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Savannakhet Visa Run. (an Update)

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Laos now seems to be the flavour of the month with regard to Thai visa applications!

This is because it is much closer that Penang and cheaper. The round trip on the train to Penang is now 2500+ baht and is about 21 hours each way. It can only 3,000 on Airasia if you plan you trip carefully.

The first step is to get a Lao Visa. The Lao Embassy is near "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang and is relatively easy to find. There is a sliding scale of Lao visa prices for nationals of different countries. Most western visa runners pay between 1200 to 1600 baht for a 30 day tourist visa. The standard processing time is 2 days! You submit the visa application at 9am -12am and collect your visa the next day after 2pm. If however you wish to have the 15 minute express visa service you can pay 200 baht more!

Many local travel agents offer a Lao visa service for a couple of hundred baht on top of the normal visa price.

Mukdaharn is a lot closer than Penang at only 642 kms or 8 to 9 hours. Penang is over 1200 kms! The other plus is that the threat of bomb attacks in the south is substantially more than in Lovely Isaan.

There are 3 very comfortable VIP 24 seat (3 seats across not 4) Buses that leave Morchit Bus Station for Mukdaharn every evening roughly hourly from 8pm till, midnight. The VIP 24 seat bus fare is 760 baht each way. If you wish to go even cheaper (500 baht) there are about 10 aircon buses with the usual little legroom available leaving at half hour intervals from 8 pm to Midnight.

You may also go with one of the Visa Run Gang that I noticed where very much in evidence over the past few days!

If you leave Bangkok at 9pm you arrive in Mukdaharn at around 6 am. On arriving at the Bus terminal in Mukdaharn, I was informed that the new Bridge is open and non locals (Thais and Laos are allowed) are no longer allowed to go by boat to Savannekhet.

There is a big sign in the main Mukdaharn bus terminal annoucing the new Thai-Lao International Bus and there is of course a bus leaving at: 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 13.00, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00. The cost is 45 baht each way!

When I arrived at the Mukdaharn Bus terminal I saw a big line up of independant operators, parked as it turned out waiting for a regular bus to take their clientele to Savannakhet. So all of the Jack Golf group and the like got on a bus at 8.00am, 15 mins before the first independant travellers could leave.

We arrived at the Thai Border and relatively quickly stamped out of Thailand and then got on the bus to go to the Lao side. The Lao immigration people ask for 20 baht from each person and it is optional to pay it! Don't pay it and we will all be better off. On arriving at the Lao side we were all surprised to see the group tour people waiting there. Seems that one of the group tour clients had a BIG overstay and it was missed by the Thai's but picked up by the Lao side and this held everyone up.

Remember that all of the people on the international bus are on a vehicle manifest and so if one person gets held up the whole group can get held up!

The independant travellers group left about 5-10 mins before the organised group and this meant we got to the Savannakhet bus station before everyone else. As was expected there were a couple of dozen Tuk tuks waiting to take people to the Thai Embassy. It cost 20 baht per person and they welcomed us to be almost the first group of the day to get to the Thai Embassy.

At this point don't worry about changing baht to Lao Kip! I found the exchange rate to be, 1 Thai baht was between 250-350 kip depending where you changed.  The Tuk tuk drivers in Laos are only to happy to take 20 Thai Baht per person to take you on the 10 min ride to the Thai Embassy. We had been at the Thai Embassy for about 10 mins when about 100 of the organised tour group also arrived totally inundating the small room that is the Visa issuance section.

It was difficult getting a Visa application form, as they are given out by the visa officers only!

What you need for a visa:

Tourist Visa

2 passport photos

1 filled out Thai visa application with the photos stuck or stapled to the form

2 photocopies of the front page (your photo page) of your passport signed by you

1,000 Thai baht

(Single Entry Only)

Non Imm Type "O"

2 passport photos

1 filled out Thai visa application with the photos stuck or stapled to the form

2 photocopies of the front page (your photo page) of your passport signed by you

2,000 Thai baht

1 copy of your marriage certificate accompanied by the original certificate

1 copy of your wife's ID card signed by her and you

1 copy of your wife's House Registration Certificate signed by her and you

(Single Entry Only)

I am sure other visas are issued but these are the only 2 types that seemed to be issued at the Savannakhet Thai Embassy on Monday the 15th of January 2007.

