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Does Your Wife Want To Moove Back To Thailand?

Foggy Dew

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Hi All,

When I married my wife we always envisaged that we would retire to Thailand in about 10 years time, I am now 45.

My wife has fallen in love with my home country (Ireland) and is not slow in pointing out to me many things on a day to day living that is better in Ireland than in Thailand.

I am beginning to realise that while she likes to visit Thailand and her family she now considers Ireland her home and will be slow to leave here.

As stated above it will be about 10 years before this is an issue for me and many things may change in the interim.

Have many of you had the experience that your wife did not want to leave her adopted country and return to Thailand?


Foggy Dew.

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Hi All,

When I married my wife we always envisaged that we would retire to Thailand in about 10 years time, I am now 45.

.........Have many of you had the experience that your wife did not want to leave her adopted country and return to Thailand?

We were the same way, first planning on Thailand and then giving it up in later years. Specially since we had no friends left, just family. We would return yearly, but one day of talking with any one family member and we had nothing more in common. All my wife's old friend all moved away. So moving in retirement looked less and less inviting. But then some things came together that made a big difference. Here they are in order of importance for us.

  1. Found a house with all the amenities we were used to in the US and more (except for no basement to store junk). Brand new house in a 15+ year old gated community, 24 hr security on the gate, good on site recreational facilities, and effectively 7 days/week common grounds upkeep by the on site developer. Bigger and better than what we had in the US, and their history said the developer would be for the long term, not just sell his houses and run, letting the common areas rot.
  2. I worked until I had maximized my pensions and was eligible for full social security. I can use my medical insurance in Thailand.
  3. Even though other family exists, we were the primary "care takers" of my in-laws and they were now in the 80s. They needed us to push them to get the medical help and in home (e.g., cleaning, cooking, washing) help they needed. They were so used to living on a shoe string all their lives they would never spend money "unnecessarily". So, for example, they would "save" the money we sent for a maid.
  4. Many of our Thai couple friends and our Thai/American couple friends were/are reaching our age and moving to Thailand, some to our town, others all over. So now we have long time friends located all over that we can go visit/can come visit us.

Don't know to what age you have to work in Ireland to maximize your pensions, but if you work only 10 more years, I bet you will find very little difference in the quality of life aviable there and here, if you look for it. Since you do not have to make a decision now, just keep an open mind and see how things change.

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I hear ya. My Thai wife LOVES the Southren California life style. But there is NO way I can EVER afford to retire here.

So, it comes down to living here by the Pacific Ocean working til I die (54 NOW) or doing what I would like to do, ride mountain bikes, yoga, swimming, relaxing, so on and so on. Did I mention golf? I wish I was living say in the middle of Kanas then it might be a little easier for her to see my view.

But we are a coming. Thailand here we come.

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Hi All,

When I married my wife we always envisaged that we would retire to Thailand in about 10 years time, I am now 45.

My wife has fallen in love with my home country (Ireland) and is not slow in pointing out to me many things on a day to day living that is better in Ireland than in Thailand.

I am beginning to realise that while she likes to visit Thailand and her family she now considers Ireland her home and will be slow to leave here.

As stated above it will be about 10 years before this is an issue for me and many things may change in the interim.

Have many of you had the experience that your wife did not want to leave her adopted country and return to Thailand?


Foggy Dew.

My wife was the same, preffered England, ( mainly as she wanted our daughter educated there ) however i dissmised it and we moved to Thailand,but after 2 years back there we are returning to the UK,.we had a fairly good lifestyle in the uk and live in a very nice part of the country being Devon,.im just glad we kept our property there and didnt burn the bridges,no where is perfect but its my home,.i never felt that in Thailand,
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We have been married a bit over 10 years, my wife has three younger sisters of whom two are still unmarried, and both parents still alive living south of Bangkok.

I had always assumed that we would move back to Thailand. I worked there for several years (some time before I met my wife), so am pretty familiar with the place and the culture.

However, my wife is totally opposed to the idea of going back there, and I have to say, on the evidence of the last few visits we have paid there, so am I.

Thailand seems to have lost most of its charm, and substituted some of the less attractive aspects of the so-called developed world - environmental pollution, rampant materialism, too many cars, too many people, etc etc.

We had lunch with a Thai couple last Saturday, and they were saying that they would not live there again, either, mentioning particularly the difficulties caused by the vast material imbalances in society, with those at the bottom increasingly desperate to survive.

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I took my ex Thai wife to England in 1983, and divorced her in 2002. Apart from holidays she has never had any desire to move back to Thailand, and she is living in England now, while I live in Thailand.

She will never move back.

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