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Internet Connection Without Telephone Line


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Some time ago I posted a topic on this board called Internet connection without a telephone line

I got quite a few useful replies from several members of the board.

I am now sitting in my house without a telephone line about to post this new topic due to my new internet connection via iPSTAR.

This is a satellite connection, which to begin with I was a little bit wary of ie reception and the costs. It is now raining cats and dogs in Sriracha and I am having no difficulties what so ever with the connection. Granted it is only two days old so my praises may be a little early.

The costs were within my budget, considering I do not and will not have a telephone line for atleast 12 months (dail-up and ADSL), and no cable access is possible.

This morning I held a VOIP conversation with the man responsible for my internet connectivity, some of you may be familiar with the self proclaimed "whipping boy" aka ######.

A new pc was needed too so I can make my VOIP calls to my wife whilst I am away working, once again thanks to the suitably (?) named whipping boy I am the proud owner of a shiny new computer thingy with a really skinny 17 inch tv screen. I have wireless everything and cd recordable everthting else.

Anyone that is in the market for a new pc and wants something special, or an internet connection, for service, quality, and a damned fine time at a beer restaurant I can strongly recommend our friend Khun ######. He is available via PM.

Now have I mentioned to any of you guys about the photos of my beautiful little girl I have in the members photo album page?

*crack* down boy...

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Anyone experience of Bluetooth connect in Thailand?

I managed to easily pair my laptop to my T68i mobile, and to make attempts at dialling Loxinfo, Ratchaburi node.

Each time, number dialled from laptop, registered as dialling on mobile screen, then stopped no carrier? On dialling manually, no problem with the modem connect noise.

But returning to UK this week, a change of SIM from 1 2 Call to Virgin, connect worked first time, no problem, albeit slow at 9600 (but wit hsome compression, acceptable).

Desperate to sort this out, as I will be unlikely to have phone line, other than mobile 1 2 Call, or GSM Advance when taking up residence in next few months.

Does 1 2 Call have some sort of block on modem calls? To force users onto their data subscription - GPRS etc? And does anyone have experience of this connection for internet?

Chuay pom, khrap.

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Guest IT Manager

Depends on what you need/want to do.

As a nettie, you know the expression, "how long is a piece of string?"

I have done some for as little as 85 baht. But that went to the sh1t-house last monday, when the string got wet. The cans are still fine however. :o

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For what it's worth, I'll add my two cents in here.

Just bought a Sony Ericsson P800 last Tuesday. I stopped into the AIS office today at the World Trade Center & told them I wanted GPRS set up on my account (my AIS phone # starts w/ 01, & gets charged to my credit card automatically every month). The young lady took my P800 phone/pda & proceeded to prgram it accordingly.

Took her all of 3 minutes.

Next I asked her if she could help me make my Toshiba laptop get online thru the GPRS-P800, & she said "sure".

Again, took her all of 3 minutes as I had brought my laptop with me.

Now--------Pricing-----looks like the costs of a "Pay as you go" AIS GPRS account will be stupidly high.

10 Satang per kb =100 baht/MB.

With her only opening Yahoo on my phone, & then me connecting to www.netaddress.com to check things out as far as whether I was actually connected, I downloaded 173 kb, or 17.3 baht's worth of charges.

OUCH! Almost 1/2 a USD to open two web pages!

So she then tells me that I can buy an "Internet SIM Card" from them for 999 baht & I get the first 6 months for free with unlimited downloads, & it's 1,200 baht per month for 200 MB per month after that.

200 MB is 20,000 baht @ 100 baht/MB so this is the way to go for those of us in the GPRS arena.

Anybody have any details on DTAC????

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Indeed the only affordable way for GPRS access with AIS is the internet sim.

999 Baht for the sim, 1200 Baht monthly (a one year contract).

First six months unlimited data plus 500 minutes calling time included. Second six months 150 Mb/ month included (plus 100 Baht/mb if over 150) and still 500 minutes calling time.

Don't know pricing for DTAC, heard they are cheaper but bad data connections.

Customer service on AIS is good, english speaking support etc. For the non residents on this board : AIS offers these packages only to residents! (Need work permit etc.) Only alternatives are registering on a thai friends name or on a company...

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Thanks for the clarifications Monty.

As usual, I miss out on a few of the details when I get the Thai-high "screech-tone" which is added to any & all non-Thai words spoken by many Thai's, especially over a phone line....

AIS does seem to do pretty good in the customer service field though, & I have no experience w/ DTAC so can't comment on them.

One black mark on AIS is that they have no proper office in Pattaya. I called 1175 today and they said I should be able to purchase an internet sim card from any "Telewiz" office as they were registered AIS agents.

They have Telewiz locations at all the major dept. stores here, but the best I got was directions to the Sri Racha AIS office (it's located behind Robinson Dept. Store on Sukhhumvit---------so I'm told).

Bring copies of & originals of everything that proves you're you & are allowed to do business in Thailand as well. I was told that a major credit card would suffice in lieu of a Thai bank account for billing.

Rights to your firstborn might also help.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Tukyleith, you seem very happy with this.

I've looked up their web site, but nothing on pricing, suppliers, installers, or anything.

Where/who did you buy from?

How much did it cost?

What's the monthly subscription?

Does it work with connection to laptop/desktop computer?

Can it be connected to TV to receive satellite TV programmes?


Like you, phoneless, Bluetooth won't work, and very frustrated.

