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Thailand Live Saturday 5 June 2010

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Related topic: Thailand Live Friday 4 June 2010



DSI seeks warrants for armed 'men in black' who attacked soldiers in April 10 clashes


BANGKOK, June 4 (TNA) - Police have received photos of the armed black-clad groups who infiltrated the anti-government United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) Red Shirts and attacked soldiers during the clashes between the army and protesters on April 10 at Khok Wua intersection on Ratchadamnoen Road according to deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau Pol Maj-Gen Sumet Ruangsawat.

Gen Sumet said DSI investigators had identified all the black-shirt gunmen who shot troops at Khok Wua as the photos clearly showed faces and police who seized an M79 grenade launcher from them could identify who is who among the groups.

He said the investigators would conclude their study of the evidence and forward the findings to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) on Monday, when the DSI will ask the Court to issue arrest warrants for the men in black who allegedly fired at troops.

The government earlier asserted that a group of unidentified persons in black outfits and masks mingled with the red-shirted crowd and opened fire with M79 grenade launchers, threw M67 hand grenades and used automatic weapons including AK47 assault rifles during clashes between army personnel and anti-government Red Shirt protesters.

Twenty-five people including the deputy chief of staff of the 2nd Infantry Division Romklao Thuwatham were killed and more than 800 persons, including soldiers, were wounded in the day-long confrontation. (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-06-04


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw





Military crackdown justified and meet international standard

By The Nation

Published on June 5, 2010

The Foreign Ministry said yesterday that the military crackdown in April and May, which left 89 dead and nearly 2,000 injured, was justified and met with international standards.

The crackdown was undertaken in accordance with the "United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Firearms by Law-Enforcement Officials", the ministry said.

The statement was issued yesterday in response to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's move to have war crimes lawyer Prof G J Alexander Knoops investigate the government's actions.

"Professor Knoops, of Knoops and Partners, is a world authority on war crimes, state crimes against humanity and genocide. He is working on cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the Special Court for Sierra-Leone, established by the United Nations and the government of Sierra-Leone to 'try those who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law committed in the territory of Sierra Leone since 30 November 1996'," Thaksin's lawyer Robert Amsterdam said in a statement on Monday.

The ministry, meanwhile, referred to video footage showing some armed elements among the protesters using lethal weapons against the governmentforces to justify the suppression action.

"These individuals used lethal weapons, including automatic assault rifles and grenade launchers, with indiscriminate effect and utter disregard for human lives, leading to loss of lives and injuries among demonstrators, bystanders and security officers," it said.

However, most of the deaths were those of unarmed civilians, according to relief workers who picked up the corpses. Autopsy results show that many of them died from gunshot wounds in the head and other key organs.

The enforcement of the emergency law was also in line with international standards because Article 4.1 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) - for "the right of derogation" - allows authorities to limit certain rights during a time of emergency, the foreign ministry said.

Moreover, Thailand has been transparent in exercising its rights under the covenant in light of the severe emergency situation declared in certain parts of the country. It had also notified other states party to the ICCPR, through the intermediary of the UN secretary-general, of its decision to invoke the emergency decree, it said.

"The government regrets the losses that occurred and has made it clear that it is open to scrutiny and ready to be held accountable in accordance with the law," the ministry said.


-- The Nation 2010-06-05


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw




Puea Pandin pays price for dissidence

By Piyanart Srivalo

Praphan jindalert-udomdee

Jeerapong Prasertpholkrang

The Nation

Published on June 5, 2010

Coalition partner to lose ICT ministry in Cabinet resuffle

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took a bold step against the restive Puea Pandin Party yesterday by taking back one of its Cabinet seats as part of a reshuffle that would see changes in six or seven ministerial positions.

The move against Puea Pandin means approximately half of the 32-MP party have virtually become a rebel faction within the coalition.

Despite the tough decision against Puea Pandin's dissident faction, Democrat executives and MPs failed to finalise issues closer to home, meaning the new Cabinet line-up will not be known until after Abhisit decides who will replace whom among affected Democrats.

Deputy Prime Minister Trairong Suwankhiri said the party empowered the prime minister to reallocate Cabinet seats after the party's executive board earlier had recommended Nipit Intharasombat, Juti Krai-rirk, Ong-art Klampaiboon and Chalermchai Sri-on as new faces to the Cabinet.

Deputy Education Minister Chaiwuti Bannawat was also tipped for the position of Information and Communications Technology minister as part of the punitive action against the Puea Pandin dissidents, who either voted or abstained against Bhum Jai Thai ministers at the end of the censure debate.

