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Plastic Surgery Disaster Help !


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Had a Dr. butcher my face and head in the US and now am fighting for my life , with neuralgia ( nerve damage) and disfigurement ... I have lost almost everything and have very little money . Where in Thailand is the best plastic surgery Dr. in the country for revisions on a person like e . I need the best and even the best may not be able to help , but I can not afford any more Dr.'s or surgeries in the US , I really need help I want to move to Pattaya anyway , I am in Miami and bedridden from this and it is costing me a fortune to live and have caregivers . I think that when you are hurt and disabled the US is just too much money to get medical care and it seems if you are hurt being in a place like Pattaya would be a better place to be than Miami .

I need to find the number one plastic surgeon and or facial reconstructive surgeon in the whole country ... Anyone HELP !!! I am fighting for my life and If I could find anyone to open my head and rebuild it in the US it would cast way to much for me to afford .


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I would see if malpractice insurance will cover your expenses in the states. I would think you would want a team of at least 2 doctors working on you. Your situation is a bit unusual and to be honest I don’t think anyone will have the answer you seek here. I would explore in the medical community and check with universities that teach the doctors. Perhaps they can direct you to someone who learned there and practices in Thailand. Good luck.

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it is a 3d CT of the damage this guy did .... I need someone to open my head and do what they can and I can not afford medical help in the US ..... what is the best hospital for serious reconstructive plastic surgery .

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Just follow the advice of your lawyer. If he says go to Thailand and look around then do it. I think that is the only way. I tend to think other doctors wont want to deal with another doctors errors and would have you sign an agreement with no promises of outcome.

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Sobe, have you pursued a malpractice suit? The Dr's insurer might want to pay now to fix it. Even the hospital where it was performed must be nervous -for good reason.

It's times like these that show how helpful lawyers can be to us. There are some in the government now in the US that would like to eliminate your chance to right this wrong.

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Exactly what sort of surgery did you have. There is a line over the top of 'your' head that suggests some sort of neurosurgery rather than plastic or reconstructive. Why did you have it in the first place? You look like you have good or very good bone structure, rather handsome in fact - in a hairless sort of way. :o

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past statues of limitations ... went in for a simple 45 minute procedure on my laugh lines and the Dr. drugged me and talked me into a brow lift . He had never done one and destroyed the top and sides of my face . No one in the states will touch me and I am sure it has to do with liability and the fact that not much can be done . My last shot was go to another country as I have really all but run out of money . Going from a good looking gut to someone disfigured it hel_l not to mention the mind boggling pain I live with. Living in the US the cost of everything has taken me down . I thought I could go to Bangkok and find a team of Dr.'s to try and rebuild my head and then move to Pattaya (closest thing to where I live now Miami Beach) . I have been fighting for my life and now that there is so little money I can get for surgery and to live I am here looking at Asia .

This is one of the worst Plastic surgery disasters in the US and I should have sued and gone public with it but I did not .. I could not deal with all that emotionaly and now need serious medical help and a place to live where I can recoperate and I could never afford what that will cost in the US . If they can not fix it it is a nursing home in the US or a place on the beach in Pattaya with some lie in help . Thanks for all f the feedback here .

my buddy wrote this on his myspace page looking for help for me


He walked into Dr. ---------------- for surgery at 10 in the morning to have his laugh lines softened he pays the Dr. and signs the forms and gives him a Valium. An hour later Dr. -------- comes in a few minutes before surgery and starts drawing on his face. He then talks the guy into a brow lift (something he had never done and the guy did not need) makes him sign a second sigh off sheet and ask for more money (now this is about 10 minutes before surgery while my friend I out of it from the pill they had given him and hour before) you get the idea, and if you know him very well you probably know that he is capable of doing something so unethical. After cutting on the guy for almost 6 hours … ------------ had his nurse drive him home in the middle of the night after he could be moved and dropped him in the street alone in front of the condo where he lived in a state of shock with a head full of staples and a mutilated face. The guy’s life is ruined as you can see from the 3D CT (Neurological 3D-CT scans of the head, face, orbits (eye sockets), sinuses, neck or spine are often used to evaluate deformities due to disease, birth defects or trauma and assist physicians with reconstructive surgery planning.)

again past the statues of limitations and I need medical help in a place where I can afford it and then expose this criminal of a Dr. from a place that I can not be chased down for defamation ....

Fighting for my life here and in the US I get no real help just Dr. after Dr. that take my moey and give me nOOOOOOOOOO hope .

