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I must confess that I have had sexual relations with young girls on numerous occasions. Just to keep this story in perspective, I ask that you read the entire post (especially those with poor English), for the best is yet to come.

It all started when Natasha who was 13 at the time, came on to me. At least it seemed so to me. Natasha was a beautiful woman at least in my eyes, for I could not see her as the child she really was. I was merely following my impulses and felt that I had done nothing wrong. She would joke with me, make lewd comments and she lead me on. I was mezmerized by her beauty and her ability to make me laugh.

At night I stayed awake and dreamed of her and me lying side by side on the beach with nothing on but a smile.

Finally one day when alone together Natasha allowed me to be with her. Every sense told me that this was taking place with her full consent and desire and it was then that we embarked on our private ritual. We were lucky for we were never caught, although Natasha told many of her friends. As a result of those rumors, I had the “opportunity” to repeat this act with the other girls, all of whom were about 13 years old.

Since the statue of limitations have run out on these acts I can now tell you this. Today, I am married have two children with a third on the way and lead a normal life staying away for any kind of illegal, improper or immoral activity. Oh by the way, when I knew Natasha and her friends, I was also 13 years old.

Now I know that before you reached this point in the story you probably thought Oh! what a degenerate, what an animal. Well, I accept your apology and in exchange for these revelations and your immediate condemnation, I ask that you go to http://www.michelonia.com and consider joining up.

I am sorry that I had to use the above fictitious exploits of my childhood to get your attention, but, it seems that I have learned one thing from this forum “sex sells”. If it is illicit sex it seems to sell more.

It is somewhat sad. Here is this person that is suspected of having conducted indecent acts with minors and the subject gets more than 12,000 views, countless comments from everyone and even generous offers of support for the particular victims. I would imagine that some of you had spent well over $10 just to stay connected that long to read all the posts.

Yet when I present you with the opportunity to contribute to a better life for the many that need and deserve it, few responses are received and few bother to take a look at the idea that I propose.

Come on!!! Please take a look at it at http://www.michelonia.com

I will not let up, for I think that all of you want to do something for others, yet find it difficult to have the trust or the willingness to get invloved espcially after reading neagtive things about others.

I consider myself a salesman based on the fact that I was able to persuade others to go into the line of fire withouyt having to threathen to shoot them, while stationed in Vietnam. I am sure that I will reach at least half of you eventually!!!!!!!

Is this a site that is gonna get me in trouble if i go to it on my work computer?

NO!! It is more tame that the forum that we are on. Just a site to mimick a small government with the objective to raise funds for people that cannot yet help themselves. We as forum members can help without too much personal involvement

Now, if you had been 12 at the time would it be ok?
We have advised the MOUSE of this and he realizes that he may be incacerated at the Michelonian Central Prison within the near future. His lawyers are presently negotiating forum access rights and the amount of official beer (Michelob) that he will be entitled to.

I refuse to accept Chang Beer. It is Michelob or nothing. It will be bad enough that I have to serve the sentence in a Michelonian Prison. They are known for their lack of accomadations and lack of luster for a better description.

Go and visit http://www.michelonia.com , don't end up like me kids. Do something good for the world.

Since the statue of limitations have run out on these acts I can now tell you this. Today, I am married have two children with a third on the way and lead a normal life staying away for any kind of illegal, improper or immoral activity. Oh by the way, when I knew Natasha and her friends, I was also 13 years old.

Now I know that before you reached this point in the story you probably thought Oh! what a degenerate, what an animal.

Hey, you are not off the hook yet. Natasha was my daughter, and she was below the age of consent. I don't care how young you were. You are still a twisted little pervert. I am going to prosecute you for statutory rape!


Just been advised by my virutal Michelonian Lawyers that Michelonia has an old law on the books such as Italy had 10 years ago. This law states if the perpretrator of a rape (actual or statutory) offers to wed the offended party, all charges are dropped. This is irregardless if she or he accept the proposal to wed and make amends.

So now the only remaining questions are; Do you want to be my Father in Law and be forced into getting automatic Michelonian citizenhsip? And of course will my present wife get angry if I get a second wife.

