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Being Whacked

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Sorry about the morbidity of this post, but I'm concerned.

I have seriously angered a (farang) (ex-)friend of mine who has now made some subtle threats. I am also a farang living in Bangkok (as he does).

In England I wouldn't be so concerned, but he seems to have become a bit unstable recently, and one always hears about people getting erm..rubbed out over here.

Naturally I'm weighing things up. How much would he need to spend and/or how much would I need to spend on a bodyguard in the short-term. Is it worth going to the police for advice?

This is a genuine post. Thanks for your help.

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Sorry about the morbidity of this post, but I'm concerned.

I have seriously angered a (farang) (ex-)friend of mine who has now made some subtle threats.  I am also a farang living in Bangkok (as he does).

In England I wouldn't be so concerned, but he seems to have become a bit unstable recently, and one always hears about people getting erm..rubbed out over here.

Naturally I'm weighing things up.  How much would he need to spend and/or how much would I need to spend on a bodyguard in the short-term.  Is it worth going to the police for advice?

This is a genuine post.  Thanks for your help.

The police will do nothing for you - they are useless. You can't hire a bodyguard forever. your only options in Thailand, are to move or know the right people to sort him out, if you can't do it yourself !

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Is it worth going to the police for advice?

Can't say about what the police may or may not do. However, I dare say if you were to approach the embassy of his home nation, especially if you have information like his passport number and address, then they may be able to do something for you. But you better be prepared to substantiate your allegation, and also keep in mind that one of their recommendations might be for you to just leave the country.

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I haven't been out of order.  He threatened my GF (because she missed some classes (she was out with me).  Which was stupid because she is friends with all of his students.  She told them about it, and he's lost a lot of business.

He hasn't made any explicit death threats, so I'm apprehensive about the police.

Just go front him....

take a friend :o


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All the boys I know are back home. And they're all a bit weedy really, like me.

I shouldn't really make light of it though. You know when you see someone gradually losing it, becoming totally blind and irrational?

I suppose I could face-to-face, get a kick-in, and that might be the end of it. Or take the stun gun, but that certainly wouldn't be the end of it. Can you buy those here?

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All the boys I know are back home.  And they're all a bit weedy really, like me.

I shouldn't really make light of it though.  You know when you see someone gradually losing it, becoming totally blind and irrational?

I suppose I could face-to-face, get a kick-in, and that might be the end of it.  Or take the stun gun, but that certainly wouldn't be the end of it.  Can you buy those here?

Are you a man or a mouse?



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He's not an Italian by any chance ?

Hey ... let's not stereotype here.

Anyone who was serious about hurting you wouldn't advertise it unless they were really stupid. Go confront him. Tell him what my thai friend once onld me ... "you jep jai me ... I'll jep jai you double." You know who he is, right? That fool needs to see you are not afraid of him. If he starts to really harrass you, go have your GF find a friendly cop and pay him to help you.



PS - It's really ironic that my first post here is on this topic ... I'm a regular visitor to Thailand but just last week found out I may be transferred next year.. :o

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Apparently the "wheels of fate are now turning". Sorry, but he's using the cliches, not me. I am worried about the hitman scenario. I live in a condo, there are cameras, etc. I've had a word with the doorman. I just don't know how this sort of thing happens. Would a 100,000 baht hitman (if there is such a being) rule out any location other than a dark soi (I can avoid those) - that sort of thing?

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He's not an Italian by any chance ?

Hey ... let's not stereotype here.

Anyone who was serious about hurting you wouldn't advertise it unless they were really stupid. Go confront him. Tell him what my thai friend once onld me ... "you jep jai me ... I'll jep jai you double." You know who he is, right? That fool needs to see you are not afraid of him. If he starts to really harrass you, go have your GF find a friendly cop and pay him to help you.



PS - It's really ironic that my first post here is on this topic ... I'm a regular visitor to Thailand but just last week found out I may be transferred next year.. :o

The guy's not stupid, but he seems to be irrational. Thanks for the idea about the friendly cop though - that seems feasible.

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He's not an Italian by any chance ?

Hey ... let's not stereotype here.

Anyone who was serious about hurting you wouldn't advertise it unless they were really stupid. Go confront him. Tell him what my thai friend once onld me ... "you jep jai me ... I'll jep jai you double." You know who he is, right? That fool needs to see you are not afraid of him. If he starts to really harrass you, go have your GF find a friendly cop and pay him to help you.



PS - It's really ironic that my first post here is on this topic ... I'm a regular visitor to Thailand but just last week found out I may be transferred next year.. :D

No offense meant Guiseppe' ! I was referring to an earlier post where a belgian was threatened by an Italian with similar circumstances.


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Apparently the "wheels of fate are now turning".  Sorry, but he's using the cliches, not me.  I am worried about the hitman scenario.  I live in a condo, there are cameras, etc.  I've had a word with the doorman.  I just don't know how this sort of thing happens.  Would a 100,000 baht hitman (if there is such a being) rule out any location other than a dark soi (I can avoid those) - that sort of thing?

I know of a bad-arse Farang in Chonburi that will give this chap a thrashing he won't forget in a while , but once the chap recovers he'll still want to have you offed. :o

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For crying out loud, go see the guy face to face, take a beating if you have to and resolve the ###### thing asap before you go complicating your life getting the Police and other undesireables involved.  Do it!  Best of luck!