The outgoing ministers include Culture Minister Teera Slukpetch, Science Minister Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, Labour Minister Phaithoon Kaeothong. PM's Office Minister Sathit Wongnongtaey was initially named among them, but later developments indicated he would remain in the Cabinet but be moved to a new position.

Abhisit's brief statement to the media that about six or seven changes would be effected prompted fresh speculation about who else would be removed and replaced by whom.

The Democrat takeover of the ICT means up to 16 Puea Pandin MPs are now government dissidents.

To boost its parliamentary strength, the ruling party yesterday decided to bring in the Matubhum Party from the opposition bloc.

Apart from losing the ICT portfolio to the Democrats, Puea Pandin will see changes at the Industry Ministry which is under its quota, as well as the a deputy finance position now held by Pruttichai Damrongrattana.

The rest of the Puea Pandin MPs, those who are still loyal to the government coalition, will be joined by three MPs from the Matubhum Party.

This combined group is entitled to two Cabinet seats.

Despite the quota system being the determining factor, Abhisit was adamant yesterday that the Cabinet changes would benefit the country.

Asked whether the Cabinet reshuffle would benefit the country or "politics", he replied: "Both".

The ministerial changes among Democrats, Abhisit informed the party's MPs, had been agreed upon in principle when his government first came to power. The rotation was warranted by the party having many qualified people, he insisted.

While reaction from removed Democrat ministers was subdued, the rebellious Puea Pandin faction was quick to condemn Abhisit as narrowminded and hypocritical.

Their refusal to toe the coalition line during the censure vote should have been considered "new politics", something "beautiful", instead of an act of revolt and subjected to punishment, said Maliwan Thanyasakulkij, a Surin MP of the Puea Pandin Party.

"When the Democrats were in the opposition, they talked all the time about government MPs being forced to toe the government line," she said. "Now they have swallowed their own words."

The dissidents will have little chance to flex their muscles this year, as the only main parliamentary agenda left is the Budget Bill, which is something most MPs, including the opposition, want to pass in order to get funds for their constituencies.

Meanwhile, Bhum Jai Thai, which pressured Abhisit to take action against Puea Pandin, has announced that the party will not change its ministerial line-up, although the ministries under its supervision, communications and interior, were targeted by the opposition during the recent no-confidence debate.


-- The Nation 2010-06-05


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



SCENARIOS - Is Thailand headed for peace or protests?

Fri Jun 4, 2010 1:19pm IST

By Martin Petty

(Reuters) - Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva won some breathing space in parliament this week and can now focus on addressing a yawning social divide that erupted into the bloodiest chapter in Thailand's recent history.

With the pressure to call elections eased, below are some scenarios about what could unfold in the next few months:


After last month's bloody crackdown on "red shirt" anti-government protesters in Bangkok, new protest leaders could emerge who question Abhisit's suitability to lead the reconciliation process and blame his government for the violence.

Read more: in.reuters.com/article/idINIndia-49041220100604


-- Reuters 2010-06-04


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Chemical leak in Chon Buri injures 24 workers

By The Nation

CHON BURI; -- Twenty-four workers were unconscious after a chemical leak yesterday at an auto-parts plant in the Amata Industrial Estate in Chon Buri.

One of the workers remained in a serious condition last night.

Siam Keeper Manufacturing has been ordered closed indefinitely pending an investigation. Its Japanese owner and the firm's occupational safety officers might face criminal prosecution.

During an inspection by provincial governor Seni Jitkasem and civilian and public-health officials, two female workers felt sudden chest pains, vomited and fainted.

Initial police inspection found that the leak originated in a room in the main plant, where 50 workers normally work with auto parts and toxic chemicals.

Wichai Thanasophon, a deputy head of the provincial public-health office, said there were 18 types of chemicals stored in the plant but only three had been identified.

Most of the injuries sustained were burns to the nasal and eye tissues. Further treatment was needed in cases of severe irritations, he added.

Amphorn Nitisiri, director-general of the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, said an initial inspection found that an incubator was opened prematurely by an unauthorised foreman in a wrong series of steps, prompting a leak of butanone - a mixture of methyl ethyl ketone - that was seeping into other departments.


-- The Nation 2010-06-05




Teachers asked to cooperate in South

By The Nation

Security officials in the deep South held an urgent meeting with government teachers yesterday to redefine the rules of engagement in the protection of teachers after one was shot dead on Thursday. This is the 129th government teacher killed over the past six years.