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It was a while since you posted your first report,are you still happy with IPstar??I am moving to a house next week with no phone line and am almost certainly going to install it.

If you have an always on connection,and do regular surfing,say 8 hours a day,can you get by on the basic package of 750 mb a month?.

Sorry one last question do the monthly installments have to be from a bank account,or can you buy a card.

To the last poster here is the address you need for the packages


The installation fee is B15000,although they did have a promotion of B10000,not sure if its still running.

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Bartender/Dah Fahrang.

I had the system installed just a couple of days before i finished my leave, this means that as far as I know from here in Azerbaijan the system has been working fine. I did manage to spend quite a bit of time in those few days surfing and exploring the capabilities, I did not have any complaints. My totally PC illiterate wife and I have been holding our telephone conversations via Skype.com and so far as i am aware there has been no problems. There was one night that our reception was a bit dodgy, but this was fixed by turning the satelite modem off and then back on again. If you will be the full time user, or somebody that has a clue about IP addresses and on/off switches there should be no problems.

Download and upload speeds seem to be very good.

Bartender, Wattana opposite foodland was the mob that installed the kit and supplied the connection, Ask for Khun Kung. ###### did final set up and made sure everything was working well, he has also proved invaluable as support for my dear wife. I would recommend having a word with him about the actual set up of kit.

He also built a pc for me, you can see it here at the hardhatcomputers website, I got the full bells and whistles machine but I am sure other specs can be provided. The box on the top right of my pc table is actually the satelite modem.

I have chosen the 2nd plan, 1.5gig per month or something, probably more than I will need but best to be safe than sorry.

Monthly payments, we haven't been given a bill yet so we haven't made any payments. Not too sure about direct debit and the likes, but the arrangement we have is my wife will drive down to Pattaya and pay in person. Works for us we are only 30 min out of Pattaya.

The best bit of advice I can give you is have a chat with IT, as it is very worthwhile to have the support. I am sure there are other guys around that can offer the same advice/support he can, but I found it better talking to someone who understands what i want, how I wanted it and what I wanted it for.

Good luck guys, keep us up to date. If you want any more info feel free to PM me.

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thanks for the feedback,and sorry for the late reply,I have been moving into my house over the last few day.

There is no phone line, so ipstar is a must,ive already had a few chats were you said,the only problem I have now is the owners of the house will not let me drill a hole though the wall. cheers

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Guest IT Manager
IT, you want to fill us in on the laws in Thailand relating to 802.11

are they(ais/thaskin) trying to keep control of it

and is there any stuff with 802.16 happening here in thailand?

Can't use wireless outside (if they know). If they don't know, hardly an issue. It isn't as if any of them have sniffers that can locate a signal in your backyard. (from mast to the house).

In my opinion, I would drill and tell them to GF or words to that effect, or withdraw your support for their banking. Is it written in the contract? No? Well...choice.

In fact in the absence of a landlord with a brain, I would likely be looking elsewhere anyway.

Using 802.11B currently but will remain open to field developments and tend to keep an eye on them. Many of the 802.11 systems have field upgrades available.

The Family doesn't own the spectrum yet, but they are friends of the people who do. Comms Ministry, CAT etc.

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sorry for lower case shift key broken.

many thanks for your posts,which have led me to buy the ipstar.took the plunge last week and 6 days later have the ipstar up and running.i found the engineers from ipstar helpful and the overall service spot on.i live in koh tao and there is a shortage of telephone lines and no gprs signal so am very happy to have the internet at home.

my house is in a steep coconut plantation and doesnt have a totally clear view of the sky.the signal is fine and the fastest internet connection i have ever used.the other day it was raining heavily and the signal was great.if anyone is in a similar siuation as in being in a remote area i definitely recomend the ipstar.

we are on our 2 weeks of unlimited data now.im curious how long 750mb lasts for,so we know what payment scheme to go for.

many thanks.


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Guest IT Manager

Thanks for that vote of confidence. From an installer and a person rapid to complain about stuff. Shin Sat and CSloxinfo are finally getting it together to make it work, so I am pleased about that.

Let me respond to a couple of PM's from people so I am not held up as some sort of guru in this. It really is a joint effort. Here are the bits you need:

  • An installation company with the nouse to keep pushing for best signal
  • An installation manager who has done it before.
  • Someone who knows that the DNS servers they give you are wrong, or at least, not the best available.
  • Someone to communicate in English with the Shin Satellite Gate Managers.
  • A good clear piece of ground, facing, from here until the end of March (hopefully) 120 degrees and with a clear view at an elevation of 60 degrees.
  • A lot of patience.

With these items available it will all go fine. It only takes one out of place to have a screw up.

I have 10 customers on IPSTAR.

I am not paid a baht by Shin or CSloxinfo

I am paid by the client, when the job is done.

I support after installation because I know who to talk to and what questions to ask. I am effective because I know what questions need what answers.

That being said. The CM installation team I work with have got used to being threated with being stabbed in the forehead if they don't go faster.

They know if they go too fast I will swear at them.

They know I drink Chang at the end of a job.

They know I pay half.

They know how to make me laugh.

We get on well. I will take them as far south as Issaan for an installation and charge for their time, separate to what the customer pays because there are no capable installation engineers IN ISSAAN, they come from Bangkok.

I go to Laos if asked.

Credit to Shin Satellite

Credit to CSloxinfo for putting up with my temper when they screw up.

Credit to me for learning the meaning of Mai Penh Rai, then going to fix it anyway.

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