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Why Bleach Turns My Well Water Brown (op=wilko)


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Dear Prof. Bambi (from MIT.)

Can you tell me what kind of chemical reaction is going on here?

The other day I was cleaning a bowl with domestic bleach and when I added the water from my well the water turned brown; what kind of chemical reaction would cause this? I'm assumimng that the bleach is HCl? or something like that but what is in the well water would cause this brown color to occur?



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Dear Mr. Wilko

UREKAAAA... finally i found the answer!!

it is Theory of Relativity and Chain Reaction!!

Start with

in hot after noon ..you are hungry so u find something in the fridge and you get a bar of

you are a guy who just like to "suck" , not chewing type..so you have a good time with your chocolate..melt in mouth , not in hand

WILKOOOOOOO...... your missus yell

you : yes sir

missus : Clean the Bowl !! don't be lazy ..i will whip you ..

you : yes madame

then you go out to the garden ..you are cleaning a bowl with domestic bleach and you add the water ..

in meantime .. you see a hot chick , girl next door who is washing her car ..she is in bikini


you are drooling and deep in your fantasy


suddenly you wake up from day dream and hurt at ear flap

"Ai kae ,lang cham set reu young, mua tae mong sao yoo dai"

(Old man ,are you finished to clean the bowl , you are staring with that chick!!)

your missus yell you and pull you ear

then you look at the bowl which fill with brown water

YES... that is solution between Water+Bleech+Saliva+Melt Chocolate!!


Prof. Bambert Einstein

(the nominee of Nobel Prize 2007 , Chemistry and Physics)

PS. tomorrow you will make a tread like .. how to relief pain from face and ear flap :o:D

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