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Suicide Near British Embassy


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it is reported today in "thai rath", under the headline "unbalanced falang", that a middle aged englishman named as trevor niven suffered a messy death when he jumped into the path of a no. 62 air con buson witayu road near the british embassy last night.

the police said that the day before he was found swimming in one of the drainage klongs near vipawadi rangsit road, the police said he had been drugged and robbed of everything he owned by a girl from surin that he had met.

there do seem to be a lot of westerners who die here under strange circumstances.

i would be interested to know how the embassies view these deaths, do they accept the police reports as they stand or do they try to find out more about the background or press the police to delve deeper into the events that lead up to these deaths.

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After having swum into a drainage klong, he was on borrowed time anyway,...

The police said he was drugged. Do they give details? Does Chang beer qualify?

Anyway, another sad story and unfortunately, this is really that, ANOTHER one,...

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ROAD DEATH: Briton crushed under No 62 bus

BANGKOK: -- A Briton was killed yesterday by a BMTA bus outside the British Embassy on Wireless Road, police said yesterday.

Trevor Newell was crushed by a No 62 bus. Driver Bamrung Tirawat, who remained at the scene, was charged with reckless driving resulting in the death of another person.

However, passengers on the bus told police that Newell had jumped from the pavement in front of the embassy and thrown himself in front of the bus and his head had been crushed by its front wheels.

--The Nation 2004-04-18

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ROAD DEATH: Briton crushed under No 62 bus

BANGKOK: -- A Briton was killed yesterday by a BMTA bus outside the British Embassy on Wireless Road, police said yesterday.

Trevor Newell was crushed by a No 62 bus. Driver Bamrung Tirawat, who remained at the scene, was charged with reckless driving resulting in the death of another person.

However, passengers on the bus told police that Newell had jumped from the pavement in front of the embassy and thrown himself in front of the bus and his head had been crushed by its front wheels.

--The Nation 2004-04-18

He might have just been knocked back for a settlement visa for his new found friend from Surin.

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ROAD DEATH: Briton crushed under No 62 bus

BANGKOK: -- A Briton was killed yesterday by a BMTA bus outside the British Embassy on Wireless Road, police said yesterday.

Trevor Newell was crushed by a No 62 bus. Driver Bamrung Tirawat, who remained at the scene, was charged with reckless driving resulting in the death of another person.

However, passengers on the bus told police that Newell had jumped from the pavement in front of the embassy and thrown himself in front of the bus and his head had been crushed by its front wheels.

--The Nation 2004-04-18

He might have just been knocked back for a settlement visa for his new found friend from Surin.

nope none of the elevators working in the area

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I think many people go to thailand wishing to find the rest and happiness they didn't have at home.

They know the rules of the ratrace back home and they don't like it but thailand has it's own raterace, only difference is they don't know the rules. It's like some kind of jungle with predators in search of lonely and weak souls. And when they catch a proy, they just take it all, including the last self respect and hope living an empty soul in a body full of pain.

A guy stands alone with nothing more to loose and he realises that thailand is as far from heaven as all the other places he has been to before. Disapointed on himself and life, with noone to care for him (cause he has no penny anymore, and in thailand you're worth looking at as long as you have money) he just looks for a quick end.

The embassy? maybe he went there, but he was looked at with so much disregard and humiliated to his bones he leeft knowing for sure there was nowhere else he could go.

May his soul rest in peace. Don't joke at this things, but help someone in need if you can. It could have been you.

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The police said he was drugged. Do they give details? Does Chang beer qualify?

Come on, you can't expect details like that.

The Thai police cannot even spell Forensic,

let alone understand what it means!!

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I did ask in another thread if anyone knew any of the "high divers" that we've had a spate of recently. In particular I'd like to know now long each of them had on their visas and workpermits, and if at the time of their deaths if any of them had begun the renewal processes but were making little progress.

In the case of this unfortunate, I think the poster above has it right - robbed and penniless in Thailand then turning to one's own embassy for assistance to be told they can only give you a list of recommended lawyers does not help fill the empty belly or get you back home. What use is a list of lawyers if you have no money?

For tourists in this situation, the embassy can arrange contact with friends and family back home to have the cost of a ticket home forwarded to the embassy (they bill you for this of course), but for expats who may have severed connections with the old country ....... ?

It goes to prove that "networking" is even more vital here than back home. It's essential to have a peer group willing to help each other in a crisis. Unfortunately, too many expats have a bucketful of their own problems and are unable or unwilling to help others before they've helped themselves - too often they're already too late to do even that. Recognition of the inevitable often comes too late when blinded by unfillable promises of paradise.

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I suspect that the good old loving British Embassey were very understanding and did all they could to help him.

Overcome with shock he blundered into the road.

Serious though there is a lot of expats here with a lot of problems. There does not seem to be any help centres for them :o I suppose it's not possible to have a help centre for other nationalities, or even refer them to a mental hospital at the countries expense and later claimed back on return to their own country.

Notably when I was in India a chap in our guesthouse went off his rocker. The guesthouse called a doctor, he tranced the man and we took him to our British Embassy in Chennai. They told me they would'nt help so I said " fine he's on britsh soil so when he wakes up you deal with him" Then took a few photo's.They promptly found a hospital for him and he was sent home 2 days later courtesy of the Embassy. Seems to me the British Embassy abroard is not a lot of help to it's nationals in need.

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