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Live Interview With Pm Surayud


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Live Interview with PM

Live coverage of The Nation's Group Editor Thepchai Yong with Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont starts at 8.30pm on Channel 9.

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gives his first live TV interview with the Nation's Group Editor Thepchai Yong since taking his post after the coup more than four months ago:

Thepchai: Since he was ousted as prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has readily carried out his political movement from outside the country. Is this irritating you?

Surayud: Not at all. He has the right to do that. The more he talks, the more people will know how he thinks. They can judge by themselves if what he says is true or not.

Thepchai: If Khun Thaksin is watching this interview, what do you want to tell him?

Surayud: I want him to know that there has been a transition from the time of his government that saw serious problems of power abuse and lack of good governance. We are now in a transition period and if he wants to come back, he can do that after everything is in place.

Thepchai: When do you think is the appropriate time?

Surayud: After the new permanent government is formed. But that depends on his own decision too.

Thepchai: Any possibility for discussion of conditions for his return?

Surayud: First he has to stop his political movement. The conditions for his return do not depend on me alone but also on the Council for National Security (CNS) and other parties concerned. Some groups may be against his return and I have to take this into consideration.

Thepchai: Khun Thaksin has said that he would wash his hands off politics. Is that enough as the reason to allow him to return?

Surayud: We have to think about it. If he will really honour his words, that will be acceptable. But we have learned from the past that sometimes he said one thing but did the otherwise. It is not absolutely certain that he will always do what he says.

Thepchai: Is it possible to see reconciliation between your government and Khun Thaksin?

Surayud: That is possible. Any political conflicts often have their time of reconciliation. The bottom line is that he must not cause any problems to the national administration and the people.

Thepchai: In your opinion, what does Khun Thaksin want in hiring foreign lobbyists?

Surayud: I think he wants publicity by foreign media, but for the Thai media it is different. This should not have an impact on Thai politics. People outside Thailand may listen to what he says but it is not necessary that they will believe in everything he says.

Thepchai : How do you look at Khun Thaksin?

Surayud : He is a politician who works both for the public and for his own selfinterest. It is like any other politicians. Politicians look at both public and vested interest. Good politicians look at public interest more than self-interest.

Thepchai : Four months ago people give you a big chance. Now if you talk to every sector, they begin to feel frustrated. Businessmen said they gave you C. Women groups showed their disappointment.

Surayud : Thai people have their expectation. We cannot work with just our power alone. We have to administrate the country by law. Though I am appointed, I stick to principle not emotion. I have to use reason and not sentiment. Some people said we must focus four charges that the "CNS cited to stage a coup". I do not do all four missions. Examination is not my job because they have AEC and NCCC.

AEC and NCCC want, the government cooperate and coordinate. AEC meet with the Cabinet recently and resolved that the Cabinet should have Cabinet resolution to make officials file complaints. They have enough power to do so.

Thepchai : How about criticism from them that officials go into neutral gear?

Surayud : If they have problem with legal problem we can help them solve by amending law. AEC has the power but they hesitate to do it since it is a special investigation. Officials who do not give cooperation because they are involved in the case. How many officials were not involved in the previous government. If they have to file complaints for the case, they have to bring charges against themselves.

Thepchai : The government was criticised for policies such as capital control, alien business, Suvarnabhumi airport. They said the government creates confusion.

Surayud : To protect baht value, we have to solve the problem so that the baht value does not effect export and agriculture sector. Compare agriculture price, we insist that agriculture price is better. We protect farmers so they can stand on their own feet. People who are not happy are stock traders. Money has not gone anywhere. It is only the pictures.

When Malaysia said they will not follow IMF, every one condemned the country. But they can survive and now every one compliment Malaysia that they did the right thing. If we can sustain our economy, that is the final answer. If you look from the export angle, they said capital control is good.

For alien investment law, we try to solve nominee problem. The last straw for the political crisis was the nominee problem. We want to make this problem clear. Sure it bring confusion and hesitation but we have to explain that we are not scaring away investors.

Thepchai: People in general now seem not to have very good impression in your interim government. Do you think any changes will have to be made?

Surayud: I think the government will have to emphasise more comprehensiveness in its overall work. Each ministry has its responsibility for such a job. We have to look into transparency and budget spending carried over from the past government's projects. We will continue with projects that benefit the people and made adjustments where necessary. Amendments of laws unfinished during the term of the past of the government will also be taken over. I have told the Cabinet that they will have to make a priority order of all the jobs.

Thepchai: Do you think members of your Cabinet will remain the same until the end?

Surayud: It is their honesty that is most important. For competence they all have it at the best. At this moment, I see no problem at all about their honesty.

Thepchai: Do you have full control over your Cabinet or you have to appease them?