Among the measures to be undertaken, more soldiers and policemen will be posted at security checkpoints, while patrols on helicopter will become more frequent or mandatory along routes considered to be at high risk, Pattani Governor Theerathep Sriyaphan said.

Another crucial measure would be boosting the morale of teachers, encouraging them to place their trust in the security forces as well as urging them to cooperate and notify security officials in case they leave their school compounds earlier than scheduled.

In the joint meeting yesterday, the participants also looked into the case of Bunnam Yordnui, who was gunned down while travelling in Khok Pho district to return home. The finding showed that he left the school earlier than normal without notifying soldiers of his moves.

Police arrested a 19yearold suspect while he was running toward a market near the scene. The suspect had allegedly changed his clothes and abandoned the attire he was wearing earlier.


-- The Nation 2010-06-05



Thailand: Teachers asked to cooperate in South: http://bit.ly/a6k7no

Chemical leak in Chon Buri injures 24 workers: http://bit.ly/9nVbls

Is Thailand headed for peace or protests?: http://bit.ly/bIzBk1

Thailand: Puea Pandin pays price for dissidence: http://bit.ly/8YPWj6

Bangkok: Military crackdown justified and meet international standard: http://bit.ly/9Dczof

Thais Are Lacking In True Faith: http://bit.ly/bT67bA

Catching The Thai Houdini Won't Be Easy: http://bit.ly/ckMSC2

Bangkok: DSI seeks warrants for armed 'men in black' who attacked soldiers: http://bit.ly/ahMvgE


Metro Police: Emergency Decree to remain enforced

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Metropolitan Police Bureau announced that the Emergency Decree would continue to be imposed to ensure maximum safety in the Kingdom despite the curfew revocation last week.

After attending a meeting of the Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Resolution (CRES), Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Police Major General Piya Utayo said although the political situation had eased, the retention of the Emergency Decree would facilitate the operations of state officials. The emergency law hands full authority to the officials to prohibit any activities that compromise national security and to take legal actions against violators, including detainment.

The decision to maintain the Emergency Decree was made after the CRES authorities agreed on its necessity as a number of violators, some of whom were core leaders of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), had yet to be arrested. Currently, 84 violators of the Emergency Decree have been granted arrest warrants; 27 of them have been arrested. From the anti-government riots that led to deaths, violence and sabotage in Bangkok and other provinces, 801 are facing criminal charges while 240 of them have been captured.

Pol Maj Gen Piya confirmed that the Emergency Decree would not affect the image of the country as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that travel warnings to Thailand had been lifted by many countries.

Meanwhile, the Metropolitan Police Spokesperson voiced confidence in the orderliness of the MP elections to take place in 14 districts of Bangkok tomorrow, citing that police officers would be deployed in the areas from 04.00 hrs until the end of the ballot count.


-- NNT 2010-06-05



Thais Gather to Plant Trees on World Environment Day

Thais gather at the Ratchaprasong intersection to plant trees on the occasion of World Environment Day today. The event is attended by Bangkok Governor M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatara as well as Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation Spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

A lot were also there to show their opposition to the expansion of the road leading to Khao Yai, which will mean the cutting down of many century-old trees.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-05



BKK Opens Dindaeng Flyover

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will open the use of the Dindaeng flyover once again on June 11 after a period of repair from damages due to the red-shirt riots in the capital last month. However, trucks will be barred from the bridge.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-05



Henri Dunant Turned into Walking Street

Henri Dunant Road is being turned into a walking street throughout this weekend to accomodate 700 booths of vendors affected by the red-shirt rally in the capital. Already, a large number of people have shown up to shop.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-05



Thaksin Blames Newin for Arson Attacks

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra wrote on his Twitter page blaming Bhum Jai Thai de facto leader and leader of the blue-shirt group Newin Chidchob for the arson attacks in the capital after the red-shirt rally ended.

He claimed the red-shirt group was framed and he will fight until there is real reconciliation in Thailand.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-05



PM: New ministers selected for cabinet reshuffle

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has announced that new candidates have been selected for the cabinet reshuffle, involving six to seven ministerial seats.

After attending a meeting with the Democrat Party MPs, Mr Abhisit said that the names of the new ministers would be sent to related units to complete the documentation before forwarding them to the Secretariat of the Cabinet for a qualifications review. The Prime Minister voiced confidence that the new ministers would be able to fulfill both their national and political duties.

