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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Our ambassador is not one of your hacks to be manipulated. All sides must and should be consulted and a full investigation conducted to understand why Thailand would abandon its attempts at democracy in exchange for military dictatorship. It may be surprising to the military leaders but the US has seen this situation before just 90 miles off our shores and again, surprisingly, it is the dictatorship that is usually causing the oppression. We also know dictators lie so yes all sides should have an opportunity to express their side of the story because that's what we do in a real democracy!

  2. This doesn't happen to everyone and there are good Thai women. Getting out of Thailand is a good idea though. I'm ten years in and all is good living in the U.S. My wife has learned many things about the value of money and work. She's also one of the most honest and honorable people I have ever known. We have many Thai-American couples as friends here and most are very normal and happy. Not a fat or bald guy among them! That's a myth perpetuated by western women so they don't need to face rejection head on.

  3. Not sure what kind of women you guys are hooking up with. After 10 years of marriage to my Thai wife I simply cannot relate. There's a whole world of ladies out there you are missing. Seriously! Why hookers? Do you guys know that most Thai women are not in fact hookers? You are extrapolating from a pretty narrow and skewed sample if you are going to put all Thai women in that bucket! You need to clean up and hang out at some nicer places!

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