Surayud: I can command them. I do not have to appease them.

Thepchai : Do your government have any difference with the CNS lately as some news reports suggested?

Surayud: There is no problem between the CNS and the government. We are in direct contact all the time while doing our jobs.

Thepchai: You have close work relationship with the CNS chairman but what about the other members? Are they all working in the same direction as your government?

Surayud: I know them all. Sometimes we might have different points of view but the goal of our works is the same.

Thepchai: You have once said that your trump card is resign if you cannot do your job at its best. Do you still stick to that?

Surayud: I have never said that. In doing my job, I have to achieve the goal. If I cannot, there are only two choices; either the CNS sacks me or I resign. I do not see a prospect of resigning now and in the future anyhow.

Thepchai: What do you think about criticism on CNS members possibly having an agenda for their future in politics?

Surayud: I do not think they want to sustain political power but they just want to make the country politically stable. I have talked to the CNS secretary general and vice chairman and they said they had no plan to enter politics.

Thepchai: And you believe them?

Surayud: I do. And in my own belief, military leaders had hardly succeeded in politics. I think they know that.

Thepchai: What is your advice to the CNS for its role?

Surayud: Be transparent. The people and the media are monitoring their work and they know what is going on. For me, I am ready to listen to them and correct any mistakes.

Thepchai : Can you persuade some military officials not to step into politics

Surayud : I have not reached that point.

Thepchai : If you think you have to do, can you?

Surayud : I can only say few people will not listen to me. It is a fact and I am not disappointed. It is normal thing in life. I cannot make every one do what I want.

Thepchai : What is the military role for the country in the future? Will they do the same thing as what happened.

Surayud : It is up to the politicians, if they improve themselves. If we have quality politicians, then this thing will not happen. The military will have no reasons to cite. Both supporters and opponents of Thaksin have been fighting. For September coup, if we allow (Thaksin to stay on), the conflicts will widen. It is not the military issue, but it is political condition and situation. People who look from outside said they see it as a Thai way to solve problem. They told me if politicians have good governance, the coup would not have happened.

Thepchai : You told me before September 19 last year that you were confident there would not be a coup anymore in Thailand. How come it still happened?

Surayud : It is up to politicians and people. The military plays little part. What is the reason for the coup, solve at the reason. If we can analyse the reason, then we can solve the problem.

Thepchai : Do you admit that it must happen for September 19 and future one?

Surayud : I cannot predict future. For the 19 September Coup, if we had let the situation continued, the conflicts would have been widen. Many believe both sides will clash on September 20. Every believed it is likely to happen that way.

Thepchai : You have the picture of honest and clean but the allegation against you that you encroached national forest and allegation that you are unusually rich. Is your honesty image destroyed?

Surayud : I can prove those allegation with transparency. I am ready to be checked. I declared that I used the land. But whether I am right or wrong, I cannot say but other agencies have to say. If they said I am wrong, I accept.

Thepchai : You said you accept the responsibility with your PM post.

Surayud : If I am unusually rich, I cannot stay on the post. I cannot allow that to happen. I earn my assets with honest. I do not cheat from anyone.

Thepchai : The chance that Thaksin and his families will be charged?

Surayud: The latest development over two days ago, his wife and his relative will be charged. There will be more progress that AEC and NCCC can make and bring the truth to the public. They are just suspect and not yet the convicts.

Thepchai : What is your expectation (regarding corruption investigation)?

Surayud: I have no expectation. It is up to concern agencies whether they can set priority for they have little time left.

Thepchai : What do you want your government to be recorded in history?

Surayud : Not really. I just want to be a transition government that bring a general election and build national reconciliation. I do not want clashes between groups, or killings. I look at the southern violence, I want to see peace there. I see it as Thai people's problem that need neighbour help. This problem may not be solved on my term but later.

Thepchai : When will the election be held?

Surayud : The sooner is best. No time and no date has been set. It is up to the drafting of the constitution whether it is completed fast. Once it is finished, the government can provide funds for the election, and the referendum.

End of the Interview

--The Nation 2007-02-13

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Surayud: I want him to know that there has been a transition from the time of his government that saw serious problems of power abuse and lack of good governance. We are now in a transition period and if he wants to come back, he can do that after everything is in place.

Thepchai: When do you think is the appropriate time?

Surayud: After the new permanent government is formed. But that depends on his own decision too.

Who's he trying to kid.....it should be obvious by now that the permanent gov't exists already...in fact it existed in the background even during the Toxin era....what am I talking about.....why the military dictatorship which cunningly allows the appearance of a conventional gov't but really is always watching behind the scenes ready to yank the performers off the stage when their act doesn't satisfy the old school elite military dictators.

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