It was a real zoo and I have real sympathy for the 3 men that are trying to issue the visas. It was a hel_l of a job for them!

How to make the visa application process happen as painlessly as possible:

Get there early! Stay overnight or be on the first bus from Mukdaharn and you will get a visa application in.

If you wait to get to the embassy 11am you may not get a visa.

Visa applications are not excepted after 12 noon!

At 11.45 they start calling out the minutes left that they will accept applications

Get all of your documents in order and don't the waste officers time.

All around the embassy were signs that said that from the 15th of January it will take 2 working days for you to get your visa issued. After the visa application process, (30 mins if you get there early or 1 and half hours if you are late) I would suggest you find a hotel. I found hotels to be cheap ranging from 100 baht to about 1,000 baht.

Keep in mind that due to the proximity of Thailand to Savannakhet, if you are in a hotel near the banks of the the Mekong River, your Thai cellphone will work just fine. I stayed in the Mekong Hotel which is an old decrepid french villa now a hotel and karoke bar. 200 baht a night fan and hot water!

Up market and where many of the guided tours stay, is the Hoongthip Hotel. Priced at 430 baht to 880 baht for the presidential suite. Sauna, Cable TV, Internet Cafe and good food at a resonable price. The top 2 floors on the river side also pickup Thai cellphones just nicely.

What to do? Have a look at http://www.savannanet.com/ and you will get an idea of more info about Savannakhet. Not much really. I walked about for miles and ate reasonable western food for 50 baht a meal. The best place to start exploring is at the boat landing in the old section of town. This is also only about 200 meters from the Thai embassy. Plenty of reasonable restaurants and ambience on the river at night.  Nice and cool and clean air and 12 hours sleep.

Collecting your Visa.

So it is 1.50 pm on that fateful day and you go back to the Thai Embassy. About 50 poeple stand in awe and wait for their receipt number to be called to collect thier passport. CHECK YOUR VISA NOW!!!

With 5 or 6 people get in a Tuk tuk and go back to the Savannekhet bus station and buy your return ticket to Mukdaharn. Get on the bus early or you will end up standing up all the way to the Thai border, till the organised tours get off.

It is advisable to book you return bus ticket to Bangkok before you leave Mukdaharn or you might not get a comforable VIP seat.

Costings for independant travel to go to the Savannakhet Thai Embassy to apply for a visa!

Taxi to and from Morchit 2x150 = 300

VIP Bus ticket 760 baht x 2 = 1520 baht

International bus 45 baht x 2 90

Visa Tourist 1,000 baht

Visa Non imm 2,000 baht

Hotel 500

Food 500

This means it is going to cost you 4,000 baht max to do a vias run

Group tours all inclusive 5,500 to 6,500.

Now if I can get some sleep tonight I will be able to face tomorrow


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Thank you for taking the time to write that report.

You mentioned that from 15th January on it will take 2 working days to obtain a visa. This will add an extra night's accommodation to the costs from now on?

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You might be a bad banker :D, but you're a good writer with a very good 5-star rated trip report. :o

I was wondering what impact all the new JackGolfers et al would have on that tiny outpost... sounds like it's quite a large impact, so it's understandable they now tack on an extra day for processing.

Nice to know about the new bridge situation and additional time for processing.

Thanks for posting on the latest situation there.


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Thanks for all the positive comments!  

The way I wrote the posting means the cost of 4,000 baht includes a nights stays in a hotel in Savannakhet.

Yes the Jack Golf people and their ilk have had a major impact on the poor little visa issuance room at the Consulate in Savannakhet.  The Thai Guys that do the visa issuance are frazzled to put it mildly!

Thank you for taking the time to write that report.

You mentioned that from 15th January on it will take 2 working days to obtain a visa. This will add an extra night's accommodation to the costs from now on?