The anticipation is going to be far more painful than the climax, as someone said earlier , if he was going to do something/have someone do something , he wouldn't tell you in advance.

Let the Chonburi Devil at him :o

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A sense of proportion please.

The guy runs courses it seems and employs teachers. I understand he is pissed as he has lost business and presumably he is not sufficiently funded that its a loss he can take. He blames you and your girl.

This is not a multi million Bhat property deal where you wont sell an access strip of land. You are not partners in the methamphetamine business. He does not front a go go money laundering firm.

How is he going to get a hitman? Do you hang with a crew who know many. So whats he going to do? The local teenage toughs will just take his money and tell him to piss off. The local real toughs will take his money then ask for even more money then tell him to piss off. The pissed teenage boys will take his money then go and drink more wiskey before crashing their scooter. The local college boys will blackmail him and the local cops will think its chrismas . He wont have pennny by the end of it.

Unless there is something you aint saing I cant see the bloke has a chance in ###### of finding a hitman.

I think you have have a case of Big fish in Thai pond falang syndrome.

Could he/would he hire a hitman in falang land. If not he is not going to do it successfully in Thailand.

Tell him to go screw or you will f up the little bit of biusiness he has left.


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A sense of proportion please.


I agree entirely. The poster of this topic should get some professional help for his over-active imagination and paranoia. Not sure about the other guy losing the plot? He's most likely just 'very p*ssed off'

Both very valid posts. A sense of proportion - by way of some feedback / advice - is perhaps what I was after along.

I haven't been here for long. I don't know how accessible certain services are, or how things are done. If it's just the same as back home, then obviously I'm not going to worry. But if it's an unfamiliar pond, then I think that's only natural.

Given the responses here I am wondering about facing up. But I can be sure of at least one thing, and that is that his plot has well and truly been lost. Some things you know.

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ski ing , i've just read your threads and iam 100% sure that you are absolutely full of <deleted>. Words are failing me, why come on a board and spout this <deleted> do you think the girls will read it and feel sorry for ya and give you a sympathy shag ?? Utter tool.

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A sense of proportion please.

The guy runs courses it seems and employs teachers. I understand he is pissed as he has lost business and presumably he is not sufficiently funded that its a loss he can take. He blames you and your girl.

This is not a multi million Bhat property deal where you wont sell an access strip of land. You are not partners in the methamphetamine business. He does not front a go go money laundering firm.

How is he going to get a hitman? Do you hang with a crew who know many. So whats he going to do? The local  teenage toughs will just take his money and tell him to piss off. The local real toughs will take his money then ask for even more money then tell him to piss off. The pissed teenage boys will take his money then go and drink more wiskey before crashing their scooter. The local college boys will blackmail him and the local cops will think its chrismas . He wont have  pennny by the end of it.

Unless there is something you aint saing I cant see the bloke has a chance in ###### of finding a hitman.

I think you have have a case of Big fish in Thai pond falang syndrome. 

Could he/would he hire a hitman in falang land. If not he is not going to do it successfully in Thailand.

Tell him to go screw or you will f up the little bit of biusiness he has left.


There's your answer.

Ignore him. How worried is your gf? Put aside any drama act I doubt she cares. She screwed the guy's livelihood twice. She can't be too afraid of him. Discussing it only keeps the issue fresh and allows him to think up more reasons as to why he is right. He should concentrate on saving his business.

Doesn't matter the country I'd never draw the attention of the police or criminals you open the door for future interactrion.

Edited by aughie
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For crying out loud, go see the guy face to face, take a beating if you have to and resolve the ###### thing asap before you go complicating your life getting the Police and other undesireables involved.  Do it!  Best of luck!

The anticipation is going to be far more painful than the climax, as someone said earlier , if he was going to do something/have someone do something , he wouldn't tell you in advance.

Let the Chonburi Devil at him :D

I'm gonna always be your friend Chon :D Low pain threshold :o

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exactly, on his salary he could probably only afford to hire a leper on a rusty bicycle with a slingshot  :o

This response has inspired me to actually log in and reply to a thread, ( I have not done so for weeks ).....................Hahahaha, Penelope is right, Teachers can hardly afford to feed themselves let alone hire hitmen, the very thought of it is absurd.

Go kick his teeth in, teachers are in general a puny lot of pasty undernourished tosspots, if you are that puny yourself, get your GF a few drinks of whiskey in her and let her do it.

90% of the Teachers are working in some way out of the terms of their work permits, or do indeed not have one at all. Tell him to go fawk himself

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exactly, on his salary he could probably only afford to hire a leper on a rusty bicycle with a slingshot  :D

This response has inspired me to actually log in and reply to a thread, ( I have not done so for weeks ).....................Hahahaha, Penelope is right, Teachers can hardly afford to feed themselves let alone hire hitmen, the very thought of it is absurd.

Go kick his teeth in, teachers are in general a puny lot of pasty undernourished tosspots, if you are that puny yourself, get your GF a few drinks of whiskey in her and let her do it.

90% of the Teachers are working in some way out of the terms of their work permits, or do indeed not have one at all. Tell him to go fawk himself

Doctor John - be careful what you advise - this teacher may be an ex-backpacker, perhaps even a vegetarian. :o

Scary stuff

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