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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Get a marriage visa in Laos as mentioned before, this buys you a lot of time. Tell the wife if she doesn't play ball, she will lose a lot of money in the business too.
  2. Another blow for Trump: US court lifts hold on classified records in Donald Trump investigation (msn.com)
  3. Trump and his children will loose all their assets and do some jail time, will never be able to lend money or get insurance.
  4. Dengue is not the same as Malaria, 2 completely different things: Know The Difference Between Malaria and Dengue | Medanta
  5. The problem is that as a 58 year old he still can't take care of himself. Needs to "borrow" money to buy consent of the girls parents, the sinsot, the wedding party. Then getting a couple of kids which he can't provide for too. Your GF and her sisters need to tell him he won't get any money and find a job or other business. Funny that he does have money to get drunk though.
  6. Know Your Customer, financial institutions need to know that their customer is who they say they are in order to battle fraud / money laundering.
  7. the 7 days, you need to leave stamp will cost you 1900 thb and will consume more time than to pay the 1000 thb overstay.
  8. What sort of doctor concluded that? How much did he smoke for how long? Where did he buy his cannabis? Did the doctor say in what percentage of users this happens?
  9. Swim shirts don't breath at all. You need shirts which let some air though.
  10. Your IT person, isn't as smart as he wants you to believe. You can upload the different files in parts or even file by file. When you have an lousy connection only an idiot would try to do the whole bunch in 1 go.
  11. Why not, there are girls working behind the window in Amsterdam having 10 customers on a daily basis.
  12. Last review on Tripadvisor is more than 2 years old
  13. Good post but what happened with the money the 1000 visitors brought?
  14. Like many others already said, if you tell the reception your problem, they will send you to a specialist. If you know what sort of doctor you need to see, you book one online.
  15. "before some monger gets his greasy hands on her and ruins her." You changed your mind quickly.
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