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I'm considering buying a domain (.com). I have searched on Google and have found extremely great results as low as 39 BAHT PER MONTH, but even their most expensive package has only a little bit of webspace. And I also don't know how much they charge per year.

How about in Pantip Plaza, are their web hosting services cheap?



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First of all ...

a domain name has NOTHING To do with Hosting

the domain is just the usage-right you buy for a Toplevel or secound level

the hosting is a service you have to pay for if a "ISP" provides itself.

its common bullshit that IPS's "selling" domains in packages.

but in fact the provider is ZERO responsible for a domain. (he is just a reseller)

better buy the domain with aprofessional seller and apply for "just hosting" somewhere

netdesignhost is in my view with a big distance the best provider


IPB ? ... is not really free ;-)

my recomentation is simplemachines forum (quite the same because of same coders)

but free and more flexible ..

register the domainname somewhere else like godaddy or other professional domain dealers

then apply for hosting somewhere like netdesignhost

and set there NO domain order and NO transfer ...

in case somethings going wrong ... with the hosting ...

any claim or cut of service or not liable company ...

the domain is still yours an can be up and running in a minute on another webhost.

if the domain with the ISP ... everything is gone .. including your advertising and remember potentential.

all you have to take care is that the domain seller provides you DNS services.


There are many web hosting sites that will throw in the cost of the domain name for free including annual renewals. Thai hosting sites are often more expensive then overseas and perhaps will have reliability issues. If you are not specifically needing a hosting site in Thailand then there are members who have given good suggestions in the past (search).

I use iPowerWeb myself: http://www.ipowerweb.com/ US based


Hi Guys,

I'm building a website for a Thai friend who is completely computer illiterate. Therefore I am looking for a webhost who can take her payments from her Thai Bank account, but who I can also speak to in English should any problems occur.

Anyone know a good one?

The only other alternative I have is to host elsewhere and pay out of my UK bank account but obviously I would rather she made the payments herself. :o

Any advice much appreciated. :D

Hi Guys,

I'm building a website for a Thai friend who is completely computer illiterate. Therefore I am looking for a webhost who can take her payments from her Thai Bank account, but who I can also speak to in English should any problems occur.

Anyone know a good one?

The only other alternative I have is to host elsewhere and pay out of my UK bank account but obviously I would rather she made the payments herself. :o

Any advice much appreciated. :D

Contact James at www.3ix.org He's based in Thailand, servers are in the USA.


Thanks a lot for the reply udon.

Do you know James' address? 3ix.org is the best until now, since it's got great rates...

Or should I ask him if he can give me a domain and webhosting? How much do you guys think will it be? Cheaper in Pantip Plaza? Saw lots of shops there...


If you have never registered a domain name before, ask J to register it for you with godaddy.com as it looks like a minefield in there if you are unfamiliar with the way GD is laid out.

Or..... you could try to do it yourself. :o

You can change your password later.

J at 3ix.org

J's phone number is on the 3ix website.


Concurr on 3ix.

You can pay to a Thai bank, servers are in the USA, as is the support team.

The very few problems I've had have been resolved at an amazing speed, especially considering the price!

Hi Guys,

I'm building a website for a Thai friend who is completely computer illiterate. Therefore I am looking for a webhost who can take her payments from her Thai Bank account, but who I can also speak to in English should any problems occur.

Anyone know a good one?

The only other alternative I have is to host elsewhere and pay out of my UK bank account but obviously I would rather she made the payments herself. :o

Any advice much appreciated. :D


I am based in Chiang Mai and Have a server farm in the USA. Can set you up with service here with alot of space very cheaply and yes you can make payment your thai account.

message me at [email protected]


Another vote from 3ix.org. It's the only webhosting company that I have ever encountered that has a competent and responsive helpdesk. If you plan on running a website for the long term, you will need that.

  • 2 weeks later...

No, I've not been able to raise him either. I contacted 3iX at the beginning of the week and apart from an email giving me a 'support ticket' I've had no reply from them.

My present assumption is that the Thai operation is in an hiatus. I know there are users of the service here and maybe they can shed some light on this. My interest was based on the service 'over there' at a reasonable price, but payable here, making things easier all round.


No, I've not been able to raise him either. I contacted 3iX at the beginning of the week and apart from an email giving me a 'support ticket' I've had no reply from them.

My present assumption is that the Thai operation is in an hiatus. I know there are users of the service here and maybe they can shed some light on this. My interest was based on the service 'over there' at a reasonable price, but payable here, making things easier all round.


I have the same.

I shall start a new thread so that someone using 3ix may just read it.


Mitch , what happened when you tried to phone James?

The company said he still represents them.

This is weird, I hope that he's ok.

Mitch , what happened when you tried to phone James?

The company said he still represents them.

This is weird, I hope that he's ok.

I have started a new thread entitled 3ix to see if anyone can shed any light onto this but in response to your question, I get James voicemail stating that he will get back (usually within 30 minutes) and hear noting. No responses to emails either. I am a bit worried about him as well. If they had an address on their website I would go to their office in Phuket and check everything but I haven't a clue where their office is.

Emails are also not being answered and I have tried their ticketing system and received an automated response but nothing else.

My website is of great importance to my business so if I don't hear from them by the end of the month I shall have no alternative other than to change host.


Mitch , what happened when you tried to phone James?

The company said he still represents them.

This is weird, I hope that he's ok.

My website is of great importance to my business so if I don't hear from them by the end of the month I shall have no alternative other than to change host.

In that case contact support in the usa, they are usually prompt replying or if still a prob, call them and explain your situation.


Mitch , what happened when you tried to phone James?

The company said he still represents them.

This is weird, I hope that he's ok.

My website is of great importance to my business so if I don't hear from them by the end of the month I shall have no alternative other than to change host.

In that case contact support in the usa, they are usually prompt replying or if still a prob, call them and explain your situation.

Just got the following reply. Now I know James is OK and still around.

"Hi ,

I know James has been travelling a lot on business recently, I have passed your message asking him to contact you.

Feel free to contact us directly in the meantime if you have any other issues.


Alison Chadwick

Sales Advisor"


Glad to hear that no one is unwell, however, it's not a way to run a railroad as they say. In my case they have lost three sites worth of business, since I couldn't continue to wait.




The same deal that was just listed... with domain for 1800 baht a year.

Message me ... I am with NetCBC Inc. and have been around for 18 years now.

Plus we just set up digs in Thialand, so you can debit your account directly.

Netcbc Inc. In thailand is NetCBC Thailand.

Message me if insterested.



1000MB storage, Linux, PHP, MySQL, etc..


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