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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Hello ,

    How does it work . Is it just a mechanical pump where you use the force of the wind to turn a wheel that then open and close a cylinder ? There are plenty of hand pumps around that perhaps could be modified to be powered . Sounds like an idea for part of the year with maybe some agricultural aplications .

    Good luck in finding the gear .


  2. Hello ,

    Day in and all through the night folks whinge about Thailand . What has been the best whinge so far posted on these hallowed boards ?

    One that I found memorable was from a poster who I would like to misquote as saying ;

    " LOS (land of smiles) !! huh , it is more like LOMG (land of malicious grimaces) "

    Oh how I laughed ( maliciousley)

  3. They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

    I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

    Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

    I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

    Which is why I always brush my teeth and wash my clothes after eating dog.

    Dogs see ghosts . I ate dog once on Chedju Island , it tasted like the way a dog smells after it has had a good run around on some grass in the rain . I became aware of dogs looking at me diffrently after that , they would cock their heads over to the side and look at me inquisitively with their tongues hanging out ,often panting . I have since sworn never to eat em again , unless of course I am starving .

    Now back to Kenny999's question , maybe those howling dogs can somehow forsee what Kenny is going to write next on his threads .

    There is a hound on the loose I deduece .

    Happy Mid Autumn Festival to one and all .

  4. They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

    I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

    Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

    I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

  5. Op looks like no one came up with a car rental place in Det. I have to say I don't know of any, but I would suggest that you rent a car and driver at the Ubon airport. As you leave the luggage area turn left, you will see them there. Think about 1000 Baht will get you to the village.

    Sure when you are there, there will be an uncle or cousin with the standard big silver twin cab pickup, who will be more than willing to rent it to you for 1000 Baht a day and he will probably be happy to do the driving as well. Jim

    The taxi rate from the airport , same desk as hire cars , goes something like 100 bhat per 10 km . I usually pay 700 bhat and a 100 bhat tip for the driver . We are 10 km south of Det Udom . They can also collect you early morn when yo are heading back up to the airport . The drivers are in my experience not at all bad .

  6. In my young day the auld fellas had to remember things for themselves. Used to spend days arguing how a given tune went.

    Old folks nowadays - its too easy for them; five minutes on youtube, and there you are, back with the Bay City Rollers, or George Formby or Wham or whatever it is you people hark back to nowadays. No wonder people are so forgetful, can never remember an appointment, or what was in their election manifesto.

    No wonder this country's going to the dogs. Thank goodness there's still some people in our country who want to work!



    I fear that the last couple of generations can't make a move [or thought] without the dependency of outside stimulation.

    Perhaps a reflection of things to come.

    Hold on Z , I will have to twitter that before I can give an opinion .

  7. If you are flying AA from Suvarnapoom early in the morning expect chaos, as they usually have one desk open for Denpaksar and the passengers for all other flights are left to guess what desk will open next . The crowd just mills around forming and reforming lines hoping to end up somewhere near the front at opening time .

  8. Howdy ,

    I would advise you to check with your local GP and bring your daughters immunisation record just in case .

    I moved to Issan when my son was not yet three and he has picked up plenty of bugs since then and has had a rabies course after getting bitten by a dog . Ubon has a good public hospital and the Det Udom hospital is useful if your child gets a fever and so on .

    You would be better off hiring your car from Ubon and driving down the 50 odd kilometers to Det .

    There is a nice resort with pool called Montilla in Det and a fat lady that sells cold beer outside Tesco .

    Enjoy your stay


  9. Happened to me in Tesco Lotus, first time it happened I just stood there looking confused with my hand out. Second time, my wife paid and I took the change.

    I think they see us as strange creatures and prefer to deal with their Thai sisters.

    I does smack of the 'does he take sugar' syndrome though.

    I probably added to that by standing there looking confused with my hand out :)

    I often get funny looks in Tesco, being led around on a bit of string by Mrs Onions .

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