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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Husband has become too ugly and can only have sex when using Viagra?
  2. Got something to do with morals but sadly not everyone gets that.
  3. You ordered a Thai pint, not an English one. Why are you comparing Thai pints with English pint glasses?
  4. Quite a few of these holidays are only for Government workers..
  5. Most companies also have very limited paid holidays.
  6. It isn't that clear cut: Thailand Divorce| Thailand Divorce Lawyer| Thai Divorce Law (thailand-family-law-center.com)
  7. Does your wife have any income, so the bank would give her a loan? If not, it is very likely the bank wants you to cosign for the loan.
  8. Choose accommodation somewhere where you don't have to travel much or take shorter holidays, so you can afford to travel.
  9. Don't make other people your victim by following them in the toilet and accost them by moaning about their wife.
  10. That depends how old the other person is. Other things come in the equation too. Try it with my daughter and you won't be able to tell your friends about it.
  11. Don't get involved with sexual activities with girls who could be you daughter or grandchild. Nothing to worry about then.
  12. I know my wife and family for a long time, got enough money to have a good live even if I get over 100 years (not very likely with the life I lived), so no need for that in my case.
  13. There are a lot of idiots around, many years back an Italian tourist walked into a police station in the Amsterdam Red light and asked them to test his coke he just bought from a street dealer.
  14. You would be amazed, how many drunk foreigners make problems with the girls in the Red light area of Amsterdam.
  15. Your fulfilled life is drooling while looking at girls at least halve your age in a GoGo?
  16. BS, that you can't climb the social ladder doesn't mean others don't. There are a lot of foreign people who have a lot of power and are well respected.
  17. Was a part time bouncer in Amsterdam red light for 9 months, done 11 years of martial arts and 6 years of front row rugby union. Had about 100 physical arguments, lost 3, ended up in hospital once with a couple of metal plates in my forehead as somebody hit me with a brick unexpectedly. Was very lucky not to die then.
  18. Another not so bright reply from you. I am building a legacy for my kids, so they don't ever have to worry about money. I don't need to own anything, got loads of money and it will go to my kids when I die anyway. My Thai family respects me for many years already as I had 3 arguments with different members before and they don't want to start another one. Understand that might sound very strange to you. Nobody takes something from me if I don't want it to happen, I am not someone who runs away from problems, I actually like them.
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