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Rather than make two trips to the 'easy to find" Laos Embassy in "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang - which I have never heard of - (or pay 200 baht extra and wait) is it not easier just get a Visa -on-Entry at the Laos border?

Certainly for the Vientiane Friendship bridge crossing this is the easy option (and only 35 USD for 30 days for UK Passport holder, but generally more if you pay in baht)).

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The problem at the SavannKhet Lao border bridge is that it is extremely new and things happen when you put about 200+ tourists in a new border environment and try to do new things.  

Lao Immigration also openly ask for bribes just to stamp you into the country.  I am not sure how much the Lao Visa costs at 

the Savannakhet border but as I said, you want to get out of the Lao border quickly.  The reason for the haste is I am certain that shortly anyone leaving the Lao Border later than 10 am just will not get a Thai visa application submitted in time before the Embassy closes at 12 midday.

This may lead to a 5 day tourist visa application time like what is rumoured to be happening in KL!

Maybe someone else has experience getting the Lao visa organised at the Savannakhet border.

Rather than make two trips to the 'easy to find" Laos Embassy in "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang - which I have never heard of - (or pay 200 baht extra and wait) is it not easier just get a Visa -on-Entry at the Laos border?

Certainly for the Vientiane Friendship bridge crossing this is the easy option (and only 35 USD for 30 days for UK Passport holder, but generally more if you pay in baht)).

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Yes the Jack Golf people and their ilk have had a major impact on the poor little visa issuance room at the Consulate in Savannakhet.  The Thai Guys that do the visa issuance are frazzled to put it mildly!

Perhaps they'll pull the "dragon lady" out of retirement. She'd deal with that crowd in no uncertain terms... :o

From the archives prior to her Savannakhet Consulate departure:

Quote (sriracha john 2004-08-23 22:46:41)
Quote (terje @ Mon 2004-08-23, 17:52:39)

Has anyone applied for a Non B visa in savannakhet Laos? What can you tell me? And is there actually a consulate there?

Just be wary of the "dragon lady" that runs the place. In all my travels, it's the only place where I had my passport literally thrown at me when I went to pick it up. She must be well connected to her job, because she's been the subject of numerous complaints. The first time I entered the office, she was in the midst of a tirade she was levelling at some poor hapless Lao. Adds a whole new dimension to the term "customer service".

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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

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The problem at the SavannKhet Lao border bridge is that it is extremely new and things happen when you put about 200+ tourists in a new border environment and try to do new things.  

Lao Immigration also openly ask for bribes just to stamp you into the country.  I am not sure how much the Lao Visa costs at 

the Savannakhet border but as I said, you want to get out of the Lao border quickly.  The reason for the haste is I am certain that shortly anyone leaving the Lao Border later than 10 am just will not get a Thai visa application submitted in time before the Embassy closes at 12 midday.

This may lead to a 5 day tourist visa application time like what is rumoured to be happening in KL!

Maybe someone else has experience getting the Lao visa organised at the Savannakhet border.

Iwas at KL Thai Embassy 2 weeks ago for Non'o' and my friend with me was applying for Tourist visa applied 9.30.a.m picked up 11.30.a.m next day, only one day not five don't believe rumours.

Rather than make two trips to the 'easy to find" Laos Embassy in "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang - which I have never heard of - (or pay 200 baht extra and wait) is it not easier just get a Visa -on-Entry at the Laos border?

Certainly for the Vientiane Friendship bridge crossing this is the easy option (and only 35 USD for 30 days for UK Passport holder, but generally more if you pay in baht)).

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The problem at the SavannKhet Lao border bridge is that it is extremely new and things happen when you put about 200+ tourists in a new border environment and try to do new things.

Lao Immigration also openly ask for bribes just to stamp you into the country. I am not sure how much the Lao Visa costs at

the Savannakhet border but as I said, you want to get out of the Lao border quickly. The reason for the haste is I am certain that shortly anyone leaving the Lao Border later than 10 am just will not get a Thai visa application submitted in time before the Embassy closes at 12 midday.

