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Mormons in Thailand


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Seems like the morman community is gaining a hold in Thailand.

just last week there was a number of 'Big Wigs' in the morman action up in Chiang Mai looking at getting their claws into Chaing Mai University Student population. Forbid, all those little hotties who moonlite for a little extra book money!

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Without risking being called a bible basher.... :D

My parents were seventh day adventist... 'Sevis' are known for conducting church services on Saturday. Mormons are a fair bit different now calling themselvvs Latter Day Saints. One Mormon teaching is apparently the idea in numerous wifes..... Whos interested now? :o

So poor Buddha is getting squeezed from both north and south. Mai dee B)

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I don't like casting judgement especially in regards to anothers beliefs - each to their own.

My experience with mormons has been limited, however the only one I've had a proper conversation with turned out to be very interesting. Apart from being kicked out of the NSW police academy (for threatening to shoot someone) and a history of drug abuse, they felt comfortable telling me that they sexual preferred men and that their wife was comfortable with this. Now I don't know much about the mormon faith but all this didn't quite add up :D - than again he could've just been a weirdo :o

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This is really worth discussing as from what I have seen these vermin are on the increase.

now now..... B) Maybe we should not call someone of a particular religious persuasion Vermin. Then again... that Benny Hin kinda does look like a big fat bald Rat :o

Do u think that soon u will be seeing the 'Hour of Power' on some channel in Chiang Mai? :D

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i have heard stories that they (mormons) offer young thais english lessons and money to convert and turn them into unsmiling robots. the governmnet should stop the mormons in that they are taking away from young thais the most wonderful gift they have.....a wonderful buddhist smile and outlook.
My parents were seventh day adventist... 'Sevis' are known for conducting church services on Saturday. Mormons are a fair bit different now calling themselvvs Latter Day Saints. One Mormon teaching is apparently the idea in numerous wifes..... Whos interested now?

In my understanding seven days adventist have sabbath the 7th day of the week biginning with sunday as day one. All church activities is conducted on saturdays...

The Mormon teaching about numerous wifes is from "the book of mormon" which is an acient writing from 600bc they combine the bible and the book of mormon in there belive system.

now now.....  Maybe we should not call someone of a particular religious persuasion Vermin. Then again... that Benny Hin kinda does look like a big fat bald Rat 

Do u think that soon u will be seeing the 'Hour of Power' on some channel in Chiang Mai? 

Ya right Benny Hinn have you seen his privat JET? As a former brain washed member of a branch of his church - I can only say if you want a get rich quick scheme you should join... :-)

Benny hinns program is called I think is called "this is your day" If it is the same "hour of power" we think about then it's send from the Crystal Cathedral in the US???

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FWIW, every Isaan town seems to have it's resident pair of "Morons" (my wife's term for them too) on bikes, immaculately turned out and sporting natty helmets. I've been seeing them around for years and on the rare occasions I've seen them talking (proseltysing?) with folks, it nearly always seems to be in the smarter/higher income houses.Does this mean only the rich are worth saving or those with a bit of cash to their name are a softer touch for conversion? I've often wondered too, what their success rate is. I dare say that if they changed to selling vaccum cleaners or Amway junk they'd make a mint, as Thais can't resist a looplaw, cleancut, sooparb farang on a bike. They also speak first rate Thai I've discovered from someone who was cornered once.

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Reference our Moron friends, I recall that a couple of years ago, while working at a well known private school in Korat that is affiliated to that old Polish guy who lives in the centre of Rome, What's his name now? I came across a couple of sharply dressed Morons in the school grounds. I asked them who they were and what they were doing (being a friendly falang) They said that they, like me, they were teaching English in the school (for free!) This was a regular thing for them? This was only days after hearing my school director, a priest, saying that my colleague, a young, highly qualified PhD. from Manila, was paid less than half of my salary because, "she is black". So, I guess the Morons are allowed to operate here because they do it for FREE and our Thai friends (particularly those masquerading as pious religious orders) can make extra dosh out of anyone and everyone?! Oh! beware Thailand, nothing in life is free, especially where the Morons are concerned and the 'Big Yin' up above will hold us all to account one day.

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The best way to deal with Mormons is if they approach you, position your mouth about 10 centimetres from their face, wait 5 seconds then suck in all the air you can possibly summon, turn you voice level up to 1000 decibels and let out a long sustained <deleted> OFF !!


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The book of Moron was supposed to have appeared then mysteriously dissappeared a couple of hundred years ago. Very convenient. Morons are just another looney sect trawling for members and have got nothing to do with Christianity. A better comparison is the moonies.

The best solution is not to be rude to these people. Find out where they live. Be sociable. Knock on their door and ask them if they'd like to come to Jesus, or Buddha. Do it often, twice, three times a day. They'll be at home as you'll have already let the air out of their bicycle tyres.

