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What Reputation, If Any, Do Farang Have In Thailand Among Thais?


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i just want to know what do thai people

upper class bangkokians

middle class bangkokians

lower class bangkokians

lower class non-bangkokians

in general, think of farang in Thailand. It has been said by many that educated girls from well to do families want nothing to do with farang, others have claimed that farang have a bad reputation in thailand, etc.

just want your thoughts on this. any Thais out there?

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The in-laws are very upper-class all from Bangkok. At 1st they hated me with the thought I am just a lazy playboy who will run back to farang land

when she gets pregnant.

But I got pissed off and said lets move to an apartment for a while. Wife agreed. The family saw I can handle myself living and taking care of

business. So keeping it short we moved back in.

For the young farangs yeah we have a bad reputation in Bangkok. Witch I find strange as my Thai friends are the biggest playboys with many gigs.

I think the upper-class bangkokians will be objective in having a farang B/F But its not impossible to get on there good side.

For the lower class non-bangkokians I would think form age 19 to 80 we look like profit.

Had to change font size!~!~!~!~! crist its driving me nuts.

Edited by bkkblueeyes
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don't worry about what other ppl think

To worry is one thing, to wonder is another.

fair enough, but the OP shouldn't let others opinions affect his/her life

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i just want to know what do thai people

upper class bangkokians

middle class bangkokians

lower class bangkokians

lower class non-bangkokians

in general, think of farang in Thailand. It has been said by many that educated girls from well to do families want nothing to do with farang, others have claimed that farang have a bad reputation in thailand, etc.

just want your thoughts on this. any Thais out there?

Why do you put the Bangkokians in 4 different boxes and the 'Farang' in just one box ?

Silly question.

If you wish to be fair you should ask:


upper class bangkokians think of Upper, Middle, Lower Class Farang ?

middle class bangkokians think of Upper,Middle, Lower Class Farang ?

lower class bangkokians think of Upper, Middle, Lower Class Farang ?

lower class non-bangkokians think of Upper, Middle and Lower Class non-Farang ?

Still...silly questions.


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What is the european obsession with organizing people into "classes"?

In most of Thailand it is either haves or have nots. The uber wealthy do not cavort with the local thais and certainly don't put up with the sinsods and inlaws.They do not care what anyone thinks because they have the means to go wherever they wish.

Class is a reflection of one's behaviour and manners and nothing else. One can be a gentleman if poor or an absolute arse if very rich. Almost all of us are working class, even if we are "rich" because we all work and have the same problems and family issues in varying forms.

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What about Upper Class Non-Bangkokians?

What about Middle Class Non-Bangkokians?

Or do you feel that farangs don't know enough non-Bangkokian Thais to bother segmenting them into classes?

Then as LaoPo suggested, add all possible permutations of Upper, Middle & Lower class farangs.

By abstracting & theorization, I can with a high probability of a significant margin of error, give to you the definitive answer:

.... a meaningful percentage of Upper-Middle class Bangkokians have ambiguous feelings towards a group ill-defined farangs that have been non-segmented by class, but uncompromisingly & rigidly defined by bathing habits.

Of course the margin of error increases exponentially as we widen the context, & simultaneously narrow the conditions vis-a-vis the general relationships likely to exist between Thais & farang when taking a non-segmented grouping of Thai versus partially segmented farangs.

The next time you are in the night venue of your choice the most reliable way to gauge what a potential partner's parents will likely think of you is to use the 'teeth-to-tatt ratio'.

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The categories in the OP seem to suggest that there are no upper-class or middle-class Thais outside of Bangkok worth categorizing! Must we constantly remind folks that 85% of all Thais live outside Bangkok, including at least one billionaire? Thais probably do not make sweeping generalizations about all farang. I doubt they put my French, Belgian, Slovenian, Swedish, Welsh, Scottish, Jewish-American, Japanese, Irish, and Sierra Leonean-American acquaintances in the same category as the Aussies, Texans :o and Winnipegites.

And how can we answer this if we only know one hi-so Bangkokian and two low-so MaeHongSon-ians, if we do not know what they think of Farang?

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The next time you are in the night venue of your choice the most reliable way to gauge what a potential partner's parents will likely think of you is to use the 'teeth-to-tatt ratio'.

That well known and internationally-accepted standard is contained in the 3rd edition of Smithfield's Social Psychology of Southeast Asia. It's highly credible and reliability exceeds all other text on the issue.

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The next time you are in the night venue of your choice the most reliable way to gauge what a potential partner's parents will likely think of you is to use the 'teeth-to-tatt ratio'.