This may lead to a 5 day tourist visa application time like what is rumoured to be happening in KL!

Maybe someone else has experience getting the Lao visa organised at the Savannakhet border.

Rather than make two trips to the 'easy to find" Laos Embassy in "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang - which I have never heard of - (or pay 200 baht extra and wait) is it not easier just get a Visa -on-Entry at the Laos border?

Certainly for the Vientiane Friendship bridge crossing this is the easy option (and only 35 USD for 30 days for UK Passport holder, but generally more if you pay in baht)).

5 day Tourist Visa turnaround in KL? Where did you get that information? My recent experiences and others I have seen posted here is that they give it to you the next day. I suppose if you submitted on a friday and there were some holidays in the next week then 5 days is possible.

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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

I got an O visa at the consulate in Savannakhet about 1 year ago. If you applied in the morning before midday the Visa was ready for pickup after 3pm the same day.

Not sure why this would change, apart from maybe the increase in people wanting tourist visas.

There is also no need to get a Lao visa in advance. A 30day VOA is available on the Lao side of the bridge, you will need a passport size photo and bt1500. The process was VERY quick after filling in the form.

totster :o

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...I got an O visa at the consulate in Savannakhet about 1 year ago (!). If you applied in the morning before midday the Visa was ready for pickup after 3pm the same day.

Not sure why this would change, apart from maybe the increase in people wanting tourist visas.

This is exactly the reason :o

Thanks again to Bb for the actual information.

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Thursday, in SavannKhet now and Lao border officer asked baht 40 (not 20?). 8:15 am bus from Mukdahan "fully booked" said the guy from the ticket counter (booked by a travel agent) so no choice than to get the 9:15 am bus and arrived consulate about 10am. Only about 100 applicants this morning so no hassle and officer said we can get visa tomorrow afternoon (2:30pm). All in all no problem. :o

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Thursday, in SavannKhet now and Lao border officer asked baht 40 (not 20?). 8:15 am bus from Mukdahan "fully booked" said the guy from the ticket counter (booked by a travel agent) so no choice than to get the 9:15 am bus and arrived consulate about 10am. Only about 100 applicants this morning so no hassle and officer said we can get visa tomorrow afternoon (2:30pm). All in all no problem. :o

I only told it like it happened to me!  20 baht and 3 officers in a both to get things done quickly.

There is going to be a problem in Savannakhet as the office is just not big enough and they are going to want to issue 300 visas per day shortly.   I am not sure that the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs is up to arranging a better facility.  Actually they have the garden space to make a better facility it is just if they can and willdo it to cope with requirements.

The buses are going to be a problem as so many organised tours have pushed in cause they can't use their own vehicles as yet.  Maybe the Lao people will get wise and allow the tour groups to take their buses across.  Would certainly make things easier for everone in that industry.


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Bb, some great info, thanks for your contribution!

Just for your assistance here are some pictures to tell it all. They are self explanitory but here is a description anyway!

1 21 Seat Bus

2 Thai Lao bus

3 Is the bus timetable

4 Thai Embassy announcement as to 2 visa issuance

5 The Bridge from Savannakhet

6 Thai Embassy and Visa application section

7 The Visa Room at 1:50pm

8 Lao Heaven

post-39387-1169121606_thumb.jpg post-8857-1169455618_thumb.jpg

post-39387-1169121631_thumb.jpg post-39387-1169121649_thumb.jpg

post-39387-1169121687_thumb.jpg post-39387-1169121703_thumb.jpg

post-39387-1169121720_thumb.jpg post-39387-1169121741_thumb.jpg

Edited by Totster
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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

BadbankerGoodwriterGoodphotographer's photo of the visa announcement would confirm those suppositions, lopburi, of next day service and no need for a 2 night stay... unless, of course, the occasional TV member happens to be a Lao national, who will continue to receive same day service.... which is a departure from the previous "dragon lady" style of customer service in which it seemed Lao nationals were treated the worse.

by the way, this is quickly turning into the best trip report in a long time due to the aforementioned member's efforts... AND he's a TV "newbie." Very impressive... :o

I particularly liked this snippet from the waiting room photo:



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Laos now seems to be the flavour of the month with regard to Thai visa applications!

