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Wanting To Start A Business

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I'm looking to start a business asap. I'm sorry, i've jumped on the band wagon and want to open a bar, location not important. I need to know what the situation is regarding renting a premises for a business. I have no intention to buy land and this is not a reason to do so. If i rent the premises, can the lease be in just my name, and when setting the business up do i have to have Thai partners.

Secondly, how will i be affected with regards to my visa. I currently have a multi non O which runs out in June. Am i going to be affected with the new system, or will i be ok as i intend to run a business here.

I'm not married by the way.

I have seen a businees advertised here which look like they can help, can't remember what it was called.


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I'm looking to start a business asap. I'm sorry, i've jumped on the band wagon and want to open a bar, location not important. I need to know what the situation is regarding renting a premises for a business. I have no intention to buy land and this is not a reason to do so. If i rent the premises, can the lease be in just my name, and when setting the business up do i have to have Thai partners.

The lease can be in your own personal name.

Secondly, how will i be affected with regards to my visa. I currently have a multi non O which runs out in June. Am i going to be affected with the new system, or will i be ok as i intend to run a business here.

If you set up a company and apply for a work permit then you can apply for a 1 year visa, you have to pay tax on 4 members of Thai staff though including yourself, you don't necessarily need to have Thai partners, just shareholders who sign the control over to you but you do need a Thai to be the license holder.

I'm not married by the way.

No problem

I have seen a business advertised here which look like they can help, can't remember what it was called.

Sunbelt Asia


Take their advice over mine though.

What part of Thailand by the way?


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I'm looking to start a business asap. I'm sorry, i've jumped on the band wagon and want to open a bar, location not important. I need to know what the situation is regarding renting a premises for a business. I have no intention to buy land and this is not a reason to do so. If i rent the premises, can the lease be in just my name, and when setting the business up do i have to have Thai partners.

Secondly, how will i be affected with regards to my visa. I currently have a multi non O which runs out in June. Am i going to be affected with the new system, or will i be ok as i intend to run a business here.

I'm not married by the way.

I have seen a businees advertised here which look like they can help, can't remember what it was called.


ltdknowledge, what is your nationality? Depending on that, can give better advice.

Thanks for the mention DaveThailand.


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