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I would think that if you have been getting post-op treatment for his mess up right along, the statues of limitations may be extended. You need to find a creative lawyer and not one who follows the same routine every time he goes to court. You certainly need to pursue legal, mental health, and reconstructive options with equal vigor.

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I would think that if you have been getting post-op treatment for his mess up right along, the statues of limitations may be extended. You need to find a creative lawyer and not one who follows the same routine every time he goes to court. You certainly need to pursue legal, mental health, and reconstructive options with equal vigor.

no the time is up , and I am out of $$ what little I can get will get me next to nothing in the states with no health insurance ... I am hanging by a thread and I need to find a Dr. that will go in and do what they can ... my life has been destroyed and I think my last shot is to leave the states as I have so little money I can get a hold of .... This guy butchered me as you can see . Most US Dr.'s do not want to get involved , they take one look at me and say Uhhhhh I can not help you let me show you the door sorry .. or I do not see anything wrong ( so afraid to say what they are thinking because they d not want to be drug to court .... I guess I am screwed .. but before I gave up and ended this nightmare I thought I may find some help in Asia as the culture seems to be a little more helpful . I will not be able to make it in bed much longer and if I can get ay $$ it will not be much ... thought I could get some Dr. in Thailand to open me up and if I made it just stay there , life is so so over in the states .. maybe anywhere . thanks . I had a friend tell me when I hit the end of the road over here that I should go to Thailand to look for answers before I gave up . My head is a mess , 24/7 pain and a living night mare . I thought I would find the best Dr. in thailand and just beg with a handful of cash . Again in the states I have gotten nowhere . :o

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i would be interested to know how your brow lift resulted in what appears to be a bone deformity , or is it soft tissue loss over the skull?

did the wound become infected resulting in the tissue loss?

have the nerves affecting motor function to the muscles that control facial expresion been affected?

i'm sure both bone loss and tissue loss can be rectified with grafts.

are you bald , or is that just the scan?

i cant understand why you cannot seek redress and compensation through either the medical association that insures the doctor , or through a civil suit through the court system.

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There is an option you did not consider and actually few do. To use another example when people learn to cut hair they work on real customers under the supervision of their instructors. The trade off is if you have 1 inch to be cut, they will cut it 1/4 inch at a time to practice so the haircut takes much longer. You may want to explore that type of avenue in the states. You may be able to work a deal with them.

As far as Thailand goes and with anyone in a given profession some people are simply better at one thing than another. Some may be great at breast augmentation, while others are better at reconstructive procedures.

I may suggest you try to contact the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand. They may be able to direct you to the doctor(s) you need to see. If you present yourself as a challenge, Thailand will gain a lot of face in that field if the outcome is successful. (No pun intended)

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i would be interested to know how your brow lift resulted in what appears to be a bone deformity , or is it soft tissue loss over the skull?

did the wound become infected resulting in the tissue loss?

have the nerves affecting motor function to the muscles that control facial expresion been affected?

i'm sure both bone loss and tissue loss can be rectified with grafts.

are you bald , or is that just the scan?

i cant understand why you cannot seek redress and compensation through either the medical association that insures the doctor , or through a civil suit through the court system.

past statues of limitations ...

the guy did not know what he was doing ad mutilated the head ... now he scar has spread and the scar tissue underneath is growing out of control ... the guy cut on me for 6 hours and had no idea what he was doing ... I found out later he had never done a brow-lift and I did not need one .... hard for me to go on an d on about it . but no one in the states is touching it , I am almost out of $$ and if I do not find a Dr., that will take this on and and a Dr. and hospital that is far less expensive than the states .. I will not make it .

How do I fid the best Cranial reconstructive surge and cosmetic surgeon in Thailand ?

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I would suggest contacting the doctor I mentioned in the previous post. If he cannot assist you, I'm sure he can refer you to someone who can.

You may also like to try specialists practising at Bangkok General Hospital, a private facility vs Bumrungrad Hospital which is public but operates in a semi-private fashion.

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I may suggest you try to contact the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand. They may be able to direct you to the doctor(s) you need to see. If you present yourself as a challenge, Thailand will gain a lot of face in that field if the outcome is successful. (No pun intended)

one of the best ideas I have ever heard ... they fix one(if not the ) of the worst plastic surgery disasters in US history in Thailand that no one else could fix and it makes thailand the new Plastic surgery king ... the res they would get would be remarkable . Like that guy who went for bypass surgery in Bangkok they have worn that guys story out , his was about cost ... Mine would be about skill and then I could expose the criminal that did this too me . The way to do this would be to get a 20/20 or 60 minutes or dateline to cover the whole thing . John K you are on to something .. I am just so dam sick and have to help to put this together and have almost given up , but when I read and idea like that I must say I am inspired .

and youngkiwi Dr Amorn Poomee who practices at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok is the best guy I found so far sent the scans but they said they had never seen anything like that and needed to see me , I do not know how I would make a 30 hour flight and do it alone . The way to do this is get the press involved so Bumrungrad Hospital would put together a team and make this a real #1 project seeing how they would get the press .