However Mr Abhisit declined to comment on which ministries were involved in the shuffle, hinting that there were around six to seven positions. Meanwhile, a Puea Pandin MP for Udon Thani was seen at the Democrat Party headquarters, speculated to be discussing with the Prime Minister about the matter.


-- NNT 2010-06-05



WASHINGTON: Obama puts off trip to Indonesia, Australia again /via asianewsnetwork

Manny Pacquiao, boxing king & newly elected MP in the Philippines, accepts his 3rd Fighter of the Year award from Boxing Writers Association of America /via MCOT


Public joins tree-planting activity at CentralWorld; campaign returns beauty to Bangkok /via MCOT

Thailand: Metro Police: Emergency Decree to remain enforced: http://bit.ly/aWLT3z

How mismanagement and mistakes turned a high-growth democratic paradise into a violent mess: http://bit.ly/ch4HnE /via @terryfrd

Thais Gather to Plant Trees on World Environment Day: http://bit.ly/cN1RoR

Bangkok Opens Dindaeng Flyover: http://bit.ly/9baMA8

Bangkok: Henri Dunant turned into walking street throughout this weekend: http://bit.ly/bRa4io

Thailand: Thaksin Blames Newin for Arson Attacks: http://bit.ly/9sIvxb

Thailand: PM Abhisit: New ministers selected for cabinet reshuffle: http://bit.ly/9IrvM0


Govt to clarify politics, recovery plans to foreign commercial envoys

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Commerce is inviting all commercial ambassadors in Thailand and representatives from the international chamber of commerce to hear the briefing on the Thai government’s rehabilitation plan on 7 June, hoping to boost foreigner confidence.

Deputy Minister of Commerce Alongkorn Ponlaboot stated that the ministry would call a meeting with commercial envoys from 40 countries and presidents of the chamber of commerce from 30 countries to confer on Thailand’s confidence rehabilitation plan. The briefing will be organized on 7 June 2010 in succession to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s address on the recent riots last week.

The meeting will focus on creating a correct understanding about the Thai political situation and clarifying the government’s aid measures for the riot-stricken businesses. The session will allow the participants to exchange comments and suggestions on related issues. Thai and foreign press will be invited to attend the summary session after the meeting.

During the conference, the Ministry of Commerce will inform the diplomats about the economic rehabilitation plan implementation and the success of the street markets recently organized at Silom and Pattaya. The ministry is positive that the conference will help the government derive effective measures and plans afterwards.


-- NNT 2010-06-05



Police Arrest Filipino Woman for Cocaine Smuggling

The Narcotics Police arrested a Filipino woman at Suvarnabhumi Airport for smuggling in 6.5 million baht's worth of cocaine from Brazil.

She admitted to having done this twice and getting paid 60,000 baht.


-- Tan Network 2010-06-05



PM advises farmers to prepare for severe drought

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has alerted farmers to be prepared for the severe drought problem in the latter half of this year while instructing concerned ministers to closely assess the situation.

Mr Abhisit has voiced his concern over the water level, which is now the lowest in many years and likely to impact the agriculture until next year, especially the off-season rice cultivation. The Prime Minister has assigned Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Major-General Sanan Kajornprasart and Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Theera Wongsamut to closely monitor the situation. They are also permitted to conduct artificial rainmaking in suitable areas.

Meanwhile, Honorary President of the Thai Rice Exporters Association Chookiat Ophaswongse stated that the declining quantity of water in the main dams and rivers due to the dryness could cause a rice price increase. However, it is too early to evaluate the impact on the crop price as the price adjustment also depends on the productivity of other rice exporting countries like India and the Philippines, besides the severity of the drought.

The current export price of Thai rice stands at 450 USD per ton, which is already considered above average. However, the price is expected to be retained as the government still has another 6 million tons of rice in stock.


-- NNT 2010-06-05



PM suspends Khao Yai road expansion project, waiting for inspection; Cabinet reshuffle settled /via MCOT

Thailand: PM Abhisit advises farmers to prepare for severe drought: http://bit.ly/axL0Gm

Bangkok: Silom will be closed for shopping again on June 12-13. /via @veen_NT

Thailand: Phuket to crack down on World Cup gambling: http://bit.ly/b9dhpd

Cabinet lineup has been forwarded to the King for approval. #NNA /via @veen_NT

Once HM the King approves, we'll see the official Cabinet lineup. /via @veen_NT

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