That well known and internationally-accepted standard is contained in the 3rd edition of Smithfield's Social Psychology of Southeast Asia. It's highly credible and reliability exceeds all other text on the issue.

So, if I have 30 false teeth and no tatoos, does that mean I will be the king of my favorite night venue? :o
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The next time you are in the night venue of your choice the most reliable way to gauge what a potential partner's parents will likely think of you is to use the 'teeth-to-tatt ratio'.

That well known and internationally-accepted standard is contained in the 3rd edition of Smithfield's Social Psychology of Southeast Asia. It's highly credible and reliability exceeds all other text on the issue.

So, if I have 30 false teeth and no tatoos, does that mean I will be the king of my favorite night venue? :o

After a quick scan of the reference book, I would say that's true, but with the caveat that it is conditional. If, for example, someone else were to come along inside who had 30 false teeth AND three black, image-obliterated-with-age tattoos, that your position would be in dire jeopardy.


I would be remiss if I didn't add that if said tattoos are located on forearms, the likelihood is even greater.

Edited by sriracha john
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The next time you are in the night venue of your choice the most reliable way to gauge what a potential partner's parents will likely think of you is to use the 'teeth-to-tatt ratio'.

That well known and internationally-accepted standard is contained in the 3rd edition of Smithfield's Social Psychology of Southeast Asia. It's highly credible and reliability exceeds all other text on the issue.

This excellent tome takes pride of place in my library, & on many occasions it has proved itself to be invaluable & a great comfort when making those, almost nightly, hard decisions.

I particularly like the easy 'tear out' Appendix B, which fits nicely into one's wallet, with it's comprehensive tabulation of teeth by type (premolar, molar, incisor etc.) versus tattoo type (size, location, quality etc.), all cross referenched to specific geographic locations, in some cases down to moo baan level.

PeaceBlondie - rest assured, you are a magnificent catch (unless of course those false teeth originate in the former Soviet Union :o ).

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In general, for myself: lower classed Bangkokian, mostly indifference for locals and foreigners of any class unless I happen to know them personally. Everyone gets their own individual critique.


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What is the european obsession with organizing people into "classes"?

It is not a European thing at all.

The classes disapeared a long time ago.

Class systems are still very present in most Asian countries.

By the way, whats the obsession with the "titles" in the English speaking countries?

Dr. this, Major that, Captain this, Admiral that, RN this, etc. Mostly work descriptions that are kept long after retirement, and while off duty as well.



back to the subject.

My wife and most of my friends do not think anything special of the foreigners.

They are all the same. Some good and some bad.

Maybe in the tourist areas a larger portion of the tourists are looked upon "butterflies".

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So I noticed that no one has taken offense of the word "farang" in this thread just yet but if one might come up with that, please be reminded that I use this word it's the word the OP used to start with :o And, I use this word almost every day actually :D No hard feeling.

I'm a working, middle-class Thai (to be honest, I really despite the category system for human beings but anytime I doubt about it I just can't come to a conclusion how to not refer to this). My full experience with farangs or foreigners was when I started my high school and most of my teachers were from other countries, only 4 of them were Thai. I had respect for them because they know what they're doing. (Some of them were crappy but I guess nobody's perfect.) While in school I tried as much as I could to speak with foreigners because it's the best way to practice my English. When I started my career my boss was from Switzerland and he speaks both German and English. I got the job because of my English skills that I practiced in school and social life. Most of the bosses i worked for were from other countries as well. I have many friends from other countries (East and West) who help me keep up with my English and teach me their cultures.

I see farangs as great teachers like I see Thais. I try to keep an open mind to learn about and to learn from other people. In the meantime, I'm skeptical about people quite easily so I believe in my instinct which farangs or Thais I should run away fast.

Personally, from experience, farangs can break hearts pretty easily but I think it happens everywhere if the two aren't compatible. However, I've learnt that farangs are more faithful to their partners than the Thais (which are, most of the time, outrageously unfaithful and they will try anything to have that thrill they get when they cheat on their partners).

Okay, that's a bit sidetracks but here are the reputations I have on farangs:

1. Over-reacting: I take this from my bf :D He's a very rational guy but too cautious sometimes and when something happens he just has to jump up and down, not shouting (he seldom gets angry and this is one of the reasons we're together), but worrying or fearing too much. He's well exposed to the dark side of Hua Hin, Pattaya, and probably Thailand in general. And I leave it at this...but yes, over-reacting.