This is because it is much closer that Penang and cheaper. The round trip on the train to Penang is now 2500+ baht and is about 21 hours each way. It can only 3,000 on Airasia if you plan you trip carefully.

The first step is to get a Lao Visa. The Lao Embassy is near "Town in Town" Wang Tong Lang and is relatively easy to find. There is a sliding scale of Lao visa prices for nationals of different countries. Most western visa runners pay between 1200 to 1600 baht for a 30 day tourist visa. The standard processing time is 2 days! You submit the visa application at 9am -12am and collect your visa the next day after 2pm. If however you wish to have the 15 minute express visa service you can pay 200 baht more!

Many local travel agents offer a Lao visa service for a couple of hundred baht on top of the normal visa price.

Mukdaharn is a lot closer than Penang at only 642 kms or 8 to 9 hours. Penang is over 1200 kms! The other plus is that the threat of bomb attacks in the south is substantially more than in Lovely Isaan.

There are 3 very comfortable VIP 24 seat (3 seats across not 4) Buses that leave Morchit Bus Station for Mukdaharn every evening roughly hourly from 8pm till, midnight. The VIP 24 seat bus fare is 760 baht each way. If you wish to go even cheaper (500 baht) there are about 10 aircon buses with the usual little legroom available leaving at half hour intervals from 8 pm to Midnight.

You may also go with one of the Visa Run Gang that I noticed where very much in evidence over the past few days!

If you leave Bangkok at 9pm you arrive in Mukdaharn at around 6 am. On arriving at the Bus terminal in Mukdaharn, I was informed that the new Bridge is open and non locals (Thais and Laos are allowed) are no longer allowed to go by boat to Savannekhet.

There is a big sign in the main Mukdaharn bus terminal annoucing the new Thai-Lao International Bus and there is of course a bus leaving at: 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 13.00, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00. The cost is 45 baht each way!

When I arrived at the Mukdaharn Bus terminal I saw a big line up of independant operators, parked as it turned out waiting for a regular bus to take their clientele to Savannakhet. So all of the Jack Golf group and the like got on a bus at 8.00am, 15 mins before the first independant travellers could leave.

We arrived at the Thai Border and relatively quickly stamped out of Thailand and then got on the bus to go to the Lao side. The Lao immigration people ask for 20 baht from each person and it is optional to pay it! Don't pay it and we will all be better off. On arriving at the Lao side we were all surprised to see the group tour people waiting there. Seems that one of the group tour clients had a BIG overstay and it was missed by the Thai's but picked up by the Lao side and this held everyone up.

Remember that all of the people on the international bus are on a vehicle manifest and so if one person gets held up the whole group can get held up!

The independant travellers group left about 5-10 mins before the organised group and this meant we got to the Savannakhet bus station before everyone else. As was expected there were a couple of dozen Tuk tuks waiting to take people to the Thai Embassy. It cost 20 baht per person and they welcomed us to be almost the first group of the day to get to the Thai Embassy.

At this point don't worry about changing baht to Lao Kip! I found the exchange rate to be, 1 Thai baht was between 250-350 kip depending where you changed.  The Tuk tuk drivers in Laos are only to happy to take 20 Thai Baht per person to take you on the 10 min ride to the Thai Embassy. We had been at the Thai Embassy for about 10 mins when about 100 of the organised tour group also arrived totally inundating the small room that is the Visa issuance section.

It was difficult getting a Visa application form, as they are given out by the visa officers only!

What you need for a visa:

Tourist Visa

2 passport photos

1 filled out Thai visa application with the photos stuck or stapled to the form

2 photocopies of the front page (your photo page) of your passport signed by you

1,000 Thai baht

(Single Entry Only)

Non Imm Type "O"

2 passport photos

1 filled out Thai visa application with the photos stuck or stapled to the form

2 photocopies of the front page (your photo page) of your passport signed by you

2,000 Thai baht

1 copy of your marriage certificate accompanied by the original certificate

1 copy of your wife's ID card signed by her and you

1 copy of your wife's House Registration Certificate signed by her and you

(Single Entry Only)

I am sure other visas are issued but these are the only 2 types that seemed to be issued at the Savannakhet Thai Embassy on Monday the 15th of January 2007.

