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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Sure 203 thb per day, you will have a wonderful life.
  2. He is an illegal, doesn't matter if he spends money. Works like this in any country.
  3. How would a government office know that you are disabled, would need some prove from a doctor first i would think.
  4. What a load of BS, self-inflicted wounds.
  5. Maybe because there is hardly anything to do in those villages, no decent shops or restaurants.
  6. Hello Talha I am a manager at an IT company in Bangkok, give me a PM and we can talk further.
  7. So you couldn't afford to live in Thailand.
  8. 30K a month sounds too much.
  9. Yes, all non-indigenous people out of the USA.
  10. Crap experience results in crap salary.
  11. She should have read it to the kids when they couldn't sleep.
  12. Looks like it.
  13. "The agency uncovered disturbing videos of Mr. Luke abusing the child on social media" Does that look like not guilty to you?
  14. No time to look they are on the piss.
  15. Have a read: Homosexuality may be caused by chemical modifications to DNA | Science | AAAS
  16. Which is what you do already.
  17. You will when somebody is quoting me, rofl. So still no links to support your homophobic statements.
  18. They should but sadly there are loads of stupid parents. Ones sexuality can't be taught, you are, or you aren't. It can only be oppressed by idiots.
  19. Then there are quite a few gay people who have kids in a "normal" marriage but are still in the closet because of the homophobic behavior of people.
  20. A young dog, just like a young child need to be taught what is right and wrong. As you adopted them, that is your task. Read some information on the internet if you don't know how to do it.
  21. You don't have to work for me, you wouldn't pass the selection process to start with. Just clarify your homophobic statements.
  22. So, show your research instead of sprouting nonsense.
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