2. Pushy, pushy, pushy..... I loved it when I was in Halifax, everything was so organized and systemized people did their roles and duties. When I came back to BKK I found it a bit hard to try to adapt to the easy-going, never-mind, kind of ways the Thais are having. It was so irritating, but at time, I came back to the usual pace the Thais have so even though it is still irritating, I can put up with it most of the time (but most of the time I actually push, push, push and push, until they give me what they should give me. So even though I say farangs are pushy, I can understand it, but I hope you just back down a bit, just one step back, and you might find it's easier to cope with? I really dunno, maybe it varies to situations.

3. Heart-breakers!!!! Oh my god! You guys are so gorgeous both men and women. Many of you are so good-looking but it's just that the cultures are soooooo different. Women, I want to know you more but somehow we kinda have this attitudes toward each other. There are so many times I read in this forum that farang women get looked down by Thais especially Thai women. Well, you know what? I think I have the same impression, farang women look down on Thai women too! Maybe that's why we aren't friends more? This totally breaks my heart. It's just this fear for each other I think. I agree with an opinion above that it's better to not worry about what other people think, maybe this will narrow the gaps between women, Thais and farangs?

4. Party animals. No need to explain I guess.

5. Heavy drinkers (esp. Irish) but my perception became a real deception when I know more Irish people :D But, I'd say that I'm amazed how you guys can drink beers for water, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not to mention drinking during the games. It's just amazing. I once tried a glass of red house with lunch but I felt tipsy afterwards and only wanted to nod in front of the computer. Totally not for me :D You guys are really GOOD!!!

6. More liberal...provided real democracy and upbringing traditions (I believe there are conservatives out there but to me I see most farangs are liberal). The sense of individualism is greater than what the Thais have. It's a cultural deference I think.

I have opportunities to be exposed to other cultures more than some others so I can't come up with many reputations I think farangs have. :D

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So I noticed that no one has taken offense of the word "farang" in this thread just yet but if one might come up with that, please be reminded that I use this word it's the word the OP used to start with :D And, I use this word almost every day actually :D No hard feeling.

I'm a working, middle-class Thai (to be honest, I really despite the category system for human beings but anytime I doubt about it I just can't come to a conclusion how to not refer to this). My full experience with farangs or foreigners was when I started my high school and most of my teachers were from other countries, only 4 of them were Thai. I had respect for them because they know what they're doing. (Some of them were crappy but I guess nobody's perfect.) While in school I tried as much as I could to speak with foreigners because it's the best way to practice my English. When I started my career my boss was from Switzerland and he speaks both German and English. I got the job because of my English skills that I practiced in school and social life. Most of the bosses i worked for were from other countries as well. I have many friends from other countries (East and West) who help me keep up with my English and teach me their cultures.

I see farangs as great teachers like I see Thais. I try to keep an open mind to learn about and to learn from other people. In the meantime, I'm skeptical about people quite easily so I believe in my instinct which farangs or Thais I should run away fast.

Personally, from experience, farangs can break hearts pretty easily but I think it happens everywhere if the two aren't compatible. However, I've learnt that farangs are more faithful to their partners than the Thais (which are, most of the time, outrageously unfaithful and they will try anything to have that thrill they get when they cheat on their partners).

Okay, that's a bit sidetracks but here are the reputations I have on farangs:

1. Over-reacting: I take this from my bf :D He's a very rational guy but too cautious sometimes and when something happens he just has to jump up and down, not shouting (he seldom gets angry and this is one of the reasons we're together), but worrying or fearing too much. He's well exposed to the dark side of Hua Hin, Pattaya, and probably Thailand in general. And I leave it at this...but yes, over-reacting.

2. Pushy, pushy, pushy..... I loved it when I was in Halifax, everything was so organized and systemized people did their roles and duties. When I came back to BKK I found it a bit hard to try to adapt to the easy-going, never-mind, kind of ways the Thais are having. It was so irritating, but at time, I came back to the usual pace the Thais have so even though it is still irritating, I can put up with it most of the time (but most of the time I actually push, push, push and push, until they give me what they should give me. So even though I say farangs are pushy, I can understand it, but I hope you just back down a bit, just one step back, and you might find it's easier to cope with? I really dunno, maybe it varies to situations.

3. Heart-breakers!!!! Oh my god! You guys are so gorgeous both men and women. Many of you are so good-looking but it's just that the cultures are soooooo different. Women, I want to know you more but somehow we kinda have this attitudes toward each other. There are so many times I read in this forum that farang women get looked down by Thais especially Thai women. Well, you know what? I think I have the same impression, farang women look down on Thai women too! Maybe that's why we aren't friends more? This totally breaks my heart. It's just this fear for each other I think. I agree with an opinion above that it's better to not worry about what other people think, maybe this will narrow the gaps between women, Thais and farangs?

