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Another experienced person who most likely spent a couple weeks in Patters and think she knows whats going on.

$5??? :o That alone speaks volumes to her expertise. She must think a barfine=shag?

It seems we english are off the hook and the aussies/gerrys are having all the fun! :D

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Just read this in a major Australian newpaper.

There's just so much wrong with it, I don't know where to begin.

And, I have to go out now.

So I'll let you others have first go at it and I'll join in later...

It's Superwoman! In 6-1/2 weeks (not just 6 weeks, mind you), she:

"... built houses in the tsunami-devastated region of Khao Lak , taught English in Kantharalak and Lamplaimat, and helped to stem the burgeoning sex trade in Pattaya."

I am too speechless to comment further.

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$5 for a jump?!

Otherwise I think its okay. Give her a break.

She's a High School grad not a nit-picking old Pattaya whoremongering lifer.

I suppose they will all emerge from the woodwork now shrieking at minutiae of her op-ed piece.

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The bar girls (so called because they sit outside bars, or brothels, waiting for mainly Western men to come in and have sex for about $US5, or $6.60) claim to be 18 to 25, but almost all are much younger than they say.

I think that's a tad inaccurate.

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Another experienced person who most likely spent a couple weeks in Patters and think she knows whats going on.

$5???  :o  That alone speaks volumes to her expertise. She must think a barfine=shag? 

It seems we english are off the hook and the aussies/gerrys are having all the fun!  :D

ohhhh someone seeks to do something other than exploit thai's for cheap sex and you find that too hard to handle.

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Another experienced person who most likely spent a couple weeks in Patters and think she knows whats going on.

Her brief encounter with Pattaya seems to summarize it pretty well.

Do tell us BM ....'whats going on'....perhaps construction of the new Opera House and the restaurants that are likely to win Michelin stars this year.

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Another experienced person who most likely spent a couple weeks in Patters and think she knows whats going on.

$5???  :o  That alone speaks volumes to her expertise. She must think a barfine=shag? 

It seems we english are off the hook and the aussies/gerrys are having all the fun!  :D

ohhhh someone seeks to do something other than exploit thai's for cheap sex and you find that too hard to handle.

Uncle Paul - faire play to her for helping out, but lets chalk it up to niavity afterall she is young. However that being said she doesnt have a clue on what the real problems are, nor do you.

Moog- Patters is just like every other place in Thailand. More bars per say, but other than that pretty much the same.

1. Most are underage = FALSE

2. Drugs/Debt = FALSE

3. Pricing = FALSE

4. Clients = FALSE

If you notice there is no real substance, pure conjecture on behalf of the writer. She seems to use "MOST" all the time. I think she is clearly pointing out the exception rather than the rule.

DJPat - yes I agree why doesnt she look at whats going on in her own country. Guess she's forgotten that prostitution's been legal there for how long??

Edited by britmaveric
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Another experienced person who most likely spent a couple weeks in Patters and think she knows whats going on.

$5???  :o  That alone speaks volumes to her expertise. She must think a barfine=shag? 

It seems we english are off the hook and the aussies/gerrys are having all the fun!  :D

ohhhh someone seeks to do something other than exploit thai's for cheap sex and you find that too hard to handle.

Uncle Paul - faire play to her for helping out, but lets chalk it up to niavity afterall she is young. However that being said she doesnt have a clue on what the real problems are, nor do you.

Moog- Patters is just like every other place in Thailand. More bars per say, but other than that pretty much the same.

1. Most are underage = FALSE

2. Drugs/Debt = FALSE

3. Pricing = FALSE

4. Clients = FALSE

If you notice there is no real substance, pure conjecture on behalf of the writer. She seems to use "MOST" all the time. I think she is clearly pointing out the exception rather than the rule.

so please do tell me what the real problems are

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I agree with brit, very young, has limited experience of thailand let alone pattaya & her article is a direct outpouring of how she saw it. No one can deny the prossie & drugs & sex tourist exist & if she felt she made a difference then good for her but if she had gone to another place of the kingdom she would have seen it wasn't an isolated incident.

It's all very noble of her saying that her country people should try to make a difference but if she had been in LOS for longer than 6 weeks she might have realised that other problems areas should be addressed first & also in her own country.

It's an honest article in so much as she beleives what she's writing and being that young & helping out with the tsunami victims is something to be commended but the rest of it, well, it's an old topic & until the governemnt decide to seriously do something about it then these articles will continue to be written by idealistic young people. :D (or the tabloids :o )

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Uncle Paul - do a search I'm quite sure you can find the whole host of root causes on TV (subject been uh retread a milion x) or better yet I'm quite sure Kat will go down the list with you.

In short thais are biggest client(s), seems to be heaps of single mums running around needing to support their children (dads don't), and they also have to support parents, and siblings.

Education (condom use in teenage years)

Good Paying Jobs

Less family pressures

And this doesnt apply to everyone - its very complicated.

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Education (condom use in teenage years)

Good Paying Jobs

Less family pressures

And this doesnt apply to everyone - its very complicated.

Its not complex at all.

Its a sex tourist destination. Social ills in Pattaya stem from that axiom.

Lets not be Pollyanna-ish about Pattaya or over-intellectualize the place.

(I can hear a rumbling, a shuddering of the ground as Thomas prepares a vast essay).

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You've got it back to front.

Take away the prostitution and the tourists stop coming.

pattaya was a village and grew as a result of the yanks having r&r from vietnam i believe?

i think in many ways its better being in the open where girls can come and go as they please. drive it underground and they will be in trouble.

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Perhaps it should go underground - it is illegal after all.

Pattaya brings the whole of South East Asia into disrepute. Thailand is an international laughing-stock for its blase attitude to the fate of its women.

They won't shut it because its a moneymaker - and in this way its a metaphor for failed Governance, where ethical decisions are dictated by economics.

The fact its out in the open doesn't bring any benefits to the girls, who still have few rights or welfare, ....nor to the people - since it isn't taxed.

....Having said all that i'm not a do-gooder and really don't mind if Pattaya continues in the same vein.

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