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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Welcome to Thailand, just arrived?
  2. 1) verbal is NOT enough 2) the documents are for the National archive and not his to take, there is a process to do these things. 3) stop making up stuff to defend this moron, his own staff say it is ridiculous.
  3. Some world leaders: 19 World Leaders Who Have Tattoos (ranker.com)
  4. Sukhumvit road runs all the way to Cambodia
  5. Yes, seen that one in the mid 80's
  6. I am not left. Documents weren't his to take they belong to the National Archive.
  7. The top man of the FBI is a REPUBLICAN been chosen by TRUMP. When the majority of the voters thinks otherwise they are stupid.
  8. Stealing top secret information is a disgrace. You defending the thief is a disgrace.
  9. Nobody will pay enough money to clear all debts
  10. Didn't work for me, can't remember the dose as it was ages ago.
  11. It was swimming in a National Park where you are not allowed to fish.
  12. What background / education do you have that makes you a good teacher?
  13. Get a grip he is convicted for ripping off charities: Judge Fines Trump $2 Million for Misusing Charity Foundation | Snopes.com
  14. He feels like this: https://www.facebook.com/memories/?source=promotion_feed_story&story_id=703207316362156&qp_h=AZIu63j1s6zFNSZyWI8 He is delusional like most of his followers.
  15. Head of FBI is a Republican put there by Trump himself, anymore intelligent comments?
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