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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. We get them just about any time it rains or doesn't rain and it is the whole street or more at a time . One memorable exception was on a rainy evening and we were all sat down for BBQ and hotpot on the veranda when out went the electric , but it was only our house . I tried the fuse box a few times to no avail . Funny uncle Wilot called the local electrician and he showed up with a meter and tested the fuse box and the meter on the pylon outside . He then got a big bamboo pole and hoisted it up to the pylon cable and wiggled the wire about . There were a few sparks going off . Sure of the cause of the brown out he then hammered the connector back into the socket up on the pylon with the big bamboo pole .Sparks everywhere. The lights came on then and the electrician then became a welcome dinner guest . Scary but true .

  2. I bought four LP's in Hong Kong the other day from a junk shop. The first one was " The king's music" with his own compositions , an early recording . The other three are Thai classics played by a big band with male and female vocalists . The sound is so warm . I can't read Thai at all so I will have to wait to get more info but I would guess late 1950's . Four fab records with beautiful covers . The funny thing is though I have never seen any oldie LP's in Thailand as yet .

    I need that 15 ft of music . :rolleyes:

  3. Oh dear the link doesn't work twice . So the song is - Alcoholic by Fishbone (Studio version with video to be found on utube.

    Is this the right version?

    No that's not the one I was looking at .

    I like the studio version a lot more , but having said that they were nuts live , Barrowlands supporting Bad Brains if I remember . "Skid row bum stylee" Now that's an anthem .

  4. If you had to go back several years for a descent conversation you've clearly never tried skydiving


    Perhaps we could start a whole new topic on descent conversations... but I don't want to lower the tone.

    Descent conversations. I knew this thread was going downhill.

    Perhaps we could have a descant discussion about cheap woodwind instruments.


    It might even get recorded.

  5. Reincarnation.

    Might it be an exclusive [members only] club?

    Yeah but it is just the same old social life

    Anything akin to a forum multi-nic?

    I was thinking - elitist night club called Reincarnation that reincarnates into the same thing over and over again ......

  6. I was blind drunk again and wearing the spectacles but i saw a man running around the boozer with a bottle of probably stuck up his arse , he was shouting "run around now " .

    Oh how we laughed .

    The four riders of the apocalypse got me home that night .

    I suppose that's a good reason to drink from a glass. Or keep a firm grip on your beer. It would be a shame to lose your bottle.


    Just today, I learned what this means..."wibble, wibble".

    I rather like it.


    Me too ! But I had to google google .

  7. I was blind drunk again and wearing the spectacles but i saw a man running around the boozer with a bottle of probably stuck up his arse , he was shouting "run around now " .

    Oh how we laughed .

    The four riders of the apocalypse got me home that night .

    That sounds like a pair of glasses too many to me. Maybe you'd be better drinking out of the bottle. or can. Either can.

    which brings us back to the topic of the thread...

    No wonder I woke up in the park, if the four riders were carrying you home...


    I wasn't fit for urinating on the public that night .

  8. Hi Onion.

    I use Kasikorn from here in Amman, I have changed the OTP method to a PIN 2 method. This requires you to have the OTP facility available once and then after that instead of using the OTP to confirm the transaction just use the 2nd PIN. It is a little less secure, but still OK as I do get emails of all transactions so would be aware of any wrong transactions.

    In fact I have just come off the phone from the bank as I had changed my PIN2 PWD on leaving Thailand last time and had forgotten it. (Therir new rules forced me to change)

    A few questions and a new password was set up by email.

    My big complaint is the restrictions Kasikorn place on the PIN2 PWD It has to be between 10 and 12 characters and no consecutive numbers (1,2,3) or letters (ABC) etc

    This makes the life of a hacker MUCH easier if writing a program to try all options.

    Ta Thaimait ,

    I believe it takes about 5 days to set up , so was looking at a roaming line .



    Set up is instant as long as you are on line with SMS ability. I did mine in BKK 15 minutes before going to the airport.

    Go to the main page, edit my profile, on the top right then change security settings on the left. It may also take a phone call to the bank I am not sure.

    By the way I use Skype to call them when I have a problem so that is easy too.

    Desert is OK, but also have had a recent invitation to apply for a position closer to home. Only problem is I am not keen on Curry but the money would be better

    Can you ask the "Fat Lady" to send me some beers?

    I will pop in to see the Bar Lord later .

    I did a bit of hoof work yer and it has transpired that my 1 2 call sim has a roaming facility that can be activated by calling 1175 .

    Onions .

  9. Hi Onion.

    I use Kasikorn from here in Amman, I have changed the OTP method to a PIN 2 method. This requires you to have the OTP facility available once and then after that instead of using the OTP to confirm the transaction just use the 2nd PIN. It is a little less secure, but still OK as I do get emails of all transactions so would be aware of any wrong transactions.

    In fact I have just come off the phone from the bank as I had changed my PIN2 PWD on leaving Thailand last time and had forgotten it. (Therir new rules forced me to change)

    A few questions and a new password was set up by email.

    My big complaint is the restrictions Kasikorn place on the PIN2 PWD It has to be between 10 and 12 characters and no consecutive numbers (1,2,3) or letters (ABC) etc

    This makes the life of a hacker MUCH easier if writing a program to try all options.

    Ta Thaimait ,

    I believe it takes about 5 days to set up , so was looking at a roaming line .

    How's the dessert treating you ? B)


  10. Hello ,

    I would like to know of a mobile phone company that can provide an international roaming service, that would enable me to recieve the "on the spot " password when using Kasikorn cyber banking . The bank sends them out by SMS . I am currently in a small town up country and have tried the TOT office to no avail . I will fly out of Thailand on Friday morning and I am pushed for time.

    Thank you in advance for any pointers .


  11. VF thanks for that, looks different than the screen I get. Inter net here is a bit hit and miss, use a dongle on a lead which sits atop of a big water bottle and still lucky if I can get a signal for more than a few minutes at a time. One day when I go to town will try to fix it up a bit. Don't suppose you live in Ubon. Jim

    Luke come any time bring the Misses and the dog if you want, but don't forget the beer. PM me if you are coming and I will meet you on the 2248, then guide you into the hinterlands. Don't come at night, your misses will have a fit if you bring her into bandit country in the dark. Jim PS stay the night, sure we can find you a bed to pass out in.

    Jim and all ,

    sorry it was mid 19th century .

    Jim al gie ye a bell for a swift visit and bring some books for your perusal , maybe tuesday if ok ... cos am away friday , work like .


  12. Hi Jim ,

    I found your first pages an interesting read and I look forward to your next post .


    Thanks Luke and sorry I missed you last week. Went to Det for the shopping and a dentist appointment, but the Dentist was runnibg 2 hours late. Catch you next time. Jim

    Nae bother Jim ,

    If your up again next week give me a holler or I might take a spin in my new banger down your way . I have a book that will interest you , following the steps of the late 18th century French explorers trying to navigate a route to the source of the Mekong . At one point they get a bit lost and end up in your bit of the woods .

    Happy writing .


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