It was a real zoo and I have real sympathy for the 3 men that are trying to issue the visas. It was a hel_l of a job for them!

How to make the visa application process happen as painlessly as possible:

Get there early! Stay overnight or be on the first bus from Mukdaharn and you will get a visa application in.

If you wait to get to the embassy 11am you may not get a visa.

Visa applications are not excepted after 12 noon!

At 11.45 they start calling out the minutes left that they will accept applications

Get all of your documents in order and don't the waste officers time.

All around the embassy were signs that said that from the 15th of January it will take 2 working days for you to get your visa issued. After the visa application process, (30 mins if you get there early or 1 and half hours if you are late) I would suggest you find a hotel. I found hotels to be cheap ranging from 100 baht to about 1,000 baht.

Keep in mind that due to the proximity of Thailand to Savannakhet, if you are in a hotel near the banks of the the Mekong River, your Thai cellphone will work just fine. I stayed in the Mekong Hotel which is an old decrepid french villa now a hotel and karoke bar. 200 baht a night fan and hot water!

Up market and where many of the guided tours stay, is the Hoongthip Hotel. Priced at 430 baht to 880 baht for the presidential suite. Sauna, Cable TV, Internet Cafe and good food at a resonable price. The top 2 floors on the river side also pickup Thai cellphones just nicely.

What to do? Have a look at http://www.savannanet.com/ and you will get an idea of more info about Savannakhet. Not much really. I walked about for miles and ate reasonable western food for 50 baht a meal. The best place to start exploring is at the boat landing in the old section of town. This is also only about 200 meters from the Thai embassy. Plenty of reasonable restaurants and ambience on the river at night.  Nice and cool and clean air and 12 hours sleep.

Collecting your Visa.

So it is 1.50 pm on that fateful day and you go back to the Thai Embassy. About 50 poeple stand in awe and wait for their receipt number to be called to collect thier passport. CHECK YOUR VISA NOW!!!

With 5 or 6 people get in a Tuk tuk and go back to the Savannekhet bus station and buy your return ticket to Mukdaharn. Get on the bus early or you will end up standing up all the way to the Thai border, till the organised tours get off.

It is advisable to book you return bus ticket to Bangkok before you leave Mukdaharn or you might not get a comforable VIP seat.

Costings for independant travel to go to the Savannakhet Thai Embassy to apply for a visa!

Taxi to and from Morchit 2x150 = 300

VIP Bus ticket 760 baht x 2 = 1520 baht

International bus 45 baht x 2 90

Visa Tourist 1,000 baht

Visa Non imm 2,000 baht

Hotel 500

Food 500

This means it is going to cost you 4,000 baht max to do a vias run

Group tours all inclusive 5,500 to 6,500.

Now if I can get some sleep tonight I will be able to face tomorrow


you might want to double check these figures? i was planning on making this trip soon myself and really wasn't very keen on taking the "group tour" thing. just scribbling on a pad, i added up the data you provided and came out with 5,910 baht? so the price is actually comparable although i'm sure you had a better experience.

appreciate all the info sincerely though,

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you might want to double check these figures? i was planning on making this trip soon myself and really wasn't very keen on taking the "group tour" thing. just scribbling on a pad, i added up the data you provided and came out with 5,910 baht? so the price is actually comparable although i'm sure you had a better experience.

appreciate all the info sincerely though,

Sorry if I was not so clear with the costings.   Comes from being a bad banker and abusing other peoples money to take their compound interest for an even worse bank.

Costings for independant travel to go to the Savannakhet Thai Embassy to apply for a visa!

