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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. I knew this other guy, who after joining the SWP would always be saying " So what's the general consesus then ?" , and I used to say "Fish supers ? "or " "Pints of heavy? " .

    And then there was always "Shirley ! Don't call me Shirley ."


  2. I heard of a band of gitanes roaming around Issan with elephants and fiddles on another thread .

    what the hell u r going on about ? i think you have found your person that can supply french cigs !

    If I really needed an acrid smoke I could go to the park and collect douts and save em in an old backy tin for to be rolled up .

    Sigh :rolleyes:

    A child hood memory .

  3. This is quite interesting. So, someone like Amy Winehouse (a Jew) should never be properly called "the English songstress Amy Winehouse" because she didn't have a drop of English blood in her? Or is it OK because she was white?

    How about mixed blood people, like some of your half-breed kids?

    I think a certain Mr. Hitler had expressed some thoughts in regard to purity of bloodlines...

    I thought Amy was at least half horse .

  4. Will you have to evict anyone ? Will anybody suffer and will you deprive anyone from scratching out a living by selling up . If that is so I would suggest you take a backseat incase you are percieved as being the land grabber .

  5. Righty O than, this is what you need to do.

    First, go to your local quack or hospital for a medical.

    You open your mouth, say; RRRR, breath in and out and that's it. About 80 baht to 100 baht.

    Next download from the Internet an Application Form For Residency In Thailand application. (See sample below). Do a Google search to find. Complete the form on your computer and print out.

    Visit Immigration and obtain a residency certificate. You will need your completed Application Form For Residency In Thailand application, a photo, your passport and photocopies of your passport pages.

    No need to take a ticket for waiting when you arrive at Immigration, just tell the guy you want a residency certificate for a driving license. Hand over your paperwork to the officer and he will process everything for you.

    Once completed, you pay 500 baht that goes straight into the officer's pocket. So do not expect to receive a receipt. This is why you get treated like a VIP and do not have to queue up with the rest of the peasants, because it`s cash in hand for them. Still much cheaper than purchasing a certificate from the consulate.

    After that, go to any driving license centre of your choice in Chiang Mai.

    First the nice lady will take your mug shot for the driving license. No need to take a photo yourself.

    Next the eye tests. A big box with 2 small rods that move in opposite directions. You press a button when you think they are aligned. Then the color blindness test, a wall chart with dotted numbers in different colors.

    Next, you watch a video. Sorry nothing X rated, the theme is the Thai highway codes. Don`t worry, they have an English version. Warning: try not to fall into a frenzy of side splitting laugher when viewing the video. That for me was the most difficult task.

    Then you have to answer some questions as to what you saw in the video, after that if you pass all the tests, you will receive your driving license and then you're done.

    Cant remember how much for the license fees, wasn't too expensive.

    You will require separate driving licenses for a motorbike and car, but only require 1 residency certificate, whether it`s for 1 or 2 driving licenses.

    Sometimes the test examiner lets you off of watching the video or answering questions about the video. Depends on his mood at the time. So make sure you keep smiling and he likes you.

    Hang Dong is the best test centre to visit. They are more geared up for farangs and do not seem so stringent about the tests.

    Good luck and hope all goes well on the day.

    In Ubon , Det Udom I got this paper you are showing but the liscencing place would not accept it so I had to go back to the immigration office 70 kms and get the other paper with my photo on it then I was given the 1st year liscense .

  6. I heard of a band of gitanes roaming around Issan with elephants and fiddles on another thread .

    what the hell u r going on about ? i think you have found your person that can supply french cigs !

    If I really needed an acrid smoke I could go to the park and collect douts and save em in an old backy tin for to be rolled up .

  7. Facebook and their add-on apps like are you interested.

    I'll give you a tip. Post a honest picture of yourself. No photoshop or scanned photos from the nineteen seventies or any of that old tomfoolery. If a woman accepts your friend request she is vaguely interested, if you exchange more than say twenty messages it is acceptable to suggest a date.

    Good luck!

