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Everything posted by MartinL

  1. Topics and comments on the right - can see both Forum and Topics in a single glance, effectively read both at the same time. Topics and comments on the left - terrible. Have to keep changing area of vision. A small problem on the surface but an annoying one nonetheless. It was fine before the change, why alter?
  2. Right at the bottom of the picture, it looks like impact has ripped the top yoke away from the steering head. FFS, he must have been doing Stupid mph to do that!! The forks aren't at that angle to the frame because they're bent!
  3. Was he resurrected overnight?
  4. You can see the red hub with spokes broken off still between the fork stanchions and a bit of the rim in the road. He must have hit whatever at quite a speed to smash the wheel like that.
  5. From this, I'd understand I can submit 90-Day, say, 18 days before due date and 10 days after due date but not within the 15 day and 7 day period either side of due date. Maybe they should get a NES proof reader who'd correct it to something like " ... 15 days before or 7 days after ...". Anyway, this seems to relate to in-person reports not online. This says that I can submit online between 15 and 8 days before due date. This is much clearer. But just looking at the online application form, it definitely says:- I've always understood the online window to be 15 days before until due date and I always try to submit 2 days before due date and never had a problem. Maybe things will change next time, around 4th. December, and I should be prepared for a rejection and a visit to IO.
  6. Why didn't I complete it????? Not me pal, some other bloke, if you read my posts. I was in another town at the time. IOs make a number of suggestions when it suits them, IME, but equally don't help if they're not in the mood. Part of their remit should be to provide assistance where necessary but good luck with that.
  7. Of course and the IO could have suggested that to him, perhaps done it there and then, but didn't.
  8. I set-up a friend's 90-Day online account recently. The account was operational and we entered details for his first online application. He'd been doing in-person 90-Day reports for many years. Name and address (street, tambon, amphur etc.), arrival date and extension renewal date were all as in passport and his yellow book. Presumably the yellow book address was the same as the blue book address it was tied to - I didn't see the blue book. Application was rejected. He said he'd registered the address at the immigration office, many years ago, in the name of his village rather than the official tambon so we tried village name rather than tambon. Village name wasn't recognised by the online form so couldn't be entered. I then suggested he do his 90-Day at the IO and, at the same time, ask for the address to be corrected to show tambon rather than village as in yellow book. The IO couldn't/wouldn't make the change for some reason. Immigration office didn't seem at all helpful.
  9. This might also be useful. https://www.gov.uk/tax-uk-income-live-abroad/personal-allowance
  10. A Thai national living in Thailand is entitled to the £12,570 tax free allowance available to UK citizens. 0% tax on that amount then 20% up to about £50 k. There's some paperwork involved - isn't there always!! - but probably worth it if her inherited pension is a reasonable amount. https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/residence-domicile-and-remittance-basis/rdrm10340 (about halfway down the page)
  11. A guess; Vehicle parked on the hard shoulder. Trailer truck in the left lane pulls out to give clearance to pass it, suddenly, without signalling and without looking as they so often seem to do. Unfortunately, the flour truck was pretty much alongside him, had nowhere to go so collided and overturned.
  12. Don't know what happened but the quiz vanished after 24 secs. and couldn't restart. As I've said before re. these quizzes, in a time-limited situation, having to scroll down the page every time to view the question is a pain. Can't all the necessary bits be fitted into a single screen view?
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 24 seconds  
  14. I'm so disappointed. I thought this might finally be revealing the ugly truth about Bob Smith 😞 .
  15. They might occasionally look in their mirrors but for a long time I've been convinced that many don't understand what they see in them.
  16. Anticlockwise heading sort-of northeast, at the junction highlighted towards the right-hand side of the picture attached. They seemed to be coming from northbound Highway 2. Wrong direction?
  17. I saw 11 of 'em on transporters in Khon Kaen about a week ago on the ring road.
  18. I can't help but see all this as a real-life prequel to the film "Children of Men", without the human fertility issues.
  19. If that was true, it'd encourage me to visit Thailand. But I'm already here so lack of coverage suits me fine.
  20. Wasted a few seconds on each question scrolling down the page to get from progress bar to the actual question. I suppose I could reduce the zoom level of the page but ... How about put question first, progress bar below so that the question is the first thing you see. I usually do well at science/natural history/ geography type quizzes but don't even attempt sports or arts orientated ones.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 63 seconds  
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 61 seconds  
  23. Now it's all over, did anybody receive their postal vote papers, complete them and get them back to the local Electoral Office in time, as shown by PO tacking, for your vote to be included?
  24. Do you know, Mike, if that mean I can go to my bank and ask for an FET for ANY transfer into Thailand at any time in the past (maybe within reasonable time limits)? Or must it be obtained at the time of transfer?
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