Twenty or so years ago, my friend built a huge house in a tiny village in KK province. Pool, a small house for his wife's mother, large grounds, the works. It now lies apparently abandoned after he, his wife and son moved to UK for the lad's education. They are very unlikely to come back to Thailand as a complete family. It seems he's too sick for that now, too skint (even before he left, he had trouble meeting financials for an extension of stay) and the family seem very happy in the new home. In that location, it seems totally unsaleable except very cheaply as a demolition project and a return to the rice paddy that surrounds it. The house was always FAR too big for the 3 of them - I think it was a vanity project in the days when he had plenty of money, built without serious thought to what they really needed.
I agree with hotsun's comment - I'd feel really uncomfortable in that situation