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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. No fee no win, yes as they won't work for you without getting paid ergo you can't win. No win no fee, no lawyers here want to get paid first.
  2. Income is from work, you giving her money is not seen as income. They correctly see her as unemployed and want to see the savings. A land title is not seen as a link tied to the country, things like a job, a study are. That she will return with you when you need to be back for a job is. Then again, her reason to visit is to see your family. Maybe put more emphasis on the fact that you will be traveling together.
  3. If they already refused delivery what use will it be to contact the hotel? Contact the sender /Aliexpress
  4. If you bothered to read or could remember, i said bring cash.
  5. And the internal audit company and tax department in the home country would be happy with that too?
  6. There where years ago, don't think they have a restaurant license. Thought they where <deleted> anyhow.
  7. Yes, bought 2 different brands of Amoxicillin 500 mg. at a local pharmacy this month. First brand 20 pills for 80 thb, second one 20 pills for 50 thb.
  8. Like the previous poster said: 1) where you legally married at a registry office or did you do a wedding at a monk. Registry office: you have shared custody of the kids. To nullify the marriage, you need a registered divorce with a settlement about custody of kids and sharing of the goods. She is not allowed to remarry without it. Wedding at a monk: you don't have automatic custody, this needs to be sorted at family court. If you have the kids with you in France with her permission and she is remarried, why would she need any money from you? She is not your friend but a gold digger.
  9. The work permit needs to be cancelled and your extension of stay based on working ends when your contract is finished. Why do you still have a book and not a digital work permit?
  10. They already discontinued it, somebody higher probably didn't like the idea.
  11. Because they need to buy an ATM, arrange a network to let the ATM talk to your local bank, get money transferred and hand over that money. Why should they do that for free? If you are to stingy, take cash from your own bank account and go to a money changer. Stop the scam BS, it isn't true because some idiots on a website say so.
  12. No, i am correcting people who think everything is a scam just because they don't like the excising rules.
  13. The rate has been in place for a very long time and advertised, so how is it a scam? They want rich tourists who don't moan about a couple of hundred THB.
  14. A contract is a contract and can't be changed one sided. With problems tell them that you will ask the Labor department for help. If this doesn't help, do go there.
  15. It will be in the PDPA law, which will be effective after a 2 year delay. It concerns the protection of personal data of individuals. I haven't looked at the penalties but the ones in Europe with GDPR, which is comparable, are massive.
  16. Probably that you need to pay for a chair and table when you want to use them on the beach (like everywhere else)
  17. So where is your solution? Create an excel like here: Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy) Portfolio Tracker (saylortracker.com)
  18. If i would take a dog again (which i can't at the moment because i couldn't give him/her the care/time they needed), i wouldn't blame other people for my lack of involvement.
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