Hard to believe the health care system sucks so bad i the US that you need to travel 30 hours to find people that will do what Dr. right here will not . I just feel that after 3 years of hel_l and games with EVERY dr. in the states I have seen that if there are answers they are in a place like Thailand not the US .

I have been alone with no real help y own family has buried their heads and do not really want to deal with it ... doing tis alone is hel_l and trying to keep my sanity with a head mutilated like this and so little hope left is hard .

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:o What the fk - how the hel_l could a Dr doing brow lift fk your head up? This bloody is disgusting.

Dunno I'd contact Discovery Channel and see if they'd be interested in helping you out. I know I've seen shows Plastic Surgey Gone Wrong and if there were ever a logical candidate you'd be one.

Goodluck and I'd certainly get my revenge on the bastard, if lawsuit wasn't an option I'd certainly go the media and AMA. Licence revoked and criminal action.

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I may suggest you try to contact the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand. They may be able to direct you to the doctor(s) you need to see. If you present yourself as a challenge, Thailand will gain a lot of face in that field if the outcome is successful. (No pun intended)

John K you are on to something .. I am just so dam sick and have to help to put this together and have almost given up , but when I read and idea like that I must say I am inspired .

Sometimes thinking outside of the box is required.

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I'm not sure you are looking hard enough for a doctor here in the States. There have been many cases of plastic surgeons fixing what others have screwed up on. You say you are almost out of money, yet you plan to travel to Thailand to find a team of plastic surgeons to fix you and then live in Pattaya? How much is that bill going to run you? Just from doing a simple search on the web, I found that most medical malpractice statute of limitations are 2 years. In the case of things such as scarring, the two year limit does not come in to effect until the malpractice "was discovered."

In any case, are you saying you've waited well over 2 years to even consider getting an attorney to do something about this?

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there is something not quite right about this story.

Once more.....you're taking the words out of my mouth...............

....how come I don't believe this story...............? :D

If you look at the photo at the OP's post and click on it (and save it) it says:

"Dr. Lenny"

Now, who's Dr. Lenny? :D


I think the photo is one of those Venetia/Venice masks and someone is pulling a very long leg here...apart from that I think the photo is 'photoshopped'.......... :o

This is NOT a normal photo :D

..Dr Lenny...


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....and youngkiwi Dr Amorn Poomee who practices at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok is the best guy I found so far sent the scans but they said they had never seen anything like that and needed to see me ..............

If you can prove this, Sobe, I will sincerele apologize....

You don't have to send the 'prove'*** to me; you can do so to one of the Mods.

*** show the 'scans' you have sent as well as the answers from Dr. Amorn Poomee/Bumrungrad Hospital...!

Hmmmm... there are about 18 Qualified Plastic Surgeons at the Bumrungrad Hospital....

Why did you pick the first one on the list?


Look under : Surgery; Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

LaoPo :o

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I just spent about 3 hours on the phone with this guy, and he is for real in what he says. So please avoid any negative comments. The photo is a hi tech cat scan MRI 3d overlay so that is why it looks that way.

yeah! and that explains why lifting an eyebrow changed the cranial structure? give me a break! :o

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Thank you for your e-mail on 17 August 2006.

Please note that Dr. Charan Mahatumarat needs more information on your previous surgery and real photos for primary evaluation. Kindly follow the given instructions and then we can move you case to the next process.

If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Miss Chuleegorn J.

Email Management Officer

Direct: +662 667 1213

one of about 10+ replies I have gotten from Bumrungrad International ... just do not know if this is the best place to go for help ... keep thinking that help in the states is where the best Dr.'s are but none of them will touch me . They are afraid that when they work on me they will have to testify in court that what they saw when they opened up me head was so horrendous that it was gross negligence. They will have to be depositioned an drug into court and they do not want to be put in that situation . So the really good Dr.'s in the west end up not helping because they do not want a problem . If this was from a car accident and not from the GROSS negligence of another Dr. I think I would have many surgical options in the US .

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