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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Based on he is a murder suspect, they can keep you in jail for a while to question you.
  2. Sue her for adultery: Adultery in Thailand - Mike Green (mikeinvestigation.com) Family and Marriage Law in Thailand for Foreigners | Thai Family and Marriage Law (thailandlawonline.com)
  3. You could ask to see his ID.
  4. So you want me to go through 3-4 years of publications for you? Not going to happen.
  5. Here is the Royal Gazette: ราชกิจจานุเบกษา (soc.go.th)
  6. Fly to KL and come back the same day, did it with the same plane once.
  7. Most people graduating from Mahidol are way smarter than the average poster here.
  8. Or they could ask the Thai police to detain him here for a while as he is a murder suspect. Maybe his memory improves after a year or so.
  9. So the son believed the lies of his father.
  10. He does, as she was murdered and he never declared her missing.
  11. Have a look here: Bim coordinator jobs - Feb 2023 | JobsDB
  12. Any ideas? Yes, better to use less !!!! ??? and normal use of capitals.
  13. Never noticed that most people in the north are at least for a part from Chinese decent?
  14. They would think that if you don't tip.
  15. 1 death = headline on world news Sure
  16. Ever heard of defamation laws in Thailand? You could go to prison for this.
  17. Show me the facts then, you mentioning it in a post doesn't make it a fact.
  18. Absolute BS, no hospital here will give you that.
  19. "I just remember all of the quotes from various government officials and Big Pharma experts that "if you get the shots you won't get Covid."" They never said that, the effects will be less. Incredible that you still don't know that after so many years. You consider to be safe, are you a doctor?
  20. I am not jumping to conclusions, i have heard it from somebody who knows both people.
  21. Sure the man can be trusted while he send so much money to a woman while he was with somebody else which he never told her.
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