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gentlemen I've got a story that may of some interest About 10 years ago myself and assie and three germans crossed Borneo (kelimantan) overland.It was a facinating and dangerous endever,took 4weeks.We arrived half way through at a place named ton john lokan (not correct spelling).Guess what, a morman group where there ,they had a(relatively) modern compound ,3 houses internet(at the time quite rare)............they seemed very upset we were ther,they warned us there was a huge outbreak of ensaphageal malarial and that we where crazy to be there .We must leave is what they said.It Took us 3 days to find a guide that woulld take us over the montains to the sungi(river) Makanan were we could travel down to Samarinda and proceed to Silawaysi.During the trip the incredible things these guys told us about the menanites made it clear to us why they had so desperately tryed to frighten us away..............There group was about 20 people all male , they had convionced the local pop. that the only way to rid themselves of the devil was to have the morman seed in planted on all ther women shades,of david koresh(waco Texas),,,,,,,,,,,,you can fill in the blanks.....................,,, Ha Ha ,,,,,,,,,,,,If you'd like more details and phot's e-mail me.......................SHEMMY

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  • 5 years later...

I was a missionary in Thailand a few years ago. I'm apologize if me or my friends ever did anything that upset you.

I want to share with everyone what I believe: All of us are spiritual children of a loving God. He wants us to be happy and has called prophets in our day to give us direction. These prophets testify of Jesus Christ and his ability to help us overcome sin and death.

I would be happy to try to answer any questions... or you can chat with a missionary on the official mormon website.

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Two of them are living in my Moo Baan, I am just wondering how they can afford a $3.000/month housing by just distributing bibles!?!

Regarding myself, they never dare to start a conversation or even staring at me... don't know why :D

Here is a link about a preacher in Soi Nana:


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I was a missionary in Thailand a few years ago. I'm apologize if me or my friends ever did anything that upset you.

I want to share with everyone what I believe: All of us are spiritual children of a loving God. He wants us to be happy and has called prophets in our day to give us direction. These prophets testify of Jesus Christ and his ability to help us overcome sin and death.

I would be happy to try to answer any questions... or you can chat with a missionary on the official Mormon website.

Having been born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah (pretty much "Mormon Central") I can state that most of the above posters have no idea nor concept what the Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) is about.... The Mormon Church is a basic Christien religion with the exception that they believe the Book of Mormon was a history of what was happening on the American Continent while the Bible is a history of what happened on the European...

Yes they are missionaries and their "Mission" is to expose the local populace to the word of God as stated in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon... There is no "Planting their seeds" in local women, they are total supported financially by their families and local churches from home, take no local funds nor donations and if you take the time to speak with and get to know them, they are a really nice bunch of people, although very conservative in their beliefs and practices...

I would suggest that some of the above posters should stop showing their ignorance by stating ridiculous rumors or hearsay about things of which you have no knowledge... I am not sure, but I think that you will find that the Mormon Church is one of the wealthiest organized religions in the world today...


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I was a missionary in Thailand a few years ago. I'm apologize if me or my friends ever did anything that upset you.

I want to share with everyone what I believe: All of us are spiritual children of a loving God. He wants us to be happy and has called prophets in our day to give us direction. These prophets testify of Jesus Christ and his ability to help us overcome sin and death.

I would be happy to try to answer any questions... or you can chat with a missionary on the official Mormon website.

Having been born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah (pretty much "Mormon Central") I can state that most of the above posters have no idea nor concept what the Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) is about.... The Mormon Church is a basic Christien religion with the exception that they believe the Book of Mormon was a history of what was happening on the American Continent while the Bible is a history of what happened on the European...

Yes they are missionaries and their "Mission" is to expose the local populace to the word of God as stated in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon... There is no "Planting their seeds" in local women, they are total supported financially by their families and local churches from home, take no local funds nor donations and if you take the time to speak with and get to know them, they are a really nice bunch of people, although very conservative in their beliefs and practices...

I would suggest that some of the above posters should stop showing their ignorance by stating ridiculous rumors or hearsay about things of which you have no knowledge... I am not sure, but I think that you will find that the Mormon Church is one of the wealthiest organized religions in the world today...


However did they become so wealthy ?

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I was a missionary in Thailand a few years ago. I'm apologize if me or my friends ever did anything that upset you.

I want to share with everyone what I believe: All of us are spiritual children of a loving God. He wants us to be happy and has called prophets in our day to give us direction. These prophets testify of Jesus Christ and his ability to help us overcome sin and death.

I would be happy to try to answer any questions... or you can chat with a missionary on the official mormon website.

Feel free to peddle the 'word' but not in ThaiVisa.

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