4. Party animals. No need to explain I guess.

5. Heavy drinkers (esp. Irish) but my perception became a real deception when I know more Irish people :D But, I'd say that I'm amazed how you guys can drink beers for water, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not to mention drinking during the games. It's just amazing. I once tried a glass of red house with lunch but I felt tipsy afterwards and only wanted to nod in front of the computer. Totally not for me :D You guys are really GOOD!!!

6. More liberal...provided real democracy and upbringing traditions (I believe there are conservatives out there but to me I see most farangs are liberal). The sense of individualism is greater than what the Thais have. It's a cultural deference I think.

I have opportunities to be exposed to other cultures more than some others so I can't come up with many reputations I think farangs have. :D

Thanks for the great input from your side. Really appreciate it.

Honestly, I hate to consider all these cultural differences.....at the end we are all human.

I know many Thai's who appreciate that I am different from them (not physical but mentally), and with others I cant'get around, as they expect that I do everything the Thai Way (which I can't).

If we would all worry less about our differences but would be eager to find the common thoughts, the world would be much better.

And sorry for being pushy (especially at work), but my top bosses are also farang....and they push me a lot..... :o

Chock dee khrap

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Thais see us Farangs as, filthy rich, sex crazed beer swilling dim wits.

Many Thais cant comprehend that Farangs have different nationalities, religions, cultures and speak different languages. We are all white people, therefore must be Christian, speak Farang and Thais cannot understand for example why an Italian would have problems communicating with a Swede.

Thais don't necessarily like us, but because we are not too many in numbers, we are tolerated. A lone Farang living amongst all Thais can become a novelty for the locals and sometimes good entertainment for the masses.

Edited by distortedlink
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Thais see us Farangs as, filthy rich, sex crazed beer swilling dim wits.

Many Thais cant comprehend that Farangs have different nationalities, religions, cultures and speak different languages. We are all white people, therefore must be Christian, speak Farang and Thais cannot understand for example why an Italian would have problems communicating with a Swede.

Thais don't necessarily like us, but because we are not too many in numbers, we are tolerated. A lone Farang living amongst all Thais can become a novelty for the locals and sometimes good entertainment for the masses.

Probably not as the lingua franca there has long been English. They do recognise a difference between nationalities but they seem

generally to believe that all farangs speak English.

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I just want to comment on this......

......... Women, I want to know you more but somehow we kinda have this attitudes toward each other. There are so many times I read in this forum that farang women get looked down by Thais especially Thai women. Well, you know what? I think I have the same impression, farang women look down on Thai women too! Maybe that's why we aren't friends more? This totally breaks my heart. It's just this fear for each other I think. I agree with an opinion above that it's better to not worry about what other people think, maybe this will narrow the gaps between women, Thais and farangs?

and would call it...... COMPETITION

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Thais see us Farangs as, filthy rich, sex crazed beer swilling dim wits.

Many Thais cant comprehend that Farangs have different nationalities, religions, cultures and speak different languages. We are all white people, therefore must be Christian, speak Farang and Thais cannot understand for example why an Italian would have problems communicating with a Swede.

Thais don't necessarily like us, but because we are not too many in numbers, we are tolerated. A lone Farang living amongst all Thais can become a novelty for the locals and sometimes good entertainment for the masses.

Probably not as the lingua franca there has long been English. They do recognise a difference between nationalities but they seem generally to believe that all farangs speak English.

Most Thais have very limited contact with farang. Since I am not filthy rich and not a beer swiller or a dimwit, they may have just suspected I was a nice, sex craved teacher. :o I think they do not think about us much at all, seldom, and not in depth. Unless, of course, we are a vital part of their life, in which case they know us as distinct individuals. Likewise, we should not think that Thais have all the same ethnic and regional backgrounds, the same variety of Buddhism, all speaking flawless central dialect.

Most of us farang waste too much time thinking about what the Thais stink about us.

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Thais see us Farangs as, filthy rich, sex crazed beer swilling dim wits.

Many Thais cant comprehend that Farangs have different nationalities, religions, cultures and speak different languages. We are all white people, therefore must be Christian, speak Farang and Thais cannot understand for example why an Italian would have problems communicating with a Swede.

Thais don't necessarily like us, but because we are not too many in numbers, we are tolerated. A lone Farang living amongst all Thais can become a novelty for the locals and sometimes good entertainment for the masses.


Have we met... :o

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You only need 4 words of Thai to learn what they think of you - Chai dee and kee niao.

If you are the latter it means you haven't yet been rooked.

The former means you have sallied up sufficiently.

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