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Drink More Milk, Please !


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Drink more milk, please

BANGKOK: From April 1 the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry will launch a high-profile "Milk For All" campaign to encourage the public to consume more milk in the face of a market oversupply.

Advisor to the ministry Kosit Suvinijjit said the Bt35-million campaign, which has financial support from milk-producers, is aimed at increasing milk consumption from 10 litres to 15 litres per person per year.

He added that Thai people consumed very little milk compared to Singaporeans and Japanese, who drink an average of 70-80 litres a year.

Kosit said that in line with the initiative the ministry would encourage organisations under the ministry to serve milk and coffee with milk rather than non-dairy creamers at committee and board meetings.

The ministry has also drawn up a five-year plan with a Bt3-billion budget to help dairy farmers cope with increased production costs.

The Cooperative Promotion Department will organise the exchange of old dairy cows for younger ones, so that farmers will not need to pay for new livestock. One cow costs around Bt20,000.

The Department of Livestock Development will use the retired dairy cows for breeding, the calves from to be sold within the cooperative.

--The Nation 2004-03-07

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There is much debate on the merits of milk - the incidence of breast cancer amongst rural chinese was said to be virtually nil (and in traditional asian society also very low) which some scientists attributed to their low or zero diary consumption. Now however many asian diets are being corrupted by the west. Yes diary promotes taller kids and is high protein but at what cost. The jury is out but personally I drink it in very small quantities.

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Don't they have all these campaigns for the wrong reasons? Why don't they have a campaign because stuff is healthy? It's only there because there is oversupply. What BS is that? Or maybe it's chicken flu?

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But why the heck do we have to eat our way through unhealthy and potentially deadly food that other contries doesn't want? All the good stuff goes abroad and all the garbage is left for ourselves. No wonder the IQ in Thailand is below average. Another retarded idea from the men in power.


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Milk and Beer are both the same. To much and you get fat and other things. To little mile you stay small and weak boned. To little beer you get bxthcy.

For kids and older people it is a great way of getting the nutrition they need but for adults its not the best. It is kind of funny that all the diet book disagree about most things, except keeping dairy products to a minimum.

The comment about the kids being fat. Well I hate to say this but it already like that. My parters Mom own a P 1-6 school about 80 Kilos from BKK. I would have to say 25% of the kids are FAT.

The Thai have no Idea about good nutrition, at all. Like I say this guy at Sizzler's salad bar who was larger than he should be. He made this great salad, Then covered it with Salad Cream.

In-fact my parter is 180cm and 52 kilos, skinny as a bone and kept saying he can eat anything. Well he can, except after he got his cholesterol checked and it was a little high.

How many of you have a Thai partner, wife, girlfriend etc... that can eat everything then you start to eat like them. Then the pants you came here with don't as well? LOL

Then when you start to diet and try to shed the a few kilos the look at you funny. It funny every time I go on a diet there's more kanome. Not sure if its because I can't have it, or its being put out as a Thai humor.

For any us wanting to open a business I think a gym would be a great adventure.

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Don't they have all these campaigns for the wrong reasons? Why don't they have a campaign because stuff is healthy? It's only there because there is oversupply. What BS is that? Or maybe it's chicken flu?

Yeah, that's the ticket. We should all start drinking chicken milk :o


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