Also I am advised that through Michelonian law and through my kids with the present wife you would become an instant adopted Grandfather (they do not have one left alive). See the family at http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz

Stay tuned for another day in the saga of the MOUSE at http://www.michelonia.com


Well i fell for it hook, line and sinker....bast****. even went and had a look at your linked site, which you correctly assumed would not have had happened without the "hook". Since i am clearly such an easy dupe for a sales pitch... i had better let my wife answer the door from here on in, or I'll have double glazing, house alarms, encyclopedias...etc in no time.

So Mouse,this is what you do in your spare time !!!!!!
Yes! after 20 years of Military and then 10 years of running a business in Italy, it was time to retire and have a family. Money is enough and the family is growing, and we are happy, so I want to pass it on to others.

As for the picture, it's on the left, yes that's me the Mouse.

Hope to see you joining our nations as a citizen soon. Go to http://www.michelonia.com

It all started when Natasha who was 13 at the time, came on to me. At least it seemed so to me. Natasha was a beautiful woman at least in my eyes, for I could not see her as the child she really was.

:o I thought this was an anonymous forum


Actually this thread is about http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9571

The rest was a little comedy to entince poster or those that just lurk and never post to come and get invloved. Unfortunately this has only netted one new citizen, no actaully two but the second could not get his card accepted so he will get honrary citizenship until we can solve his problem.

Please people get invlovled in this. If you are worried about getitng ripped off for $10, I do not know what to tell you, go to read a notehr thread. I think that we could do a lot with this idea and hope that some of you will join in.

See my homepage at http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz and then go to http://www.michelonia.com and sign up as a citizen

Actually this thread is about http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9571

The rest was a little comedy to entince poster or those that just lurk and never post to come and get invloved. Unfortunately this has only netted one new citizen, no actaully two but the second could not get his card accepted so he will get honrary citizenship until we can solve his problem.

Please people get invlovled in this. If you are worried about getitng ripped off for $10, I do not know what to tell you, go to read a notehr thread. I think that we could do a lot with this idea and hope that some of you will join in.

See my homepage at http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz and then go to http://www.michelonia.com and sign up as a citizen

Well said MOUSE. Sorry about my credit card but it seems that the girlfriend recently went shopping and maxed it out without me knowing (well that is another story). Thanks for the Honorary citizenship, I will send in my fee as soon as I can transfer funds around to take care of everything.

I thought about what you said "More than 9,000 members" and if everyone joined that we would have $90,000 just from this forum. WOW! There is certainly potential here. Keep it up.


We now have a total of eight citizens. Sorry, but to get this nation started had to add a few free ones, so there would be someone there in case we have to vote for something in a hurry.

Dr. Pat Pong and George - Hope you do not mind holding the purse strings and only releasing funds to appropriate recipients when a vote has been done in favour of such a project.

I think that many more will likely join with this safeguard in place, for they have likely known you for ions versus me being a relative newcomer on the forum.

Just checks and balance point for the citizens and contributors.

Again the address is http://www.michelonia.com


Please do not tarnish our image by attemting to link us with other sites that seem to intentionaly commit fraud or wrongful acts, for we do not have any links, action or issues that are improper or designed with bad intent.

The actual intent is to take the collected funds and use it as seed money for projects to help others throughout the world. The interesting twist is that you must be a citizen to bring a project. Citizens can bring only two proposals per year and must wait one year, if a project fails. The project itself must not become dependent on the financial aid of the Michelonian nation and the beneficiaries must repay 33% of the received help with whatever product or services they produce. The repayment does not go back to Michelonia, but rather to another project that is chosen by the citizens of Michelonia. Kind of like the movie “Pass it on”. In this manner Michelonia is able to do more and more with each and every successful project.


No matter how fast I run I cannot for the life of me seem to catch that Pogo. He is always there ahead of me with the latest news and updates. We may have to elect him as Minister of Public Affairs of Michelonia. By the way the election is in November of this year. So those of you interested, let me know soon.

Visit Michelonia at http://www.michelonia.com , a virutal nation with actual deeds

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