Tourist Visa

Taxi to and from Morchit  2 x   150      =    300 baht

VIP Bus ticket                2 x   760      = 1,520 baht

International bus            2 x     45      =     90 baht

Visa                             1 x 1,000      = 1,000 baht

Hotel                            1 x   500      =    500 baht

Food                             1 x   500     =    500 baht

TOTAL                                            = 3,910 BAHT

Non Imm Visa

Taxi to and from Morchit  2 x   150      =    300 baht

VIP Bus ticket                2 x   760      = 1,520 baht

International bus            2 x     45      =     90 baht

Visa                             1 x 2,000      = 2,000 baht

Hotel                            1 x   500      =    500 baht

Food                             1 x   500     =    500 baht

TOTAL                                            = 4,910 BAHT

This does not include the Very Good Lao Beer many seem to enjoy imbibing freely.  I if course did not drink,  as being a badbanker I must always be sober and ready to ensure that I am able to diddle some poor widow out of her due compound interest.

Special Note on Group tours!

Some of the people that took group tours also found out that when they arrived that they had to pay more than the 5,500 to 6,500 as this did not include the hotel and other expenses.

The purpose of me writing this email was to let everyone know the bare costings and how to do it, then you could make the decisions for yourself.  Be adventurous and go it alone and explore!  Or join your drinking buddies for a little male bonding/Lao Beer drinking jaunt on a fully paid junket.

Bad Banker

PS Still can't find the Savannakhet Airport shown on the map as it is just not there any more!  Any one know where they moved it to, as Google earth says it is there but it has moved!

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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

BadbankerGoodwriterGoodphotographer's photo of the visa announcement would confirm those suppositions, lopburi, of next day service and no need for a 2 night stay... unless, of course, the occasional TV member happens to be a Lao national, who will continue to receive same day service.... which is a departure from the previous "dragon lady" style of customer service in which it seemed Lao nationals were treated the worse.

by the way, this is quickly turning into the best trip report in a long time due to the aforementioned member's efforts... AND he's a TV "newbie." Very impressive... :o

I particularly liked this snippet from the waiting room photo:



The Lovely Lady behind is his better half!  I think, and he is trying to impress everyone with his....... not sure!

This was really taken at 1:50 pm!  Notice the faces of all the people.   Will I get this visa and get to continue my life of ...... in Los?   Or will I have to go back to the Phillipines or to a cold old Northern Hemisphere hel_l hole!


I hate ...... Dutch banks!

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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

BadbankerGoodwriterGoodphotographer's photo of the visa announcement would confirm those suppositions, lopburi, of next day service and no need for a 2 night stay... unless, of course, the occasional TV member happens to be a Lao national, who will continue to receive same day service.... which is a departure from the previous "dragon lady" style of customer service in which it seemed Lao nationals were treated the worse.

by the way, this is quickly turning into the best trip report in a long time due to the aforementioned member's efforts... AND he's a TV "newbie." Very impressive... :o

I particularly liked this snippet from the waiting room photo:



The Lovely Lady behind is his better half!  I think, and he is trying to impress everyone with his....... not sure!

This was really taken at 1:50 pm!  Notice the faces of all the people.   Will I get this visa and get to continue my life of ...... in Los?   Or will I have to go back to the Phillipines or to a cold old Northern Hemisphere hel_l hole!


I hate ...... Dutch banks!

badbanker your trip report is extremely helpful. i'd like to think if you were brave enough to go it alone you could earn yourself a little discount which i guess you did. my mistake, i forgot you obtained your lao visa beforehand. from your observations, it sounds like the consulate is getting very busy. thanks again

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Savannakhet used to issue visa same day so suspect "two workday" may mean submit today and pick up tomorrow? Not that it would require a two night stay. Poster did not mention (that I found) date that he made the trip so could have been on the 15th or after. Can poster or anyone confirm the current wait period?

Hi Lopburi.

I did say this was going to happen the 2 guys were well pissed off christmas.

They were saying then they were going to a 2 day job processing as they couldn't coup.

Use to be a great place to get your visa done


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thanks for the excellent trip report.

i have taken the trip to vt by bus from pattaya several times and am now considering the trip from pattaya to mukd/sava. any info on the trasnport options from pattaya to mukdahan would be much appreciated.

also, what is the price of visa on arrival for Laos at savannakhet?


