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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. You have answerd your own question.Leave it to Thais.My replies are because im not very good at english,i left when a child.But i bow to all fortunate with a Secondry Modern English education.Plus i have a dislike of P.C. replies,that only try to show the posters superiority under the guise of a reply to the O.P.s question.And i dont creep around looking for suport from others.

    No not exactly I'm trying to make some conclusions - I have come to these by reading answers to my questions by OTHERS' posts.

    I might suggest that It is not so much your English that is poor, it is your ability to make a coherent post - this is down to your limited reasoning abilities and knowledge on the subject

    e.g. - what on earth do you now mean by referring to "PC"?

    Police Constable ? :rolleyes:

  2. After ten years in Thailand you haven't kicked the western (falang) food?

    After 12 yrs in LOS, I need my falang food fix even more. I can [and have] eaten a lifetime worth of curries and other Thai foods and have gone 'local' but now need bread [not sweet and white], pastas and potatoes and food cooked with international flavors.

    I think that is a common trend for expats that stay here and try to live 'local', but get tired of same same blasting hot chillies and loosing their taste buds.

    At home, I eat about 60% falang and 40% Thai.

    So, in Surin, can you find a decent whole wheat bread??........not the soft fake whole wheat that the superstores pass off as whole wheat??

    Our Makro in CM is now offering a wider choice of falang foods and makes several whole grain breads as well as other falang foods........what about Surin's Makro??

    I have a small bread maker machine . I buy whole wheat grain at 80 bhat a kilo from a shop in China town Ubon and I do a mix with bleached bread flour . If I run out of whole grain I get some dried basil and or mint flowers from one of the older bushes in the garden and add them to the mix . I use honey from the whisky bottle instead of sugar . Another easy one is drying out tomatoes ,In the dry season I just sprinkle with salt and some herbs and sit them in the sun , in a few days they are ready for storing in oil or bags . The joys of living in the country :) .

  3. is yoo havin white lightnin ur bucky , aye n weev goat that spanish pish el dora n aw

    My link

    The link was Devo singing "We're through being cool" .

    The erse is hingin oot ay ma shoes man.....its a bottle ay buckie or some new trainers for me.

    Being out of touch with such things what's a good pair that'll have the poor malnourished underclass wishin' they wis me?

    I am more bover boy and don't go for the trainy but I will hazard a guess that a fiver bag would close the deal .

    A friend of mine had his shoes stolen while possessed by the demon.


    That happened to me too , but luckily I was rescued by the four horsemen of the apocalypse . Punk's picnic Ayr beach 1987 (maybe).

  4. is yoo havin white lightnin ur bucky , aye n weev goat that spanish pish el dora n aw

    My link

    The link was Devo singing "We're through being cool" .

    The erse is hingin oot ay ma shoes man.....its a bottle ay buckie or some new trainers for me.

    Being out of touch with such things what's a good pair that'll have the poor malnourished underclass wishin' they wis me?

    I am more bover boy and don't go for the trainy but I will hazard a guess that a fiver bag would close the deal .

  5. The first place I saw the hello kitty thing was in Hong Kong in the early 90's . I was aware that it was a Japanese fad . They went for it big time . I guess when the kiddie and teenage market was slowing down they aimed at adults and I must say I had a bit of a chuckle at some of the women all dressed in pink with with the badges and all the accessories . So what happened in Thailand ? I guess some merchandisers saw the chance to make a killing selling cheap shiny rubbish . Who will have this crap forced down their throats next ?

  6. Hello ,

    another factor to take into consideration is noise from the pump , for example will the pump go off in the night ? We had a fair bit off bother from our neighbours over pump noise . In the end we built a dog house insulating the noise but we should have done that in the first place .

  7. Yeh , and anyway who needs an invite , if I had a hello kitty , tight jeans wearing , peace sign brandishing gal I would just climb up a drain pipe with her , give her a guided tour while the palace slept ,a plate of crackers and cheese with a glass of plastic fantastic from Le Royal panntry and then a wee chat about life in general by Betties bedside with the very pair of em .

    Smileing beguilling

  8. What about the other common hand pose , the L-shaped with the thumb and finger . I asked about that once and was told the shape is a photograph frame . Like I am framing a photo for you .

    Edit - It may mean something quite sinicster for all I know .

  9. "setting the bar a tad high" or whatsoever - basically the author of this thread is right, many, many, way too many are obsessed with infantile behavior, I am quite sure that this is a psychological barrier against all the shortcomings, specially females have to face in this society, so they build this "escape room" around them! But similar behavior is observed in the male counterpart here many are highly immature, education maybe, or just a general cultural default setting to get along without much friction?

    Are you talking about Adbrats getting along with kidults ? Gawd have you never heard the old adage " birds of a feather flock together " ?

    I would say that young Prince Andrew displayed these immature behaviours and the old Queen kept mum about it so maybe we could lower the bar a bit .

    I will give you this - "Escape Shack" is a good name for a bar , it could have a dress code too .

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