    Gee... guess what nationality I've found there sofar.

    C'mon, just go to search and type in a farang name, location Bangkok or whatever...Bingo...

    Yeh but bingo gets tiresome after a bit ,"two fat ladies ,click click click " and all that .

  8. How dismal was it, eh? The good old days - second hand furniture, getting dressed huddled up against the storage heater, falling on your arse on the ice at the turn at the foot of the road every morning on the way to the paper shop... Thank heavens my bairns don't have to go through that. Still, I suppose I should be grateful - it made me the man I am now.

    The Grifter was the best of a bad bunch - I reckon that series killed Raleigh; the tomahawk was absolutely dreadful, the Chopper little better.


    I was blessed . My paw pulled a frame out of a skip and built me a bike with wheels from Dales on Maryhill road and other bits and so on , it was a front brake only job and had cowhorn handlebars to look like a grifter . It was red and ready in time for my cycling profficiency test where the polis commented that it was a cracker even though it only had one break . It was so good and unusual looking I was always getting chased about by bams who wanted to steal it . Those grifters and choppers just couldn't keep up the pace .

    Edit ; I still buy second hand furniture . It is a family tradition or written in an old charter somewhere .

    My dear old dad painted up my brother's old bike, I think, and then I inherited his five-speed which was built by a bloke in Musselburgh, I think. I sold it for fiver to the Polish fella that had the bike shop in my town.

    I paid 120 for my new bike when I was thirteen or fourteen; it was pretty ordinary. I paid 120 quid for a new bike when I was nearly thirty; it was exceptionally ordinary. That's inflation and Chinese manufacture for you. I bought a bike factory near the Greyhound Roundabout (not the whole factory, just shares in it) and they plummeted. Anyway, I left it (the second bike) by the skip in HK after shipping it to Singapore and then HK and still not getting round to putting the pedals on it. I only paid about sixty quid for my next bike, when I was about forty, and it was very ordinary too - also new from a reputable manufacturer, though; I should've haggled but it really didn't seem worth it. I can't recall but I think I left it at the side of the road along with my vinyl (clearing out the wreckage of the past).


    I still have a wreck rusting away on Yung Shue Wan pier (sigh) but I managed to keep my vinyl . Although I don't play it loud at my sister these days me and my boy occasionally do the dying fly to the bannana splits song on the veranda .

  9. How dismal was it, eh? The good old days - second hand furniture, getting dressed huddled up against the storage heater, falling on your arse on the ice at the turn at the foot of the road every morning on the way to the paper shop... Thank heavens my bairns don't have to go through that. Still, I suppose I should be grateful - it made me the man I am now.

    The Grifter was the best of a bad bunch - I reckon that series killed Raleigh; the tomahawk was absolutely dreadful, the Chopper little better.


    I was blessed . My paw pulled a frame out of a skip and built me a bike with wheels from Dales on Maryhill road and other bits and so on , it was a front brake only job and had cowhorn handlebars to look like a grifter . It was red and ready in time for my cycling profficiency test where the polis commented that it was a cracker even though it only had one break . It was so good and unusual looking I was always getting chased about by bams who wanted to steal it . Those grifters and choppers just couldn't keep up the pace .

    Edit ; I still buy second hand furniture . It is a family tradition or written in an old charter somewhere .

  10. So little time.


    That only partially describes this thread. There's other words like: Stupid, BS, Misguided, etc. However, I would agree, once more, that stereotyping does save time.

    "The most urgent misconception to dispel is that beautiful ladies are women."

    Good point. I was told that if they're too beautiful, they're Lady-Boys.

    "Another Stick Flame.."

    Here's another one. Stickman should try sticking his head up his arse, and see if it fits.

    "Anyone is only one step away from prostitution;..."

    My wish is to be reincarnated as a beautiful Thai woman (or Lady-Boy for that matter).

    How Long is a Chinaman.

    "They only come up to your knees"

  11. What have the Romans ever done for us?

    Good question Monty,

    apart from the the Great North Road, now called the A1, and some fancy plumbing for the era,at Bath.