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thanks for the excellent trip report.

i have taken the trip to vt by bus from pattaya several times and am now considering the trip from pattaya to mukd/sava. any info on the trasnport options from pattaya to mukdahan would be much appreciated.

also, what is the price of visa on arrival for Laos at savannakhet?


I met with one guy at the bus terminal in Mukdaharn that was getting on one of those big yellow double decker buses that had Pattaya in English and Thai on the front of it.  He said it went direct to Pattaya and was comfortable as they get.  The Bus left from Mukdaharn at about 6pm and he said that there were 2 or 3 buses leaving per day from Mukdaharn for Pattaya and I imagine vise versa.  The bus seemed to be a very new one!  I also remember being at the bus station in Pattaya and seeing a sign offering tickets for buses to Mukdaharn.

I have said I am not sure of the price of Lao Visas on arrival, as they have a sliding scale which is some where between 1200-1600 baht.  I am sure it is the same price as VOA in Vientiane I do now remember meeting someone who said that they got their visa at the border quick and with no fuss.  It is just tax really so I imagine Lao Immigration will be cooperative.

If you are prepared to pay 20-50 baht for expedition of the visa I think that they will be happy and quick!

Pattaya should be quick as it has a direct link.


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thanks for the excellent trip report.

i have taken the trip to vt by bus from pattaya several times and am now considering the trip from pattaya to mukd/sava. any info on the trasnport options from pattaya to mukdahan would be much appreciated.

also, what is the price of visa on arrival for Laos at savannakhet?


I met with one guy at the bus terminal in Mukdaharn that was getting on one of those big yellow double decker buses that had Pattaya in English and Thai on the front of it. He said it went direct to Pattaya and was comfortable as they get. The Bus left from Mukdaharn at about 6pm and he said that there were 2 or 3 buses leaving per day from Mukdaharn for Pattaya and I imagine vise versa. The bus seemed to be a very new one! I also remember being at the bus station in Pattaya and seeing a sign offering tickets for buses to Mukdaharn.

I have said I am not sure of the price of Lao Visas on arrival, as they have a sliding scale which is some where between 1200-1600 baht. I am sure it is the same price as VOA in Vientiane I do now remember meeting someone who said that they got their visa at the border quick and with no fuss. It is just tax really so I imagine Lao Immigration will be cooperative.

If you are prepared to pay 20-50 baht for expedition of the visa I think that they will be happy and quick!

Pattaya should be quick as it has a direct link.



Pattaya (klang terminal near sukhumvit) to Mukd VIP Bus..............depart 20:00 arrive 08:00. B 650

The posted fee for visa on arrival was for US Dollars at the Friendship Bridge, Nong Khai. In early 2006 it was $30 weekdays, $31 weekends.

Is this the case in Mukd as well? If so I will get some dollars beforehand.


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Pattaya (klang terminal near sukhumvit) to Mukd VIP Bus..............depart 20:00 arrive 08:00. B 650

The posted fee for visa on arrival was for US Dollars at the Friendship Bridge, Nong Khai. In early 2006 it was $30 weekdays, $31 weekends.

Is this the case in Mukd as well? If so I will get some dollars beforehand.


Thanks for the update on the bus schedule from Pattaya!

My experience is that the Lao Immigration very happly accept Thai baht as it is worth more to them that Kip.  I wouldn't worry about changing money into USD.  I know from experience that when you go to Laos you should take a number of five, ten, baht coins along with a number of twenty and fifty baht notes along with at least 500 baht in 100 notes and you will find life is easier.


ALL shops in Savannkhet accept Thai baht!  They also usually give change in kip.  Restaurants also are happy to give you prices in Baht or Kip and will accept Baht happily.

The official bus fare from Mukdaharn to Savannakhet is 45 baht or 13,000 kip which works out at abour 288 kip per 1 baht.   For 100 USD you will get a fist full of kip that will give you a long holiday in Lao.   This is a lot more Lao Beer that a very strong man would contemplate for a week!


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