya Chetchotiros, he recounts how it has been exactly 10 months today since he took over the job which gave him a 700,000-baht-a-month pay cheque and a potential killer, hypertension.

Do you regret your early resignation?

I have nothing to regret.

Interview continued here:



oh ok, so now it's hypertension, not a stroke.... what'll be tomorrow??

and what's with the 700,000 baht a month? :o

Thaksin's buddy was doing ok for himself.

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Here's a nice little admission regarding his qualifications to run the agency:

Later, explaining his reasons for quitting, Chotisak said his job had become so stressful because of the problems at the airport that he had been suffering from "nosebleeds during board meetings".

"I know how to improve earnings growth, but not fix these kinds of technical glitches at the airport," he said.

A former banker, Chotisak once told Reuters he had only applied for the AOT job to win a bet with a friend.


the one he did well (boosted AoT profits to record highs), the other (actually running the airport) he did .... uhmmm.... unsatisfactorily, shall we say?

I'm half-inclined to look up what bank Chokemysack was with when Thaksin chose him and appointed him to run the AoT (which Chokemysack admits he knew nothing about) and see what, if any, connection Thaksin had with the bank.

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