    Basically,sweet F***A**

    But i'm sure some history nut will Crucify me for saying that,

    oh dam_n! didn't they do that as well?

    They kept the marauding Northern tribes out of good old England !! Although it wasn't called England then . What it will be called in 1500 years is anybody's guess . EDLland ?

  12. I need an abacus to work out my score .

    The Stylophone and "Do you know what it is yet kids ?"

    2000AD comic .

    The Dickies .

    High waisters .

    Power cuts and coal fires in a smoke free zone .

    MZ motorbikes .

    Aaahhh nostalgia for an age to come .

  13. I heard of a band of gitanes roaming around Issan with elephants and fiddles on another thread .

    Well I suppose that if you have nothing whatsoever to say about French cigs then fiddling with elephants could pass the time for a moment or two . . . :whistling:


    smoke em if ya got em :wai:

  14. No it's not unusual at all. In fact, I was murdered only this morning. That's the third time this week, it's getting boring now!

    Only three times, huh?

    A few weeks back I was shot, stabbed, slaughtered and poisoned in the space of just 5 days.

    Were you asking for it ? :header:

  15. (What is the feminine of flautist?)

    A flautista :rolleyes:

    Not to forget the bonnie lass on mandolette accompanied by a raven haired milk white celtic maiden on spoonsistas .


    They don't have any of that round here though .:crying:

    If you give me directions, I can send them up if they are in tonight...


    It's the second on the right past the wooden house on stilts , we can folk out with the local piper !! Whisky and pipes.

  16. (What is the feminine of flautist?)

    A flautista :rolleyes:

    Not to forget the bonnie lass on mandolette accompanied by a raven haired milk white celtic maiden on spoonsistas .


    They don't have any of that round here though .:crying:

  17. I bought four LP's in Hong Kong the other day from a junk shop. The first one was " The king's music" with his own compositions , an early recording . The other three are Thai classics played by a big band with male and female vocalists . The sound is so warm . I can't read Thai at all so I will have to wait to get more info but I would guess late 1950's . Four fab records with beautiful covers . The funny thing is though I have never seen any oldie LP's in Thailand as yet .

    I need that 15 ft of music . :rolleyes:

    High Tech Digital devices, with 7.1 surround sound etc. are wonderful (I have one) , but listening to an actual LP record on a good quality player, with a good sound system, just has some quality in it, that modern electronics can never match or copy. It's not something that can easily be described, but once heard, can not be forgotten, nor matched with high tech. That's probably why so many top artists still use the old analogue/tube amps and systems today. It must be a combination of things that make it so good. Like a good guitar for example. You can buy the latest high-end electric guitar, but it can never match an old Gibson for sound. The best guitar in the world, still can't make up for lack of talent though. That's still the bottom line.B)

    Mind you, the prices being asked for old LP records and such, are beyond belief these days. If only in my "stupid youth" we had not tossed them up in the air to be used for target practice, I would be sitting on a fortune today.:(

    Warms the cockles of my heart to read the two posts above.

    The depth, texture and layers of sound coming from the speakers has to be heard to be appreciated.

    I liken it to drinking an 18 year old single malt as opposed to SangSom and coke, or to watching your hi def tv when you can only see 20% of the screen.

    Pity my vinyl is 6,000 miles away and would cost a fortune to ship here.

    To the poster above who mentioned Gibsons, can never understand why Clapton swapped over to a Fender, nothing beats a Gibson coming out a Marshall amp, listen to his playing with Cream and the Dominos, after that his songwriting and tone went to shit.

    The other records I got that day were Johny Cash - Cash takes the blue train - on Sun Records no less , a Bob Dylan thingy from 1972 , and a square dance record by the "Bushwhackers" . The Cah record is brill , just him with an acoustic and another fella doing lead licks and percussion on an electric guitar .

    I have had a few guitar amps over the years and now play through a valve ,Peavey Delta Blues , It can make any old box rock .

    As the say " The future is mono" .

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