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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Consultant is just a job title. If they would like to argue that you are a freelancer, they wouldn't pay you a salery but you would send them invoices from your company. Like you said go to the Labour Office and they won't have a chance in court at all. If they have any sense they will pay you without having to go to court as they risk a hefty fine,
  2. You are bribing an official. That somebody else is handing over the money and does the talking doesn't clear you from breaking the law. Thought it was against forum rules to discus these things btw.
  3. I don't care if it is getting less safe. I go where i want to go, can take care of myself.
  4. I doubt that, with the OCR code in your passport there are Apps that are able to check several databases including the Police one. Would be surprised if UK immigration doesn't use it.
  5. I live and work legally in Thailand, speak Thai (and 4 other languages). Have a wife who owns a couple of businesses. We have discussions and decide things together.
  6. Ultimatum, great idea for a good relationship.
  7. You really need to ask? If you like the price you buy, if not you don't.
  8. Looks very nice, the dental fee part doesn't give much away though.
  9. Think the first part is not allowed to do by somebody who rents a house, better to do the latter.
  10. Not scammed, you pay more in a trendy salon (250 thb is fairly cheap for one) then at a cheap barber. Have a look what people pay in the West in a trendy salon. It takes so long as they want to give you "value" for money.
  11. There are bombs being dropped on a daily basis in many more countries
  12. Every day: The US has dropped 326,000 bombs on people in other countries since 2001, Most Recently in Syria (juancole.com) Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It - Truthdig Trump and Biden's secret bombing wars: One thing that hasn't changed | Salon.com Opinion | Trump & Biden’s Secret Bombing Wars | Medea Benjamin (commondreams.org)
  13. As long there is no one from the USA or Western European countries are involved.
  14. Have a look here for the requirements: E-Visa Categories, Fee and Required Documents - สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงเฮก (thaiembassy.org)
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